A little script to wrangle CHIME/FRB author lists
Here is a Google Sheets template you can use for authors to sign up: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AJSt2wNmhyU-DhWLPmaiFRoPkTuKINc68Ij4x937EKg/edit
When you are ready, open each of the two sheets (Authors and Affiliations), and go to File->Download->Tab Separated Values and save the two TSV files.
Then run
python3 authors.py authors.tsv affils.tsv > auth.tex
For a demo of what it will look like, run
pdflatex apj
pdflatex apj
In Overleaf or wherever you are writing your paper, it is usually easiest to include the auth.tex
file (using \input{auth.tex}
); see the example apj.tex
file for a usage example.
Usually we end up reorganizing the acknowledgments by hand, to put institutional ones first, followed by alphabetical individual acknowledgments.