Welcome to Leetcode Racer, an engaging and competitive coding platform inspired by LeetCode. Leverage your coding skills, compete with others, and enhance your problem-solving abilities. Our unique matchmaking system pairs participants based on proficiency, fostering a challenging and fair competition.
Visit Leetcode Racer to access the platform.
To simulate a pair of opponents and test the functionality of Leetcode Racer, follow these steps:
Create Two Accounts:
- Visit Leetcode Racer in your web browser.
- Sign up for a new account as the first opponent.
- Open an incognito browser window and sign up for a second account as the second opponent.
Match the Opponents:
- Log in to the first account in the regular browser window.
- Log in to the second account in the incognito browser window.
- In both browsers, choose the same coding category and question difficulty.
- Initiate the matchmaking process to find an opponent.
Start Coding:
- Once the opponents are matched, they will proceed to the editor and question room.
- Both users can click "I'm ready" to proceed to the next screen.
Chat and Discuss:
- In the chat room, users can communicate with each other.
- Discuss your approach to the problem, share tips, and talk about your coding strategies.
By following these steps, you can simulate a pair of opponents, test the matchmaking functionality, and evaluate the collaborative coding experience on Leetcode Racer.
If you're interested in contributing to Leetcode Racer, please check out our contribution guidelines. We welcome bug reports, feature requests, and pull requests.
Encountered an issue or need support? Create an issue on the GitHub repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Happy coding and racing on Leetcode Racer! 🚀