Effects 50 - 100 ID Name Desc 50 EF_FIRESPLASHHIT Spinning Fire Thing 51 EF_COLDHIT Ice Elemental Hit 52 EF_WINDHIT Wind Elemental Hit 53 EF_POISONHIT Puff of Purpulish Smoke? 54 EF_BEGINSPELL2 Cast Initiation Aura (Water Element) 55 EF_BEGINSPELL3 Cast Initiation Aura (Fire Element) 56 EF_BEGINSPELL4 Cast Initiation Aura (Wind Element) 57 EF_BEGINSPELL5 Cast Initiation Aura (Earth Element) 58 EF_BEGINSPELL6 Cast Initiation Aura (Holy Element) 59 EF_BEGINSPELL7 Cast Initiation Aura (Poison Element) 60 EF_LOCKON Cast target circle 61 EF_WARPZONE Old Warp Portal (NPC Warp, unused) 62 EF_SIGHTRASHER Sight Trasher 63 EF_BARRIER Moonlight Sphere 64 EF_ARROWSHOT Something Like Puruple/Yellow Light Bullet 65 EF_INVENOM Something Like Absorb of Power 66 EF_CURE Cure 67 EF_PROVOKE Provoke 68 EF_MVP MVP Banner 69 EF_SKIDTRAP Skid Trap 70 EF_BRANDISHSPEAR Brandish Spear 71 EF_CONE Spiral White balls 72 EF_SPHERE Bigger Spiral White balls 73 EF_BOWLINGBASH Blue/White Small Aura 74 EF_ICEWALL Ice Wall 75 EF_GLORIA Gloria 76 EF_MAGNIFICAT Magnificat 77 EF_RESURRECTION Resurrection 78 EF_RECOVERY Status Recovery 79 EF_EARTHSPIKE Earth Spike 80 EF_SPEARBMR Spear Boomerang 81 EF_PIERCE Skill hit 82 EF_TURNUNDEAD Turn Undead 83 EF_SANCTUARY Sanctuary 84 EF_IMPOSITIO Impositio Manus 85 EF_LEXAETERNA Lex Aeterna 86 EF_ASPERSIO Aspersio 87 EF_LEXDIVINA Lex Divina 88 EF_SUFFRAGIUM Suffragium 89 EF_STORMGUST Storm Gust 90 EF_LORD Lord of Vermilion 91 EF_BENEDICTIO B. S. Sacramenti 92 EF_METEORSTORM Meteor Storm 93 EF_YUFITEL Jupitel Thunder (Ball) 94 EF_YUFITELHIT Jupitel Thunder (Hit) 95 EF_QUAGMIRE Quagmire 96 EF_FIREPILLAR Fire Pillar 97 EF_FIREPILLARBOMB Fire Pillar/Land Mine hit 98 EF_HASTEUP Adrenaline Rush 99 EF_FLASHER Flasher Trap