You can check here the live exemplo:
- You need to have docker installed in your machine;
- Check Docker Documentation to install it;
First you need to up the docker application with:
docker-compose up -d
In the first time all the images will be builded.
After that you need to create the databse:
docker exec -it api-shortener rake db:create db:migrate
If you want, you can populate the database with:
docker exec -it api-shortener rake db:seed
Configure in your /etc/hosts file the entries for a better experience api-shortener.local client-shortener.local
Now just access: http://client-shortener.local/ or http://localhost:8080/ if you not configured the hosts above
A curl example to create a new shortened link:
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:3001/api/links' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"link": {
"destination_url": ""
I also add in this repository the Shortener.postman_collection.json file that you can import in Postman app and see all the routes available.
Tip: How to import a collection in Postman: