- This contains a set of follow along .py anf jupyter files for HCI 584
- The refresher is structured to have multiple parts, one for each lecture
May 29, 2020:
- added part 4: file i/o, pandas+numpy, plotting
May 27, 2020:
- added part 3: modules and functions
May 25, 2020:
- added part 2: flow control
May 22, 2020:
- added part 1: interpreter, variables, basic data structures
- was material for a single lecture, but should be split into 2 (or shortened)!
- HCI584 students: there's no point in cloning of forking this repo yet as it's still being developed
- Instead, I suggest you download(!) this as a zip, open it and copy the relevant part folder into your local HCI 584 folder
- Do this prior to each lecture, open the files in Visual Studio and follow along during the lecture (live or recorded)
- I encourage you to play around with the code!