Effects 900 - 950 ID Name Desc 900 EF_SELFSCROLL Animated, slow curvy sun shaped lightning aura 901 EF_SPR_LIGHTPRINT Explosion 902 EF_PNG_TEST Floating bedtable texture 903 EF_BEGINSPELL_YB Castish flamey cone 904 EF_CHEMICAL2DASH4 Yellow/pink lights passing by 905 EF_GROUNDSHAKE2 Expanding circle 906 EF_PRESSURE2 Shield Press (falling shield) 907 EF_RG_COIN7 Chainy, metalish sound [S] 908 EF_PRIMECHARGE2 Prestige (sphere of yellow particles) 909 EF_PRIMECHARGE3 Banding (sphere of red particles) 910 EF_PRIMECHARGE4 Inspiration (sphere of blue particles) 911 EF_GREENCASTING Green castish animation [S] 912 EF_WALLOFTHORN Wall of Thorns unit (green fog cloud) 913 EF_FIREBALL5 Magic projectiles 914 EF_THROWITEM11 (Nothing) 915 EF_SPR_PLANT9 Crazy Weed 916 EF_DEMONICFIRE Demonic Fire 917 EF_DEMONICFIRE2 More angry, demonic flames 918 EF_DEMONICFIRE3 Fire Insignia (demonic flames) 919 EF_HELLSPLANT Hell's Plant (green snapping plant) 920 EF_FIREWALL2 Fire Walk unit 921 EF_VACUUM Vacuum Extreme (whirlwind) 922 EF_SPR_PLANT10 Psychic Wave 923 EF_SPR_LIGHTPRINT2 Poison Buster 924 EF_POISONSMOKE2 Poisoning animation 925 EF_MAKEHALLU2 Some filter 926 EF_SHOCKWAVE2 Electric Walk unit 927 EF_SPR_PLANT11 Earth Grave (speary roots) 928 EF_COLDTHROW2 Ice cloud projectiles 929 EF_DEMONICFIRE4 Warmer (field of flames) 930 EF_PRESSURE3 Varetyr Spear (falling spear) 931 EF_LINKPARTICLE2 (Nothing) 932 EF_SOULLIGHT3 Firefly 933 EF_CHAREFFECT [Client Crash] 934 EF_GUMGANG6 White, castishly expanding cone 935 EF_FIREBALL6 Green magic projectile 936 EF_GUMGANG7 Red, castishly expanding cone 937 EF_GUMGANG8 Yellow, castishly expanding cone 938 EF_GUMGANG9 Dark-red, castishly expanding cone 939 EF_BOTTOM_DE2 Blue, conish aura 940 EF_COLDSTATUS Snow flake 941 EF_SPR_LIGHTPRINT3 Explosion of red, demonic fire 942 EF_WATERBALL3 Expanding, white dome 943 EF_HEAL_N2 Green, fluffy projectile 944 EF_RAIN_PARTICLE2 Falling gems 945 EF_CLOUD9 (Nothing) 946 EF_YELLOWFLY3 Floating lights 947 EF_EL_GUST Blue lightning sphere 948 EF_EL_BLAST Two blue lightning spheres 949 EF_EL_AQUAPLAY Flat, spinning diamond