In this write-up I will describe how I addressed each of the steps outlined in the project README.
Throughout this document I will be referencing the provided Estimation for Quadrotors as EfQ.
I run scenario #6 in the simulator, which generates some sensor data from a static quad, in particular the GPS and accelerometer x measurements. The sensor data were saved in 2 txt files which I then processed (using a Jupyter notebooks and Pandas) and figured out the standard deviation of the two measured signals as follows:
- std(Quad.GPS.X) = 0.709497
- std(Quad.IMU.AX) = 0.496512
Finally, I plugged these values in config/6_Sensornoise.txt
and run the simulator and run the simulator again. This time, around 68% of the measurements fall within the +/- 1 standard deviation range, as expected for a Gaussian noise model).
Simulator Scenario #6
I modified the function UpdateFromIMU()
in QuadEstimatorEKF.cpp
. In particular, I implemented a better integration rate gyro attitude scheme by following EfQ section 7.1.2 and the instructions in the provided code hints about the Quaternion class.
As a result, the attitude errors were limited within 0.1 rad for each Euler angle.
Simulator Scenario #7
I implemented the state prediction step in the PredictState()
functon in QuadEstimatorEKF.cpp
, as per EfQ equation (49). Now in simulator scenario 08_PredictState the estimated state reasonably tracks the actual state.
Simulator Scenario #8
I calculated the partial derivative of the body-to-global rotation matrix in the function GetRbgPrime()
in QuadEstimatorEKF.cpp
, as per EfQ equation (52). Then, I implemented the covariance predictin step in Predict()
, as per line 4 of EfQ Algorithm (2), also using EfQ equation (51). Finally, I tuned QPosXYStd
and QVelXYStd
parameters in QuadEstimatorEKF.txt
so as to capture the magnitude of the error in simulation scenario 09_PredictionCov.
Eventually, in in simulation scenario 09_PredictionCov our covariance (the white line) grows reasonably like the data and the charts resemble the provided examples of a 'good' solution.
Simulator Scenario #9
I implement the function UpdateFromMag()
as per EfQ equations (56) and (58) and tuned the parameter QYawStd
. As a result, my estimator met the success criteria for smulation scenario 10_MagUpdate.
Simulator Scenario #10
I switched to using my estimator and a realistic IMU by setting Quad.UseIdealEstimator = 0
in 11_GPSUpdate.txt
and commenting out the rrelevant lines in 11_GPSUpdate.txt
. Then I implemented the function UpdateFromGPS()
as per EqF equations (53) and (55) and tuned the GPS measurement std deviations in QuadEstimatorEKF.txt
. As a result, my estimator met the success criteria for simulation scenario 11_GPSUpdate
Simulator Scenario #11 - Provided controller
I replaced the provided controller and associated control parameters with the controller I developed for project 3 and its own control parameters. I tried running scenario 11 again but the drone crashed. Then I re-tuned my controller's parameters, starting with the body rates. Finally, my controller - estimator combo was able to meet the success criteria for scenario 11, even though the trajectory looks a bit ugly :)
Simulator Scenario #11 - My controller from Project 3
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