Awesome rust-articles A community-maintained list of interesting and worth-reading Rustlang articles/posts. Feel free to PR. Lang Integer overflow in Rust Rust is beyond OOP Pt.1 Rust is beyond OOP Pt.2 Async Everything you don't need to know about track-caller Borrowing A Better Way to Borrow in Rust: Stack Tokens Lifetimes docs from lifetimekata's exercises Book Parallelization/multi-threading Why Rust mutexes look like they do Type system Linear types one-pager Error Handling Anyhow err handling GATs (Generic Associated Types) Many modes: a GATs pattern The better alternative to lifetime GATs Ideas & Prototypes dyn*: can we make dyn sized? dyn* doesn't need to be special A Look at dyn* code generation WASM Rust to WASM - The hard way Threads and messages with Rust and WebAssembly (WASM)Plugins for Rust FFI We don't need a stable ABI Tooling My tools are going rusty Compiler Next Rust compiler VeqDeque::resize() compiler optimization PR demitification Misc Caches In Rust