PGNColors provides 40+ baked-in UIColors as well as hex and gradient convenience methods.
To install this project:
To use the additional UIColors or to use the Hex convenience method:
#import "UIColor+PGNColors.h"
To use the Hex converter:
[UIColor colorWithHex:0x8BAB86];
Colors can be used just like you would use the Apple built-in colors.
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To use the gradient convenience method, import:
#import "CAGradientLayer+PGNGradient.h"
You can then use the convenience methods to create a 2 color gradient:
CAGradientLayer *background = [CAGradientLayer twoColorGradientLayerWithColorOne:[UIColor skyBlue] andColorTwo:[UIColor lightBlue]];
background.frame = self.view.frame;
[self.view.layer addSublayer:background];
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Or you can create a 3 color gradient:
CAGradientLayer *background = [CAGradientLayer threeColorGradientLayerWithColorOne:[UIColor skyBlue] colorTwo:[UIColor lightBlue] andColorThree:[UIColor linen]];
background.frame = self.view.frame;
[self.view.layer addSublayer:background];
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