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Worflow Description

The aim of the pipeline is to process raw RNA-seq data (in FASTQ format) and obtain the list of small variants, SNVs (SNPs and INDELs) for the downstream analysis. The pipeline is based on the GATK best practices for variant calling with RNAseq data and includes all major steps. In addition the pipeline includes SNVs postprocessing and quantification for allele specific expression.

Samples processing is done indipendently for each replicate. This includes mapping of the reads, splitting at the CIGAR, reassigning mapping qualities and recalibrating base qualities.

Variant calling is done simultaniously on bam files from all replicates. This allows to improve coverage of genomic regions and obtain more reliable results.

Sofware manuals

Documentation for all software used in the workflow can be found at the following links:

Preparing data

This step prepares input files for the analysis. Genome indexes are created and variants overlapping blacklisted regions are filtered out.

Genome indices with samtools and picard are produced first. They will be needed for GATK commands such as Split’N’Trim:

samtools faidx genome.fa
java -jar picard.jar CreateSequenceDictionary R= genome.fa O= genome.dict

Genome index for STAR, needed for RNA-seq reads mappings, is created next. Index files are written to the folder genome_dir :

STAR --runMode genomeGenerate \
     --genomeDir genome_dir \
     --genomeFastaFiles genome.fa \
     --runThreadN 4

Variants overlapping blacklisted regions are then filtered in order to reduce false positive calls [optional]:

vcftools --gzvcf known_variants.vcf.gz -c \
         --exclude-bed blacklist.bed \
         --recode | bgzip -c \
         > known_variants.filtered.recode.vcf.gz

Mapping RNA-seq reads to the reference

To align RNA-seq reads to the genome we’re using STAR 2-pass approach. The first alignment creates a table with splice-junctions that is used to guide final alignments. The alignments at both steps are done with default parameters.

Additional fields with the read groups, libraries and sample information are added into the final bam file at the second mapping step. As a result we do not need to run Picard processing step from GATK best practices.

STAR 1-pass:

 STAR --genomeDir genome_dir \
      --readFilesIn ENCSR000COQ1_1.fastq.gz ENCSR000COQ1_2.fastq.gz \
      --runThreadN 4 \
      --readFilesCommand zcat \
      --outFilterType BySJout \
      --alignSJoverhangMin 8 \
      --alignSJDBoverhangMin 1 \
      --outFilterMismatchNmax 999

Create new genome index using splice-junction table:

STAR --runMode genomeGenerate \
     --genomeDir genome_dir \
     --genomeFastaFiles genome.fa \
     --sjdbFileChrStartEnd \
     --sjdbOverhang 75 \
     --runThreadN 4

STAR 2-pass, final alignments:

  STAR --genomeDir genome_dir \
       --readFilesIn ENCSR000COQ1_1.fastq.gz ENCSR000COQ1_2.fastq.gz \
       --runThreadN 4 \
       --readFilesCommand zcat \
       --outFilterType BySJout \
       --alignSJoverhangMin 8 \
       --alignSJDBoverhangMin 1 \
       --outFilterMismatchNmax 999 \
       --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate \
       --outSAMattrRGline ID:ENCSR000COQ1 LB:library PL:illumina PU:machine SM:GM12878

Index the resulting bam file:

samtools index final_alignments.bam

Split’N’Trim and reassign mapping qualities

The RNA-seq reads overlapping exon-intron junctions can produce false positive variants due to inaccurate splicing. To solve this problem the GATK team recommend to hard-clip any sequence that overlap intronic regions and developed a speciall tool for this purpose: SplitNCigarReads. The tool identifies Ns in the CIGAR string of the alignment and split reads at this position so that few new reads are created.

At this step we also reassign mapping qualities to the alignments. This is important because STAR assign the value 255 (high quality) to “unknown” mappings that are meaningless to GATK and to variant calling in general.

This step is done with recommended parameters from the GATK best practices.

java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T SplitNCigarReads \
                  -R genome.fa -I final_alignments.bam \
                  -o split.bam \
                  -rf ReassignOneMappingQuality \
                  -RMQF 255 -RMQT 60 \
                  -U ALLOW_N_CIGAR_READS \

Base Recalibration

The proposed worflow does not include an indel realigment step, which is an optional step in the GATK best practices. We excluded that since it is quite time-intensive and does not really improve variant calling.

We instead include a base recalibration step. This step allows to remove possible systematic errors introduced by the sequencing machine during the assignment of read qualities. To do this, the list of known variants is used as a training set to the machine learning algorithm that models possible errors. Base quality scores are then adjusted based on the obtained results.

java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T BaseRecalibrator \
                  --default_platform illumina \
                  -cov ReadGroupCovariate \
                  -cov QualityScoreCovariate \
                  -cov CycleCovariate \
                  -knownSites known_variants.filtered.recode.vcf.gz\
                  -cov ContextCovariate \
                  -R genome.fa -I split.bam \
                  --downsampling_type NONE \
                  -nct 4 \
                  -o final.rnaseq.grp

  java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T PrintReads \
                  -R genome.fa -I split.bam \
                  -BQSR final.rnaseq.grp \
                  -nct 4 \
                  -o final.bam

Variant Calling and Variant filtering

The variant calling is done on the uniquely aligned reads only in order to reduce the number of false positive variants called:

(samtools view -H final.bam; samtools view final.bam| grep -w 'NH:i:1') \
  | samtools view -Sb -  > final.uniq.bam

samtools index final.uniq.bam

For variant calling we’re using the GATK tool HaplotypeCaller with default parameters:

ls final.uniq.bam  > bam.list
java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T HaplotypeCaller \
                  -R genome.fa -I bam.list \
                  -dontUseSoftClippedBases \
                  -stand_call_conf 20.0 \
                  -o output.gatk.vcf.gz

Variant filtering is done as recommended in the GATK best practices:

  • keep clusters of at least 3 SNPs that are within a window of 35 bases between them

  • estimate strand bias using Fisher’s Exact Test with values > 30.0 (Phred-scaled p-value)

  • use variant call confidence score QualByDepth (QD) with values < 2.0. The QD is the QUAL score normalized by allele depth (AD) for a variant.

 java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T VariantFiltration \
                  -R genome.fa -V output.gatk.vcf.gz \
                  -window 35 -cluster 3 \
                  -filterName FS -filter "FS > 30.0" \
                  -filterName QD -filter "QD < 2.0" \
                  -o final.vcf

Variant Post-processing

For downstream analysis we’re considering only sites that pass all filters and are covered with at least 8 reads:

grep -v '#' final.vcf | awk '$7~/PASS/' \
| perl -ne 'chomp($_); ($dp)=$_=~/DP\\=(\\d+)\\;/; if($dp>=8){print $_."\\n"};' > result.DP8.vcf

Filtered RNA-seq variants are compared with those obtained from DNA sequencing (from Illumina platinum genome project). Variants that are common to these two datasets are "known" SNVs. The ones present only in the RNA-seq cohort only are "novel".


Known SNVs will be used for allele specific expression analysis.

Novel variants will be used to detect RNA-editing events.

We compare two variants files to detect common and different sites:

vcftools --vcf result.DP8.vcf --gzdiff known_SNVs.filtered.recode.vcf.gz --diff-site --out commonSNPs

Here we select sites present in both files ("known" SNVs only):

awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"} $4~/B/{print $1,$2,$3}' commonSNPs.diff.sites_in_files  > test.bed

vcftools --vcf final.vcf --bed test.bed --recode --keep-INFO-all --stdout > known_snps.vcf

Plot a histogram with allele frequency distribution for "known" SNVs:

grep -v '#'  known_snps.vcf | awk -F '\\t' '{print $10}' \
               |awk -F ':' '{print $2}'|perl -ne 'chomp($_); \
               @v=split(/\\,/,$_); if($v[0]!=0 ||$v[1] !=0)\
               {print  $v[1]/($v[1]+$v[0])."\\n"; }' |awk '$1!=1' \

gghist.R -i AF.4R -o AF.histogram.pdf

Calculate read counts for each "known" SNVs per allele for allele specific expression analysis:

java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -R genome.fa \
               -T ASEReadCounter \
               -o ASE.tsv \
               -I bam.list \
               -sites known_snps.vcf