This library is a wrapper for the MARTA Realtime RESTful APIs.
It's designed to work both in node.js and the browser.
Because the documentation of the upstream APIs is limited, this library alters some naming conventions from what the API returns in an effort to make the data easier to understand.
It uses moment for times and durations, and it's written in TypeScript to aid in defining data structures.
You can request an API key from MARTA to use for the Realtime Rail data. The Realtime Bus data does not require an API key.
npm install --save marta-js
All methods support both promises and callbacks.
Promise mode:
railApi.getRealtimeTrainArrivals().then(function (arrival) {
// ...
}).catch(function (error) {
Callback mode:
railApi.getRealtimeTrainArrivals(function (error, arrival) {
if (error) {
} else {
// ...
This library depends on a native ES6 Promise implementation to be supported. If your environment doesn't support ES6 Promises, for example older browsers, you can polyfill.
This library also depends on moment-timezone, which is a fairly large library, so it is not bundled in the browser output blob.
NOTE: currently the Realtime APIs don't work from the browser, as the API does not support CORS. Hopefully this will be resolved soon.
<!-- polyfil for Promises -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- moment-timezone -->
<script src="node_modules/moment/moment.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/moment-timezone/builds/moment-timezone-with-data.min.js"></script>
<!-- marta-js -->
<script src="node_modules/marta-js/dist/marta.js"></script>
// library is exposed as a global "Marta":
const busApi = new window.Marta.RealtimeBusApi()
type RailArrival = {
destination: string
direction: 'North' | 'South' | 'East' | 'West'
eventTime: Moment
line: 'RED' | 'GOLD' | 'GREEN' | 'BLUE'
nextArrival: Moment
station: Station
trainId: string
waitingTimeSeconds: number
waitingTime: Moment.Duration
waitingState: 'Boarding' | 'Arriving' | string
line: 'GOLD', // which train line
destination: 'Airport', // Name of the train line
direction: 'South', // Direction of the train line
eventTime: moment("2017-07-25T21:45:42.000"), // Time at which this update was received
station: 'AIRPORT STATION', // Name of the station the times are relative to
nextArrival: moment("2017-07-25T19:45:42.000"), // Time the train will arrive at the station
trainId: '303506', // A unique identifier for the train
waitingTimeSeconds: 1608, // how long in seconds until the train arrives at the station
waitingTime: moment.duration(1608, 'seconds'), // the waiting time, but as a duration object
waitingState: '26 min' // a string representing the waiting time. Could be also be "Boarding" or "Arriving"
This is the same data that powers the realtime train time monitors in the station. For all stations, it will tell you how long until the next several trains arrive.
const RealtimeRailApi = require('marta-js').RealtimeRailApi
const railApi = new RealtimeRailApi('xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx') // your api key
railApi.getArrivals(function (error, arrivals) {
// ...
This is the same as getArrivals
, but filtered to only the specified station.
const RealtimeRailApi = require('marta-js').RealtimeRailApi
const railApi = new RealtimeRailApi('xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx') // your api key
railApi.getArrivalsForStation('FIVE POINTS STATION', function (error, arrivals) {
// ...
type BusArrival = {
adherence: Moment.Duration
blockId: string
blockAbbriviation: string
direction: 'North' | 'South' | 'East' | 'West'
latitude: number
longitude: number
eventTime: Moment
route: BusRoute
stopId: string
timepoint: string
tripId: string
busId: string
route: '12', // the route the bus is on
direction: 'North', // the direction the bus is headed
tripId: '5572278',
busId: '1453', // a unique id for the bus
stopId: '901718', // a unique id of the next stop
// the current location of the bus
latitude: 33.8206244,
longitude: -84.4163082,
eventTime: moment("2017-07-25T21:46:12.000"), // Time at which this update was received
// Identifies the current time of arrival compared to scheduled arrival time.
// Negative number indicates bus is running late. Note: this is opposite of what
// comes back from the API, because I think it makes more sense.
adherence: moment.duration(-2, 'minutes'),
blockId: '82', // TODO: ???
blockAbbriviation: '12-10', // TODO: ???
timepoint: 'Howell Mill Rd at Trabert Ave NW', // TODO: ???
This API returns the lastest location update from each bus, it's route, and if it is on-time.
const RealtimeBusApi = require('marta-js').RealtimeBusApi
const busApi = new RealtimeBusApi()
busApi.getArrivals(function (error, arrivals) {
// ...
This is the same as getArrivals
, but filtered to only the specified route.
const RealtimeBusApi = require('marta-js').RealtimeBusApi
const busApi = new RealtimeBusApi()
busApi.getArrivalsForRoute('12', function (error, arrivals) {
// ...