Crowd Funding with NODE JS
This is the first page that handles, registration of users and if the users are registered they can choose to log-in.
This renders the Login UI for the Users
this renders the registration UI for Users and implements sequelize in the /create callback.
this fetches all the users using the users method in the UserController.js file and renders them to the page.
this renders the index page.
does a simple log
renders the login UI
tests connection to mysql db, initiated by sequelize js
fetches all users and renders them to the users page
this is the registration function for users, utilizies sequelize js for ORM issues and bcrypt js for hashing passwords
handles authentication operations and validates a user's credential's credibility before rendering their home/profile pages.
fetches the user details, renders them on his profile and renders the page in turn. follows validation.
renders the UI for campaign creation