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CCgen.v2 (Covert Channel generator)

  • ... 2020, FM
  • Nov 2021, FIV
  • May 2023, KM

CCgen.v2 is the refactorized version of CCgen.v1 refined and developed by Kaspar Meusburger.


If you use CCgen for your research, plese refer to our paper in:

Félix Iglesias, Fares Meghdouri, Robert Annessi, Tanja Zseby, "CCgen: Injecting Covert Channels into Network Traffic", Security and Communication Networks, vol. 2022, Article ID 2254959, 11 pages, 2022.


CCgen.v2 is a tool for creating, transmitting, and retrieving covert channels into TCP/IP features and packets.

CCgen.v2 has two operation modi: (a) online, in which covert channels are generated on-the-fly and transmitted to an aimed destination address, and (b) offline, in which covert channels are injected into existing flows of pcap captures. It also shows two operation roles: (1) injector, which creates and/or injects a covert channel, and (2) extractor, which receives and/or discloses a covert channel.

CCgen.v2 (Link: is a new version of CCgen.v1 (Link: and comes with following improvements and features:

  • Improvements:

    • No use of mapping files anymore -> replaced by mathematic formula.
    • No use of text-based configurations -> replaced by GUI with strong validation model.
    • Included wrapper functionality which replaces ccgen_wrapper_*.py.
  • Features:

    • Implementation of database to switch between different techniques and modes.
    • Implementation of wrapper to inject and extract covert channels automatically
    • Direct control for Spammer VM without opening any additional terminal or software.
    • Strong Validation model stabilizes the software
    • Easy and user-friendly GUI.
    • JSON-interface to quickly import ordinary and wrapper configurations in JSON format.


To run this application following software and programs are needed:

  • Linux debian-based operating system (Ubuntu/Debian)
  • Virtualbox (Version 6.1)


For installation, run the linux bash script with the command inside a terminal:

-> bash


Open Linux-terminal in the main directory of CCgen.v2. Then do following:

  • Execute run script with sh command
  • Select if you want to start up online mode too.
  • Go to browser and open: localhost:5000


(1) Dashboard

The CCgen.v2 Dashboard has three main functions:

  1. Queue table:
    Queue of open tasks. After configuring one task or a wrapper, they will land here.
  2. History table:
    Already finished/done tasks are displayed here.
  3. Control of Spammer Virtual Machine:
    For online injection, a second device is needed. In this section, one can control the second machine as well as configure it for spamming IP-packets.

(2) Configurator

The CCgen.v2 Configurator is designed to configure injection and extraction tasks in all four modes. The modes are:

  • (a1) online injector
  • (a2) online extractor
  • (b1) offline injector
  • (b2) offline extractor.

The extractor functionality is designed for proving if injection has worked correctly.

In general, one configuration can be separated in three sub-categories:

  • General
    In this section general data of one configuration are saved. It consists the name (for saving in db), input/output file paths and message (which will be injected). The source of message can either be a link to a file on the server machine, or it can be entered directly into text box.

  • Filters
    In this section the connection/conversation is defined. Therefore, filters for source/destination IP (ipv4 & ipv6), source/destination port (tcp/udp) and the ip protocol number can be configured. Depending on network mode (online/offline), the filteres are appended to a pre-captured .pcap file (offline) or to the network interface (online).

  • Channel & Mapping
    In this section the technique of the covert channel is defined. The CCgen.v2 is built, that every technique has a own script. This script is referenced in this part of the configuration. Additionally it is mandatory to configure the number of bits, the layer as well as parameters and value mappings.
    Parameters are used to customizeably define parameters, which are referenced in the given technique file (python script).
    Value mappings are specified, if one bit value is not converted directly. (E.g. Normally "b'01" -> 1, but with specified value mapping the value could be mapped like: "b'01" -> 24)

  • Config wrapper
    The main purpose of the CCgen-wrapper is to allow the automatic injection of multiple covert channels in the same pcap. It has three different parts:

    1. Searching for matching flows and creating corresponding ccGen.v2 configurations.
    2. Injecting the covert channels.
    3. Extracting the covert channels to evaluate the previous injection.

This mode can be used by creating a new configuration for offline injection by clicking the Add to wrapper button after successful validation. To validate the wrapper config, click Validate button in top right corner.

For more information, read the file in ~/CCgen.v2/ccgen/wrapper/

(3) Settings

The CCgen.v2 Settings is intended to pre-configure input fields of the CCgen.v2 Configurator. This should ease the use of the configurator.
Each mode (a1,a2,b1,b2) of the configurator can have its own presets. They are saved to database after validation. If "create new config" is selected in the CCgen.v2 Configurator, the preset matching the network and direction select, is preloaded and the input fields are set with its values.

(4) Interface

The CCgen.v2 Interface is a JSON interface to quickly import CCgen.v2 configurations in JSON format. Single configuration can be send either to the CCgen.v2 Configurator where the configuration can be changed or they can be send directly to the CCgen.v2 core module. Wrapper configurations can only be send to the CCgen.v2 core module, where they are processed.


(a1) Online injection

  1. Go to Dashboard localhost:5000/
  2. Start Spammer Virtual Machine by clicking Start button
  3. Check if Listener is running
  4. Check if Spammer is running
  5. Go to Configurator localhost:5000/configurator
  6. Select configuration ipfalgs_v2s
  7. Select network online
  8. Select direction inject
  9. Adjust source ip address to your pc ip address -> find with terminal command ifconfig
  10. Adjust destination ip address to ip address of SpammerVM -> find on CCgen.v2 Dashboard
  11. Set IP tables queue (default=0)
  12. Click button Validate
  13. Click button Save config & queue simulation


  1. Start wireshark
  2. Capture traffic during generation
  3. Save capture as .pcap file
  4. Check injection with offline extractor (b2)

(a2) Online extraction

This mode was not tested with experiments.

(b1) Offline injection

  1. Go to Configurator localhost:5000/configurator
  2. Select configuration ipfalgs_v2s
  3. Select network offline
  4. Select direction inject
  5. Adjust input to ~/CCgen.v2/pcaps/empty.pcap
  6. Adjust output, preferred to ~/CCgen.v2/pcaps/ipflags_v2s.pcap
  7. Adjust source ip address to
  8. Adjust destination ip address to
  9. Validate
  10. Save config & queue simulation

(b2) Offline extraction

Follow these steps after injecting config ipflags_v2s as described in (b1).

  1. Go to Configurator localhost:5000/configurator
  2. Select configuration ipfalgs_v2s
  3. Select network offline
  4. Select direction extract
  5. Adjust input to ~/CCgen.v2/pcaps/ipflags_v2s.pcap
  6. Adjust output, preferably to ~/CCgen.v2/out/ipflags_v2s.txt
  7. Adjust source ip address to
  8. Adjust destination ip address to
  9. Click button Validate
  10. Click button Save config & queue simulation