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#| label: alg-test-text-style #| html-indent-size: "1.2em" #| html-comment-delimiter: "▷" #| html-line-number: true #| html-line-number-punc: ":" #| html-no-end: false #| pdf-placement: "H" #| pdf-line-number: true

\begin{algorithm} \caption{Training (DDPM)} \begin{algorithmic} \Repeat \State $t\sim \text{Uniform}(\lbrace 1,\cdots,T \rbrace)$ \Comment{Sample random step} \State $x_0\sim q(x_0)$ \Comment{Sample random initial image} \State $\overline{\varepsilon}_t\sim \mathcal{N}(\mathbf{0},\mathbf{I})$ \Comment{Sample random noise} \State $x_t = \sqrt{\overline{\alpha}_t}x_0 + \sqrt{1-\overline{\alpha}_t}\cdot \overline{\varepsilon}_t$ \State Take gradient descent step on $\Bigl\lVert \overline{\varepsilon}t - \mathtt{Net}{\theta}(x_t,t) \Bigr\rVert^2$ \Comment{Optimization} \Until{converged} \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm}

#| label: alg-diffusion-model-sampling-shortly #| html-indent-size: "1.2em" #| html-comment-delimiter: "//" #| html-line-number: true #| html-line-number-punc: ":" #| html-no-end: false #| pdf-placement: "H" #| pdf-line-number: true

\begin{algorithm} \caption{Sampling (DDPM)} \begin{algorithmic} \State $x_T\sim \mathcal{N}(\mathbf{0},\mathbf{I})$ \For{$t=T,\cdots,1$} \State $z\sim \mathcal{N}(\mathbf{0},\mathbf{I})$ if $t>1,$ else $z=\mathbf{0}$ \State $x_{t-1}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{\alpha_t}}\Big(x_t-\frac{1-\alpha_t}{\sqrt{1-\overline{\alpha}t}}\mathtt{Net}{\theta}(x_t,t)\Big)+\sigma_t z$ \EndFor \Return $x_0$ \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm}


To determine a joint density satisfies $$ \begin{aligned} q(x_{0:T}) = q(x_T\vert x_0) \cdot \prod_{t=2}^T q(x_{t-1}\vert x_t, x_0) \cdot q(x_0), \end{aligned} $$ it suffices to determine the values of densities $q(x_0),$ $q(x_T\vert x_0)$ and $$ \begin{aligned} q(x_{t-1}\vert x_t,x_0) , \quad t=2 ,\cdots ,T. \end{aligned} $$ That is, if we define a joint density by $$ \begin{aligned} q(x_{0:T}) := \widetilde{q}(x_T\vert x_0 ) \cdot \prod_{t=2}^T \widetilde{q}(x_{t-1}\vert x_t,x_0) \cdot \widetilde{q}(x_0), \end{aligned} $$ where $\widetilde{q}(x_0),, \widetilde{q}(x_T\vert x_0)$ and $\widetilde{q}(x_{t-1}\vert x_t,x_0)$ are all densities, then $$ \begin{aligned} q(x_0) &= \widetilde{q}(x_0), \cr q(x_{t-1}\vert x_t,x_0) &= \widetilde{q}(x_{t-1}\vert x_t,x_0), \quad \forall t=2,\cdots,T, \cr q(x_t\vert x_0) &= \widetilde{q}(x_t\vert x_0) , \quad \forall t=1,\cdots,T. \end{aligned} $$

The new measure $\mathbf{Q}{\sigma}$ is defined by $$ \begin{aligned} q{\sigma}(x_{0:T}) := \widetilde{q_{\sigma}}(x_T\vert x_0) \cdot \prod_{t=2}^T \widetilde{q_{\sigma}}(x_{t-1}\vert x_t, x_0) \cdot q(x_0), \end{aligned} $$ where $\widetilde{q_{\sigma}}(x_T\vert x_0):=\mathcal{N}(\sqrt{\overline{\alpha}T}x_0,(1-\overline{\alpha}T)\mathbf{I})$ and $$ \begin{aligned} \widetilde{q{\sigma}} (x{t-1}\vert x_t,x_0) := \mathcal{N}\biggl( \sqrt{\overline{\alpha}{t-1}}x_0 + \sqrt{1-\overline{\alpha}{t-1} - \sigma_t^2} \cdot \frac{x_t-\sqrt{\overline{\alpha}t}x_0}{\sqrt{1-\overline{\alpha}t}} , \sigma_t^2 \mathbf{I} \biggr), \quad t=2,\cdots, T. \end{aligned} $$ Note that $q{\sigma}(x{0:T})$ is a density since it is a product of densities. One can show that for this joint density $q_{\sigma}(x_{0:T}),$ $$ \begin{aligned} q_{\sigma}(x_0) &= q(x_0), \cr q_{\sigma}(x_{t-1}\vert x_t,x_0) &= \widetilde{q_{\sigma}}(x_{t-1}\vert x_t,x_0) , \quad t=2,\cdots, T, \cr q_{\sigma} (x_t \vert x_0) &= \mathcal{N} (\sqrt{\overline{\alpha}_t}x_0, (1-\overline{\alpha}_t)\mathbf{I}) = q(x_t\vert x_0) , \quad t=1,\cdots,T. \end{aligned} $$

For $x_0,\overline{\varepsilon}_t\in \mathbb R^n$ with the relation $x_t = \sqrt{\overline{\alpha}_t} x_0 + \sqrt{1-\overline{\alpha}_t}\cdot \overline{\varepsilon}t,$ we can write $\mu{t}(x_t,x_0)$ into two forms:

$$ \begin{aligned} \mu_{t}(x_t,x_0)
&= \frac{\sqrt{\alpha_t}(1-\overline{\alpha}_{t-1})}{1-\overline{\alpha}t}x_t + \frac{\sqrt{\overline{\alpha}{t-1}}\beta_t}{1-\overline{\alpha}_t}x_0 \cr &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{\alpha_t}} \Bigl( x_t - \frac{\beta_t}{\sqrt{1-\overline{\alpha}_t}} {\overline{\varepsilon}_t}
\Bigr) \stackrel{\text{denote}}{:=} \widetilde{\mu}_t(x_t,\overline{\varepsilon}_t). \end{aligned} $$

Want: $\mu_{\theta}(x_t,t) \approx \mu_t(x_t,x_0).$

We do not have $x_0$ term in $\mu_{\theta}.$


Try to set $\mu_{\theta}(x_t,t) = \mu_t(x_t,\widehat{x}_0)$ where $\widehat{x}_0=\widehat{x}_0(x_t,t,\theta).$

也就是找一個 $X_0$ 的替代品 $\widehat{X}_0,$ 並且讓 $\widehat{X}_0\approx X_0$ in some sense and $X_0$ is a function of $X_t$ ($X_t$-measurable). In probability, we may choose the conditional expectation $\widehat{X}0=\mathbb{E}{\mathbf{Q}}\bigl[ X_0 \big\vert X_t \bigr].$


  • p(xT) 有個 phase transition.

  • 減去 mean 可以明顯讓我們 T 的選取更加小.

  • 訓練的每次 batch 都先讓 mean 變 0 ?

  • Fix $x_0.$

  • 2023 11 26

    • 如果 X0 只有 single 圖片, 那 T 選取??
  • 2023 11 27

    • 每個 class 都先做 data mean 0, T 會不會較好?
      • 去看 mnist 的每個數字 class 的 mean 是誰
  • 2023 11 30

  • 2023 12 04

    • 不只平移 mean 0, 如果加上 normalize to sig = 1?
  • 2023 12 11

    • Sample 時, 需要 x0 hat (用 xt, t 去表示). 這裡能否用 x0 ~ q(x0)?
  • 2023 12 16

    • 能否給一張軍人照片+五星照片 合成成五星上將圖
    • 生成書法?
      • 給定文字敘述 輸出相關的書法寫作影片
    • 給一段音樂 生成對應的舞蹈骨頭軌跡
  • 2023 12 21

    • 不一定每張圖只有一個 label
    • 能不能弄出一個 dm, 當指定某部位時, 那部位生成那類圖形
      • ex: 指定鬍子, 指定眼鏡 ...
  • 2024 01 04


!!! 2023 年視覺生成式 AI 年終大回顧!!



SSIM(tructural Similarity): 模拟人类视觉从3个方面比较图片的结构相似度,亮度对比度跟结构 RMSE(Root Mean Square Error): MSE开根号,计算两张图片像素值的均方根误差来衡量相似度 LPIPS(Learned Perceptual Image Patch Similarity): 感知级指标,衡量图片在深度特征空间的距离 FID(Fr ́echet Inception Distance): 衡量生成图片跟真实图片在分布上的不同


  • lineart_anime来给经典黑白本子自动上色


噪聲預測的 model (U-net) $z_\theta(x_t,t)$, ($x_t$$t$ 時間點時的圖片)

感覺 $z_\theta$ 要對 $x_t$ 這分量是近似線性的

也就是 $z_{\theta}(x_t,t)\approx \varepsilon \iff z_\theta( c\cdot x_t,t) \approx c\cdot \varepsilon, \quad c>0.$

$\bigl( x_t=\sqrt{\overline{\alpha}_t}x_0 + \sqrt{1-\overline{\alpha}_t}\varepsilon \iff c \cdot x_t=\sqrt{\overline{\alpha}_t}\cdot c\cdot x_0 + \sqrt{1-\overline{\alpha}_t}\cdot c\cdot \varepsilon \bigr).$

Code 方面
