What's Changed
- Deleting Residual data for collab room by @whitesnowx in #82
- Fix issue of user not rejoining room by @tsulim in #83
- Restricted collab route by @tsulim in #85
- Modify css by @tsulim in #86
- Implement nice-to-have -- feedback and history by @AndrewOng2066 in #88
- Update nth branch by @AndrewOng2066 in #89
- Include the user's email in the feedback's email by @AndrewOng2066 in #90
- Fix spacing issue by @AndrewOng2066 in #91
- Nth branch testing by @AndrewOng2066 in #92
- Nth branch testing by @AndrewOng2066 in #93
- Remove unnecessary lines by @AndrewOng2066 in #94
- 62 communciation chat by @whitesnowx in #95
- Update docker-compose by @AndrewOng2066 in #98
- docker the collab service by @whitesnowx in #97
- Push to main by @AndrewOng2066 in #100
- Collab service xl by @xuelinglow in #101
- 62 communciation chat by @whitesnowx in #102
- simple chat box added to collaboration page by @whitesnowx in #96
- Combining user and feedback services, remove feedback service, edit matching history page by @AndrewOng2066 in #106
- Create an API Gateway by @tsulim in #107
- usernames by @whitesnowx in #108
- admin by @whitesnowx in #109
- Fix multiple refresh bug by @xuelinglow in #110
- Add match found page by @tsulim in #112
- Add rate limit to api gateway by @tsulim in #113
- Update docker by @iynixil in #114
- Make changes to outputWindow by @xuelinglow in #115
- Update docker by @iynixil in #116
Full Changelog: Milestone-D5...Milestone-D7