Generate a diff relative to the previous version
Add any missing papers to the Publications section in chap-intro.tex
Update app-versions-.tex with a list of changes from the diff
Review changes since the previous version to ensure the list of authors is up to date in cheri-architecture.tex
Review funding acks in cheri-architecture.tex, adjusting vspace as required to keep the title on page 1
Review acknowledgements.tex to add new projects, DARPA PMs and SETAs, contractors, and students
Request a TR number
- Requires a tenative (but realistic) publishing date, allowing for any needed review
- Requires updated bibiliography information (e.g. any new authors
Add a new entry with the new TR number to cheri.bib
Update reference to existing version in chap-intro.tex with new version and new TR.
Add a new \item in the ISA version history in app-versions.tex containing an overall summary of the changes in this version, the TR number, and expected publication month
Update last paragraph in abstract.tex with summary from app-versions.tex
Add a new entry in cheri-version-table.tex
Update version number and set explicit \date{} in cheri-architecture.tex
Create and push a releng/X.Y branch
Create (or download from CI) a PDF for review and tag the corresponding version with prerelease-X.Y-submitted
Make any updates required by review to main and cherry-pick to releng/X.Y
Tag the release as 'vX.Y'
Update version number to "N+1 - DRAFT" and remove explicit \date{} from cheri-architecture.tex
Update version number in abstract.tex and stub out the last paragraph to the first sentence.
Add a stub app-versions-N+1-0.tex and add it to the end of app-versions.tex.
Update the "CHERI ISA Version History" section in chap-intro.tex to reference N+1.0 including the new app-versions-N+1-0.tex.