Support for SPARQL Property Paths
Added support for evaluation of all SPARQL Property Paths, with corresponding W3C tests.
This support was developed by Arthur Trottier, Charlotte Cogan and Julien Aimonier-Davat, Master students at the Unversity of Nantes.
This implementation is compliant with the benchmark from Adrian Skubella, Daniel Janke and Steffen Staab "BeSEPPI: Semantic-Based Benchmarking of Property Path Implementations", published in the proceedings of the 16th extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2019).
What's Changed
- Fix/18 by @dwhitney in #19
- Externalize pipeline architecture by @Callidon in #20
- Property paths by @Lastshot97 in #23
New Contributors
- @Lastshot97 made their first contribution in #23
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.0