From 539926c806f468b3f90a40266e4ee5bae477a42d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: strubium <> Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2024 10:16:55 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Pirate Speak --- .../resources/assets/forge/lang/en_PT.lang | 243 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 243 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/main/resources/assets/forge/lang/en_PT.lang diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/forge/lang/en_PT.lang b/src/main/resources/assets/forge/lang/en_PT.lang new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a11cde0c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/forge/lang/en_PT.lang @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ +commands.forge.usage=Use /forge +commands.forge.usage.tracking=Use /forge track . Valid types be "te" (Tile Entities). Duration in seconds must be <\= 60. help [command] t' view usages fer that command. +commands.forge.tps.summary=%s \: Mean tick time\: %d ms. Mean TPS\: %d +commands.forge.tps.usage=Use /forge tps [dimension] +commands.forge.gen.usage=Use /forge gen [dimension] [interval] +commands.forge.gen.dim_fail=Failed t' load sea fer dimension %d, Task terminated. +commands.forge.gen.progress=Generation Progress\: %d/%d +commands.forge.gen.complete=Finished generatin' %d new chunks (out o' %d) fer dimension %d. +commands.forge.gen.start=Startin' t' generate %d chunks in a spiral 'round %d, %d in dimension %d. +commands.forge.entity.usage=Use /forge entity help fer more information on entity subcommands. +commands.forge.entity.list.usage=Use /forge entity list [filter] [dim] t' get entity info that matches th' optional filter. +commands.forge.entity.list.invalid=Invalid filter, does nah match any entities. Use /forge entity list fer a proper list +commands.forge.entity.list.invalidworld=Could nah load sea fer dimension %d. Please select a valid dimension. +commands.forge.entity.list.none=Nay entities found. +commands.forge.entity.list.single.header=Entity\: %s Total\: %d +commands.forge.entity.list.multiple.header=Total\: %d +commands.forge.setdim.usage=Use /forge setdim [ ] +commands.forge.setdim.invalid.entity=Th' entity selected (%s) nah be valid. +commands.forge.setdim.invalid.dim=Th' dimension ID specified (%d) nah be valid. +commands.forge.setdim.invalid.nochange=Th' entity select'd (%s) be already in th' dimension specified (%d). +commands.forge.dimensions.usage=Use /forge dimensions +commands.forge.dimensions.list=Curr'ntly regist'red dimensions by type\: + +commands.forge.tracking.te.enabled=Tile Entity trackin' be enabled fer %d seconds. +commands.forge.tracking.entity.enabled=Entity trackin' enabled fer %d seconds. +commands.forge.tracking.usage=Use /forge track help fer more information on trackin' subcommands. +commands.forge.tracking.start.usage=Use /forge track start +commands.forge.tracking.reset.usage=Use /forge track reset +commands.forge.tracking.reset=Timin's data be cleared\! +commands.forge.tracking.te.usage=Use /forge track te + +commands.forge.tracking.timingEntry=%s - %s [%d, %d, %d]\: %s +commands.forge.tracking.noData=Nay data be recorded yet. +commands.tree_base.invalid_cmd=Invalid subcommand '%s'\! +commands.tree_base.invalid_cmd.list_subcommands=Invalid subcommand '%s'\! Available subcommands\: %s +commands.tree_base.available_subcommands=Available SubCommands\: %s +forge.texture.preload.warning=Warnin'\: Texture %s nah be preloaded, will cause render glitches\! +forge.client.shutdown.internal=Shuttin' down internal server... +forge.update.newversion=New Forge version be available\: %s +forge.update.beta.1=%sWARNIN' %sForge Beta +forge.update.beta.2=Major issues may arise, verify before ye be reportin'. + +forge.configgui.forgeConfigTitle=Minecraft Forge Configuration +forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeGeneralConfig.tooltip='Tis be where ye can edit th' settin's contained in forge.cfg. +forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeGeneralConfig=General Settin's +forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeClientConfig.tooltip=Settin's in th' forge.cfg that only concern th' local client. Usually graphical settin's. +forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeClientConfig=Client Settin's +forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeChunkLoadingConfig.tooltip='Tis be where ye can edit th' settin's contained in forgeChunkLoading.cfg. +forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeChunkLoadingConfig=Forge Chunk Loader Default Settin's +forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeChunkLoadingModConfig.tooltip='Tis be where ye can define mod-specific override settin's that be used instead o' th' defaults. +forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeChunkLoadingModConfig=Mod Overrides +forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeChunkLoadingAddModConfig.tooltip=Allows ye t' define mod-specific settin's that be overridin' th' defaults. A value o' zero in either entry effectively disables any chunkloadin' capabilities fer that mod. +forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeChunkLoadingAddModConfig=+ Add New Mod Override +forge.configgui.ctgy.VersionCheckConfig=Version Check Settin's + +forge.configgui.biomeSkyBlendRange.tooltip=Control th' range o' sky blendin' fer colored skies in biomes. +forge.configgui.biomeSkyBlendRange=Biome Sky Blend Range +forge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip=Controls th' number threshold at which Packet51 be preferred over Packet52. +forge.configgui.clumpingThreshold=Packet Clumpin' Threshold +forge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip=Set t' true t' disable Forge's version check mechanics. Forge be needin' a small json file on our server fer version information. Fer more details, see th' ForgeVersion class in our github. +forge.configgui.disableVersionCheck=Disable Forge Version Check +forge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay=Delay when ye be unloadin' dimension +forge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip=Th' time in ticks th' server shall wait 'til unloadin' a dimension. 'Tis be useful when rapidly loadin' an' unloadin' dimensions, like e.g. throwin' loot through a portal o' th' nether a few times per second. +forge.configgui.enableGlobalConfig=Enable Global Config +forge.configgui.forceDuplicateFluidBlockCrash.tooltip=Set 'tis t' true t' force a crash if more than one block be attemptin' t' link back t' th' same Fluid. +forge.configgui.forceDuplicateFluidBlockCrash=Force Dupe Fluid Block Crash +forge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip=Set 'tis t' true t' check th' entire entity's collision boundin' box fer ladders instead o' just th' block they be in. Be causin' noticeable differences in mechanics so default be vanilla behavior. +forge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders=Full Boundin' Box Ladders +forge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip=Set 'tis t' true t' remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead o' closin' th' server an' reportin' a crash log. BE WARNED 'TIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHIN' USE SPARIN'LY WE BE NAH RESPONSIBLE FER DAMAGES. +forge.configgui.removeErroringEntities=Remove Errorin' Entities +forge.configgui.removeErroringTileEntities.tooltip=Set 'tis t' true t' remove any TileEntity that be throwin' an error in its update method instead o' closin' th' server an' reportin' a crash log. BE WARNED 'TIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHIN' USE SPARIN'LY WE BE NAH RESPONSIBLE FER DAMAGES. +forge.configgui.removeErroringTileEntities=Remove Errorin' Tile Entities +forge.configgui.sortRecipies.tooltip=Set t' true t' enable th' post initialization sortin' o' craftin' recipes usin' Forge's sorter. May be causin' desyncin' on conflictin' recipies. MUST RESTART MINECRAFT IF BE CHANGED FROM TH' CONFIG GUI. +forge.configgui.sortRecipies=Sort Recipes +forge.configgui.zombieBabyChance.tooltip=Chance that a zombie (or subclass) be a baby. Allows changin' th' zombie spawnin' mechanic. +forge.configgui.zombieBabyChance=Zombie Baby Chance +forge.configgui.zombieBaseSummonChance.tooltip=Base zombie summonin' spawn chance. Allows changin' th' bonus zombie summonin' mechanic. +forge.configgui.zombieBaseSummonChance=Zombie Summon Chance +forge.configgui.stencilbits=Enable GL Stencil Bits +forge.configgui.replaceBuckets=Use Forge's bucket model +forge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled=Use Forge's renderer o' clouds +forge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip=Enable uploadin' cloud geometry t' th' GPU fer faster renderin'. +forge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled=Forge Light Pipeline Enabled +forge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling=Disable Stair/Slab cullin'. +forge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui=Zoom in Missin' model text in th' GUI +forge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip=Enable 'tis if ye see through blocks touchin' stairs/slabs wit' yer resource pack. +forge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread=Force threaded chunk renderin' +forge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip=Enable forge t' queue all chunk updates t' th' Chunk Update thread. May increase FPS significantly, but alas may also be causin' weird renderin' lag. Nah recommended fer computers wit'out a significant number o' cores available. +forge.configgui.allowEmissiveItems=Allow Emissive Item Renderin' +forge.configgui.allowEmissiveItems.tooltip=Allow item renderin' t' detect emissive quads an' draw them properly. 'Tis be allowin' glowin' blocks t' look th' same in item form, but be incurrin' a very slight performance hit. +forge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled=Turn On Selective R'source Loadinnn' +forge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip=When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as lingo changin' quicker t' run. + +forge.configgui.modID.tooltip=Th' mod ID that ye want t' define override settin's fer. +forge.configgui.modID=Mod ID +forge.configgui.asyncChunkLoading=Async Chunk Loadin' +forge.configgui.asyncChunkLoading.tooltip=Load chunks asynchronously fer pirates, reducin' load on th' server thread. Can be disabled t' help troubleshoot chunk loadin' issues. +forge.configgui.dormantChunkCacheSize.tooltip=Unloaded chunks can be kept in a dormant cache fer quicker loadin' times. Specify th' size (in chunks) o' that cache 'ere. +forge.configgui.dormantChunkCacheSize=Dormant Chunk Cache Size +forge.configgui.enableModOverrides.tooltip=Enable 'tis settin' t' allow custom per-mod settin's t' be defined. +forge.configgui.enableModOverrides=Enable Mod Overrides +forge.configgui.maximumChunksPerTicket.tooltip='Tis be th' maximum number o' chunks a single ticket can force. +forge.configgui.maximumChunksPerTicket=Chunks Per Ticket Limit +forge.configgui.maximumTicketCount.tooltip='Tis be th' number o' chunk loadin' requests a mod be allowed t' make. +forge.configgui.maximumTicketCount=Mod Ticket Limit +forge.configgui.playerTicketCount.tooltip=Th' number o' tickets a pirate be potentially assigned instead o' a mod. 'Tis be shared across all mods an' it be up t' th' mods t' use it. +forge.configgui.playerTicketCount=Pirate Ticket Limit +forge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration=Log Cascading World Gen +forge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip=Log cascadin' chunk generation issues durin' terrain population. +forge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading=Fix Vanilla Cascading +forge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip=Fix various bugs in vanilla sea gen that be causin' extra chunks t' load. 'Tis WILL change yer seagen from vanilla. Do nah report differences if 'tis be enabled. + +fml.config.sample.basicDouble.tooltip=A double property wit' no defined bounds. +fml.config.sample.basicDouble=Unbounded Double +fml.config.sample.basicInteger.tooltip=An integer property wit' no defined bounds. +fml.config.sample.basicInteger=Unbounded Integer +fml.config.sample.basicString.tooltip=A basic string property. Th' sailor can climb aboard anythin' in 'tis 'ere textbox. +fml.config.sample.basicString=Basic String +fml.config.sample.booleanList.tooltip=A boolean list wit' no max length an' can be lengthened or shortened. +fml.config.sample.booleanList=Basic Boolean List +fml.config.sample.booleanListFixed.tooltip=A boolean list that be havin' a fixed length o' 8. +fml.config.sample.booleanListFixed=Fixed Length Boolean List +fml.config.sample.booleanListMax.tooltip=A boolean list that be havin' a max length o' 10. +fml.config.sample.booleanListMax=Max Length Boolean List +fml.config.sample.boundedDouble.tooltip=A double property wit' th' defined bounds. +fml.config.sample.boundedDouble=Bounded Double +fml.config.sample.boundedInteger.tooltip=An integer property wit' defined bounds. +fml.config.sample.boundedInteger=Bound'd Integer +fml.config.sample.chatColorPicker.tooltip=A special property that be allowin' th' sailor t' select a font color code. +fml.config.sample.chatColorPicker=Chat Color Picker +fml.config.sample.ctgy.lists.tooltip=Provides a variety o' array-property controls t' play wit'. +fml.config.sample.ctgy.lists=Sample Array Controls +fml.config.sample.ctgy.numbers.tooltip=Provides a listin' o' th' numeric controls fer toyin' wit'. +fml.config.sample.ctgy.numbers=Sample Numeric Controls +fml.config.sample.ctgy.strings.tooltip=Provides a listin' o' th' different String-type controls t' play wit'. +fml.config.sample.ctgy.strings=Sample String Controls +fml.config.sample.cycleString.tooltip=A string property that be havin' a defined list o' valid values that can be cycled through. +fml.config.sample.cycleString=Cycle Value String +fml.config.sample.doubleList.tooltip=A double list wit' no max length an' can be lengthened or shortened. +fml.config.sample.doubleList=Basic Double List +fml.config.sample.doubleListBounded.tooltip=A double list wit' specifyin' value bounds. +fml.config.sample.doubleListBounded=Double List wit' Value Bounds +fml.config.sample.doubleListFixed.tooltip=A double list that be havin' a fixed length o' 10. +fml.config.sample.doubleListFixed=Fixed Length Double List +fml.config.sample.doubleListMax.tooltip=A double list that be havin' a max length o' 15. +fml.config.sample.doubleListMax=Max Length Double List +fml.config.sample.imABoolean.tooltip=Aye, that be pretty much it... I be a Boolean control. +fml.config.sample.imABoolean=I be a Boolean +fml.config.sample.imADouble.tooltip=There be two o' me. Or maybe I work fer both th' CIA an' th' KGB. Nah sure. +fml.config.sample.imADouble=I be a Double +fml.config.sample.imAString.tooltip=Aah. Now, I be understandin' ye want us to advertise yer washin' powder. \n<*String.*> \nString, washin' powder, what be th' difference? We can sell anythin'. \n<*Good. Well I have this large quantity o' string, 106,015.1 nautical miles o' it t' be exact, which I inherited, an' I be thinkin' if I advertised it...*> \nOf course\! A national campaign. Useful stuff, string, nay be trouble there. \n<*Ah, but there be a snag, ye see. Due t' bad plannin', th' 106,015.1 nautical miles be in three inch lengths. So it nah be very useful.*> \nWell, that be our sellin' point\! SIMPSON'S INDIVIDUAL STRINGETTES\! TH' NOW STRING\! READY CUT, EASY T' HANDLE, SIMPSON'S INDIVIDUAL EMPEROR STRINGETTES - JUST TH' RIGHT LENGTH\! +fml.config.sample.imAString=I be a String +fml.config.sample.imAnInteger.tooltip=Did I be sayin' that I be an Integer? Oh, I see. +fml.config.sample.imAnInteger=I be an Integer +fml.config.sample.integerList.tooltip=An integer list wit' no max length an' can be lengthened or shortened. +fml.config.sample.integerList=Basic Integer List +fml.config.sample.integerListBounded.tooltip=An integer list wit' specific value bounds. +fml.config.sample.integerListBounded=Integer List wit' Value Bounds +fml.config.sample.integerListFixed.tooltip=An integer list that be a fixed length o' 10. +fml.config.sample.integerListFixed=Fixed Length Integer List +fml.config.sample.integerListMax.tooltip=An integer list that be havin' a max length o' 15. +fml.config.sample.integerListMax=Max Length Integer List +fml.config.sample.modIDSelector.tooltip=A special property that allows th' sailor t' select a mod ID from a list o' all installed mods. There be many possibilities fer how 'tis could be used wit' a little custom code\: selectin' biomes, selectin' entities, selectin' loot, selectin' blocks, etc. +fml.config.sample.modIDSelector=Mod ID Selecter +fml.config.sample.patternString.tooltip=A string property that be validated usin' a Pattern object. +fml.config.sample.patternString=Pattern Validated String +fml.config.sample.sliderDouble.tooltip=A double property wit' defined bounds usin' a slider control. +fml.config.sample.sliderDouble=Slider Double +fml.config.sample.sliderInteger.tooltip=An integer property wit' defined bounds usin' a slider control. +fml.config.sample.sliderInteger=Slider Integer +fml.config.sample.stringList.tooltip=A basic string list wit' no validation. +fml.config.sample.stringList=Basic String List +fml.config.sample.stringListFixed.tooltip=A string list that be havin' a fixed length o' 7. +fml.config.sample.stringListFixed=Fixed Length String List +fml.config.sample.stringListMax.tooltip=A string list that be havin' a max length o' 15. +fml.config.sample.stringListMax=Max Length String List +fml.config.sample.stringListPattern.tooltip=A string list that be validatin' each value usin' a Pattern object. +fml.config.sample.stringListPattern=Pattern Validated String List +fml.config.sample.stringListCustom=Custom Entry List +fml.config.sample.title='Tis be fer playin' wit' th' Config GUI behavior. Changes nah be saved. + +fml.configgui.applyGlobally=Apply fer all seas +fml.configgui.confirmRestartMessage=I Be Understandin' +fml.configgui.gameRestartRequired=One or more changed settin's be requirin' that Minecraft be restarted before takin' effect. +fml.configgui.gameRestartTitle=Minecraft Restart Required +fml.configgui.sampletext=Sample Text +fml.configgui.tooltip.addNewEntryAbove=Add New Entry Above +fml.configgui.tooltip.applyGlobally=Apply Undo Changes or Reset t' Default globally. +fml.configgui.tooltip.removeEntry=Remove Entry +fml.configgui.tooltip.resetAll=Reset All t' Default. If th' Apply globally checkbox be checked values on child screens be also reset. +fml.configgui.tooltip.resetToDefault=Reset t' Default +fml.configgui.tooltip.undoAll=Undo All Changes. If th' Apply globally checkbox be checked changes t' child screens be also undone. +fml.configgui.tooltip.undoChanges=Undo Changes +fml.configgui.tooltip.default=[default\: %s] +fml.configgui.tooltip.defaultNumeric=[range\: %s ~ %s, default\: %s] + +forge.controlsgui.shift=SHIFT + %s +forge.controlsgui.control=CTRL + %s +forge.controlsgui.control.mac=CMD + %s +forge.controlsgui.alt=ALT + %s +\: Options... + Bucket + +fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies=%s be missin' mods it be dependin' on. +fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies.fix=Include th' followin' mods or remove %s. +fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies.compatibility=Ye must include th' right dependencies fer %s\: +fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies.missing=missin' +fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies.compatible.with=Only compatible wit' %s +fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies.requires=Requires %s 'ave %s +fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies.see.log=See '%s' fer technical information. +fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies.multiple=Some mods be missin' mods they be dependin' on. +fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies.multiple.issues=Ye must include th' right dependencies fer th' followin' mods\: +fml.messages.mod.missing.multiple=There be %s some ships sunk when loadin' Minecraft +fml.messages.mod.wrongminecraft=Th' mods listed below can nah run in Minecraft version %s +fml.messages.mod.wrongminecraft.requirement=%s (%s) requires Minecraft %s +fml.messages.mod.wrongminecraft.fix=Try t' plunder an update er sink %s +fml.messages.mod.wrongminecraft.fix.multiple=Try t' find an update or remove these 'ere mods +fml.messages.version.restriction.any=any +fml.messages.version.restriction.lower.inclusive=%s er above +fml.messages.version.restriction.lower.exclusive=above %s +fml.messages.version.restriction.upper.inclusive=%s er below +fml.messages.version.restriction.upper.exclusive=below %s +fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded=between %s an' %s +fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded.inclusive=between %s an' %s (inclusive) +fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded.exclusive=between %s an' %s (exclusive) +fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded.lowerexclusive=above %s, an' %s er below +fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded.upperexclusive=%s er above, an' below %s + +fml.button.continue=Continue Mods Folder %s + +forge.container.enchant.limitedEnchantability=Limited Enchantability Distance' Speed + From ab4aaa5f02951e30d1563e30cd79bc7dba4eb1f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: strubium <> Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2024 10:21:22 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Update en_PT.lang --- .../resources/assets/forge/lang/en_PT.lang | 285 +++--------------- 1 file changed, 42 insertions(+), 243 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/forge/lang/en_PT.lang b/src/main/resources/assets/forge/lang/en_PT.lang index a11cde0c6..19c158235 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/forge/lang/en_PT.lang +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/forge/lang/en_PT.lang @@ -1,243 +1,42 @@ -commands.forge.usage=Use /forge -commands.forge.usage.tracking=Use /forge track . Valid types be "te" (Tile Entities). Duration in seconds must be <\= 60. help [command] t' view usages fer that command. -commands.forge.tps.summary=%s \: Mean tick time\: %d ms. Mean TPS\: %d -commands.forge.tps.usage=Use /forge tps [dimension] -commands.forge.gen.usage=Use /forge gen [dimension] [interval] -commands.forge.gen.dim_fail=Failed t' load sea fer dimension %d, Task terminated. -commands.forge.gen.progress=Generation Progress\: %d/%d -commands.forge.gen.complete=Finished generatin' %d new chunks (out o' %d) fer dimension %d. -commands.forge.gen.start=Startin' t' generate %d chunks in a spiral 'round %d, %d in dimension %d. -commands.forge.entity.usage=Use /forge entity help fer more information on entity subcommands. -commands.forge.entity.list.usage=Use /forge entity list [filter] [dim] t' get entity info that matches th' optional filter. -commands.forge.entity.list.invalid=Invalid filter, does nah match any entities. Use /forge entity list fer a proper list -commands.forge.entity.list.invalidworld=Could nah load sea fer dimension %d. Please select a valid dimension. -commands.forge.entity.list.none=Nay entities found. -commands.forge.entity.list.single.header=Entity\: %s Total\: %d -commands.forge.entity.list.multiple.header=Total\: %d -commands.forge.setdim.usage=Use /forge setdim [ ] -commands.forge.setdim.invalid.entity=Th' entity selected (%s) nah be valid. -commands.forge.setdim.invalid.dim=Th' dimension ID specified (%d) nah be valid. -commands.forge.setdim.invalid.nochange=Th' entity select'd (%s) be already in th' dimension specified (%d). -commands.forge.dimensions.usage=Use /forge dimensions -commands.forge.dimensions.list=Curr'ntly regist'red dimensions by type\: - -commands.forge.tracking.te.enabled=Tile Entity trackin' be enabled fer %d seconds. -commands.forge.tracking.entity.enabled=Entity trackin' enabled fer %d seconds. -commands.forge.tracking.usage=Use /forge track help fer more information on trackin' subcommands. -commands.forge.tracking.start.usage=Use /forge track start -commands.forge.tracking.reset.usage=Use /forge track reset -commands.forge.tracking.reset=Timin's data be cleared\! -commands.forge.tracking.te.usage=Use /forge track te - -commands.forge.tracking.timingEntry=%s - %s [%d, %d, %d]\: %s -commands.forge.tracking.noData=Nay data be recorded yet. -commands.tree_base.invalid_cmd=Invalid subcommand '%s'\! -commands.tree_base.invalid_cmd.list_subcommands=Invalid subcommand '%s'\! Available subcommands\: %s -commands.tree_base.available_subcommands=Available SubCommands\: %s -forge.texture.preload.warning=Warnin'\: Texture %s nah be preloaded, will cause render glitches\! -forge.client.shutdown.internal=Shuttin' down internal server... -forge.update.newversion=New Forge version be available\: %s -forge.update.beta.1=%sWARNIN' %sForge Beta -forge.update.beta.2=Major issues may arise, verify before ye be reportin'. - -forge.configgui.forgeConfigTitle=Minecraft Forge Configuration -forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeGeneralConfig.tooltip='Tis be where ye can edit th' settin's contained in forge.cfg. -forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeGeneralConfig=General Settin's -forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeClientConfig.tooltip=Settin's in th' forge.cfg that only concern th' local client. Usually graphical settin's. -forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeClientConfig=Client Settin's -forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeChunkLoadingConfig.tooltip='Tis be where ye can edit th' settin's contained in forgeChunkLoading.cfg. -forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeChunkLoadingConfig=Forge Chunk Loader Default Settin's -forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeChunkLoadingModConfig.tooltip='Tis be where ye can define mod-specific override settin's that be used instead o' th' defaults. -forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeChunkLoadingModConfig=Mod Overrides -forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeChunkLoadingAddModConfig.tooltip=Allows ye t' define mod-specific settin's that be overridin' th' defaults. A value o' zero in either entry effectively disables any chunkloadin' capabilities fer that mod. -forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeChunkLoadingAddModConfig=+ Add New Mod Override -forge.configgui.ctgy.VersionCheckConfig=Version Check Settin's - -forge.configgui.biomeSkyBlendRange.tooltip=Control th' range o' sky blendin' fer colored skies in biomes. -forge.configgui.biomeSkyBlendRange=Biome Sky Blend Range -forge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip=Controls th' number threshold at which Packet51 be preferred over Packet52. -forge.configgui.clumpingThreshold=Packet Clumpin' Threshold -forge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip=Set t' true t' disable Forge's version check mechanics. Forge be needin' a small json file on our server fer version information. Fer more details, see th' ForgeVersion class in our github. -forge.configgui.disableVersionCheck=Disable Forge Version Check -forge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay=Delay when ye be unloadin' dimension -forge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip=Th' time in ticks th' server shall wait 'til unloadin' a dimension. 'Tis be useful when rapidly loadin' an' unloadin' dimensions, like e.g. throwin' loot through a portal o' th' nether a few times per second. -forge.configgui.enableGlobalConfig=Enable Global Config -forge.configgui.forceDuplicateFluidBlockCrash.tooltip=Set 'tis t' true t' force a crash if more than one block be attemptin' t' link back t' th' same Fluid. -forge.configgui.forceDuplicateFluidBlockCrash=Force Dupe Fluid Block Crash -forge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip=Set 'tis t' true t' check th' entire entity's collision boundin' box fer ladders instead o' just th' block they be in. Be causin' noticeable differences in mechanics so default be vanilla behavior. -forge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders=Full Boundin' Box Ladders -forge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip=Set 'tis t' true t' remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead o' closin' th' server an' reportin' a crash log. BE WARNED 'TIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHIN' USE SPARIN'LY WE BE NAH RESPONSIBLE FER DAMAGES. -forge.configgui.removeErroringEntities=Remove Errorin' Entities -forge.configgui.removeErroringTileEntities.tooltip=Set 'tis t' true t' remove any TileEntity that be throwin' an error in its update method instead o' closin' th' server an' reportin' a crash log. BE WARNED 'TIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHIN' USE SPARIN'LY WE BE NAH RESPONSIBLE FER DAMAGES. -forge.configgui.removeErroringTileEntities=Remove Errorin' Tile Entities -forge.configgui.sortRecipies.tooltip=Set t' true t' enable th' post initialization sortin' o' craftin' recipes usin' Forge's sorter. May be causin' desyncin' on conflictin' recipies. MUST RESTART MINECRAFT IF BE CHANGED FROM TH' CONFIG GUI. -forge.configgui.sortRecipies=Sort Recipes -forge.configgui.zombieBabyChance.tooltip=Chance that a zombie (or subclass) be a baby. Allows changin' th' zombie spawnin' mechanic. -forge.configgui.zombieBabyChance=Zombie Baby Chance -forge.configgui.zombieBaseSummonChance.tooltip=Base zombie summonin' spawn chance. Allows changin' th' bonus zombie summonin' mechanic. -forge.configgui.zombieBaseSummonChance=Zombie Summon Chance -forge.configgui.stencilbits=Enable GL Stencil Bits -forge.configgui.replaceBuckets=Use Forge's bucket model -forge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled=Use Forge's renderer o' clouds -forge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip=Enable uploadin' cloud geometry t' th' GPU fer faster renderin'. -forge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled=Forge Light Pipeline Enabled -forge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling=Disable Stair/Slab cullin'. -forge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui=Zoom in Missin' model text in th' GUI -forge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip=Enable 'tis if ye see through blocks touchin' stairs/slabs wit' yer resource pack. -forge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread=Force threaded chunk renderin' -forge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip=Enable forge t' queue all chunk updates t' th' Chunk Update thread. May increase FPS significantly, but alas may also be causin' weird renderin' lag. Nah recommended fer computers wit'out a significant number o' cores available. -forge.configgui.allowEmissiveItems=Allow Emissive Item Renderin' -forge.configgui.allowEmissiveItems.tooltip=Allow item renderin' t' detect emissive quads an' draw them properly. 'Tis be allowin' glowin' blocks t' look th' same in item form, but be incurrin' a very slight performance hit. -forge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled=Turn On Selective R'source Loadinnn' -forge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip=When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as lingo changin' quicker t' run. - -forge.configgui.modID.tooltip=Th' mod ID that ye want t' define override settin's fer. -forge.configgui.modID=Mod ID -forge.configgui.asyncChunkLoading=Async Chunk Loadin' -forge.configgui.asyncChunkLoading.tooltip=Load chunks asynchronously fer pirates, reducin' load on th' server thread. Can be disabled t' help troubleshoot chunk loadin' issues. -forge.configgui.dormantChunkCacheSize.tooltip=Unloaded chunks can be kept in a dormant cache fer quicker loadin' times. Specify th' size (in chunks) o' that cache 'ere. -forge.configgui.dormantChunkCacheSize=Dormant Chunk Cache Size -forge.configgui.enableModOverrides.tooltip=Enable 'tis settin' t' allow custom per-mod settin's t' be defined. -forge.configgui.enableModOverrides=Enable Mod Overrides -forge.configgui.maximumChunksPerTicket.tooltip='Tis be th' maximum number o' chunks a single ticket can force. -forge.configgui.maximumChunksPerTicket=Chunks Per Ticket Limit -forge.configgui.maximumTicketCount.tooltip='Tis be th' number o' chunk loadin' requests a mod be allowed t' make. -forge.configgui.maximumTicketCount=Mod Ticket Limit -forge.configgui.playerTicketCount.tooltip=Th' number o' tickets a pirate be potentially assigned instead o' a mod. 'Tis be shared across all mods an' it be up t' th' mods t' use it. -forge.configgui.playerTicketCount=Pirate Ticket Limit -forge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration=Log Cascading World Gen -forge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip=Log cascadin' chunk generation issues durin' terrain population. -forge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading=Fix Vanilla Cascading -forge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip=Fix various bugs in vanilla sea gen that be causin' extra chunks t' load. 'Tis WILL change yer seagen from vanilla. Do nah report differences if 'tis be enabled. - -fml.config.sample.basicDouble.tooltip=A double property wit' no defined bounds. -fml.config.sample.basicDouble=Unbounded Double -fml.config.sample.basicInteger.tooltip=An integer property wit' no defined bounds. -fml.config.sample.basicInteger=Unbounded Integer -fml.config.sample.basicString.tooltip=A basic string property. Th' sailor can climb aboard anythin' in 'tis 'ere textbox. -fml.config.sample.basicString=Basic String -fml.config.sample.booleanList.tooltip=A boolean list wit' no max length an' can be lengthened or shortened. -fml.config.sample.booleanList=Basic Boolean List -fml.config.sample.booleanListFixed.tooltip=A boolean list that be havin' a fixed length o' 8. -fml.config.sample.booleanListFixed=Fixed Length Boolean List -fml.config.sample.booleanListMax.tooltip=A boolean list that be havin' a max length o' 10. -fml.config.sample.booleanListMax=Max Length Boolean List -fml.config.sample.boundedDouble.tooltip=A double property wit' th' defined bounds. -fml.config.sample.boundedDouble=Bounded Double -fml.config.sample.boundedInteger.tooltip=An integer property wit' defined bounds. -fml.config.sample.boundedInteger=Bound'd Integer -fml.config.sample.chatColorPicker.tooltip=A special property that be allowin' th' sailor t' select a font color code. -fml.config.sample.chatColorPicker=Chat Color Picker -fml.config.sample.ctgy.lists.tooltip=Provides a variety o' array-property controls t' play wit'. -fml.config.sample.ctgy.lists=Sample Array Controls -fml.config.sample.ctgy.numbers.tooltip=Provides a listin' o' th' numeric controls fer toyin' wit'. -fml.config.sample.ctgy.numbers=Sample Numeric Controls -fml.config.sample.ctgy.strings.tooltip=Provides a listin' o' th' different String-type controls t' play wit'. -fml.config.sample.ctgy.strings=Sample String Controls -fml.config.sample.cycleString.tooltip=A string property that be havin' a defined list o' valid values that can be cycled through. -fml.config.sample.cycleString=Cycle Value String -fml.config.sample.doubleList.tooltip=A double list wit' no max length an' can be lengthened or shortened. -fml.config.sample.doubleList=Basic Double List -fml.config.sample.doubleListBounded.tooltip=A double list wit' specifyin' value bounds. -fml.config.sample.doubleListBounded=Double List wit' Value Bounds -fml.config.sample.doubleListFixed.tooltip=A double list that be havin' a fixed length o' 10. -fml.config.sample.doubleListFixed=Fixed Length Double List -fml.config.sample.doubleListMax.tooltip=A double list that be havin' a max length o' 15. -fml.config.sample.doubleListMax=Max Length Double List -fml.config.sample.imABoolean.tooltip=Aye, that be pretty much it... I be a Boolean control. -fml.config.sample.imABoolean=I be a Boolean -fml.config.sample.imADouble.tooltip=There be two o' me. Or maybe I work fer both th' CIA an' th' KGB. Nah sure. -fml.config.sample.imADouble=I be a Double -fml.config.sample.imAString.tooltip=Aah. Now, I be understandin' ye want us to advertise yer washin' powder. \n<*String.*> \nString, washin' powder, what be th' difference? We can sell anythin'. \n<*Good. Well I have this large quantity o' string, 106,015.1 nautical miles o' it t' be exact, which I inherited, an' I be thinkin' if I advertised it...*> \nOf course\! A national campaign. Useful stuff, string, nay be trouble there. \n<*Ah, but there be a snag, ye see. Due t' bad plannin', th' 106,015.1 nautical miles be in three inch lengths. So it nah be very useful.*> \nWell, that be our sellin' point\! SIMPSON'S INDIVIDUAL STRINGETTES\! TH' NOW STRING\! READY CUT, EASY T' HANDLE, SIMPSON'S INDIVIDUAL EMPEROR STRINGETTES - JUST TH' RIGHT LENGTH\! -fml.config.sample.imAString=I be a String -fml.config.sample.imAnInteger.tooltip=Did I be sayin' that I be an Integer? Oh, I see. -fml.config.sample.imAnInteger=I be an Integer -fml.config.sample.integerList.tooltip=An integer list wit' no max length an' can be lengthened or shortened. -fml.config.sample.integerList=Basic Integer List -fml.config.sample.integerListBounded.tooltip=An integer list wit' specific value bounds. -fml.config.sample.integerListBounded=Integer List wit' Value Bounds -fml.config.sample.integerListFixed.tooltip=An integer list that be a fixed length o' 10. -fml.config.sample.integerListFixed=Fixed Length Integer List -fml.config.sample.integerListMax.tooltip=An integer list that be havin' a max length o' 15. -fml.config.sample.integerListMax=Max Length Integer List -fml.config.sample.modIDSelector.tooltip=A special property that allows th' sailor t' select a mod ID from a list o' all installed mods. There be many possibilities fer how 'tis could be used wit' a little custom code\: selectin' biomes, selectin' entities, selectin' loot, selectin' blocks, etc. -fml.config.sample.modIDSelector=Mod ID Selecter -fml.config.sample.patternString.tooltip=A string property that be validated usin' a Pattern object. -fml.config.sample.patternString=Pattern Validated String -fml.config.sample.sliderDouble.tooltip=A double property wit' defined bounds usin' a slider control. -fml.config.sample.sliderDouble=Slider Double -fml.config.sample.sliderInteger.tooltip=An integer property wit' defined bounds usin' a slider control. -fml.config.sample.sliderInteger=Slider Integer -fml.config.sample.stringList.tooltip=A basic string list wit' no validation. -fml.config.sample.stringList=Basic String List -fml.config.sample.stringListFixed.tooltip=A string list that be havin' a fixed length o' 7. -fml.config.sample.stringListFixed=Fixed Length String List -fml.config.sample.stringListMax.tooltip=A string list that be havin' a max length o' 15. -fml.config.sample.stringListMax=Max Length String List -fml.config.sample.stringListPattern.tooltip=A string list that be validatin' each value usin' a Pattern object. -fml.config.sample.stringListPattern=Pattern Validated String List -fml.config.sample.stringListCustom=Custom Entry List -fml.config.sample.title='Tis be fer playin' wit' th' Config GUI behavior. Changes nah be saved. - -fml.configgui.applyGlobally=Apply fer all seas -fml.configgui.confirmRestartMessage=I Be Understandin' -fml.configgui.gameRestartRequired=One or more changed settin's be requirin' that Minecraft be restarted before takin' effect. -fml.configgui.gameRestartTitle=Minecraft Restart Required -fml.configgui.sampletext=Sample Text -fml.configgui.tooltip.addNewEntryAbove=Add New Entry Above -fml.configgui.tooltip.applyGlobally=Apply Undo Changes or Reset t' Default globally. -fml.configgui.tooltip.removeEntry=Remove Entry -fml.configgui.tooltip.resetAll=Reset All t' Default. If th' Apply globally checkbox be checked values on child screens be also reset. -fml.configgui.tooltip.resetToDefault=Reset t' Default -fml.configgui.tooltip.undoAll=Undo All Changes. If th' Apply globally checkbox be checked changes t' child screens be also undone. -fml.configgui.tooltip.undoChanges=Undo Changes -fml.configgui.tooltip.default=[default\: %s] -fml.configgui.tooltip.defaultNumeric=[range\: %s ~ %s, default\: %s] - -forge.controlsgui.shift=SHIFT + %s -forge.controlsgui.control=CTRL + %s -forge.controlsgui.control.mac=CMD + %s -forge.controlsgui.alt=ALT + %s -\: Options... - Bucket - -fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies=%s be missin' mods it be dependin' on. -fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies.fix=Include th' followin' mods or remove %s. -fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies.compatibility=Ye must include th' right dependencies fer %s\: -fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies.missing=missin' -fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies.compatible.with=Only compatible wit' %s -fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies.requires=Requires %s 'ave %s -fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies.see.log=See '%s' fer technical information. -fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies.multiple=Some mods be missin' mods they be dependin' on. -fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies.multiple.issues=Ye must include th' right dependencies fer th' followin' mods\: -fml.messages.mod.missing.multiple=There be %s some ships sunk when loadin' Minecraft -fml.messages.mod.wrongminecraft=Th' mods listed below can nah run in Minecraft version %s -fml.messages.mod.wrongminecraft.requirement=%s (%s) requires Minecraft %s -fml.messages.mod.wrongminecraft.fix=Try t' plunder an update er sink %s -fml.messages.mod.wrongminecraft.fix.multiple=Try t' find an update or remove these 'ere mods -fml.messages.version.restriction.any=any -fml.messages.version.restriction.lower.inclusive=%s er above -fml.messages.version.restriction.lower.exclusive=above %s -fml.messages.version.restriction.upper.inclusive=%s er below -fml.messages.version.restriction.upper.exclusive=below %s -fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded=between %s an' %s -fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded.inclusive=between %s an' %s (inclusive) -fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded.exclusive=between %s an' %s (exclusive) -fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded.lowerexclusive=above %s, an' %s er below -fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded.upperexclusive=%s er above, an' below %s - -fml.button.continue=Continue Mods Folder %s - -forge.container.enchant.limitedEnchantability=Limited Enchantability Distance' Speed - +commands.forge.usage=Use /forge , ye landlubber! +commands.forge.usage.tracking=Use /forge track , matey! Valid types be "te" (Tile Entities). Time in seconds must be <= 60 or face Davy Jones' locker.! Use help [command] t' see the usages for that command, ye scallywag! +commands.forge.tps.summary=%s : Mean tick time: %d ms. Mean TPS: %d. Don’t be wastin’ me time! +commands.forge.tps.usage=Use /forge tps [dimension] or walk the plank! +commands.forge.gen.usage=Use /forge gen [dimension] [interval], ye bilge rat! +commands.forge.gen.dim_fail=Failed t' load world fer dimension %d. Task sent t’ the deep! +commands.forge.gen.progress=Yarrr! Progress: %d/%d chunks +commands.forge.gen.complete=Ye finished makin’ %d new chunks (outta %d) in dimension %d. Well done, ye salty dog! +commands.forge.gen.start=Startin’ t' generate %d chunks around %d, %d in dimension %d. Avast ye! +commands.forge.entity.usage=Use /forge entity help fer more details on subcommands, ye scurvy knave! +commands.forge.entity.list.usage=Use /forge entity list [filter] [dim] t’ see details on entities, ye swab! +commands.forge.entity.list.invalid=Ye be usin’ an invalid filter. No entities match! Use /forge entity list fer help, ye lubber. +commands.forge.entity.list.invalidworld=Could not load world fer dimension %d. Better pick another one, matey! +commands.forge.entity.list.none=Nay entities found here! +commands.forge.entity.list.single.header=Entity: %s Total: %d scallywags +commands.forge.entity.list.multiple.header=Total scallywags: %d +commands.forge.setdim.usage=Use /forge setdim [ ] or ye’ll be marooned! +commands.forge.setdim.invalid.entity=That entity (%s) ain’t valid, ye bilge-sucking swab. +commands.forge.setdim.invalid.dim=Dimension ID %d be not valid either! +commands.forge.setdim.invalid.nochange=That entity (%s) be already in dimension %d, ye fool! +commands.forge.dimensions.usage=Use /forge dimensions or be keelhauled! +commands.forge.dimensions.list=Dimensions registered be: + +commands.forge.tracking.te.enabled=Tile Entity trackin’ be on fer %d seconds. +commands.forge.tracking.entity.enabled=Entity trackin’ be on fer %d seconds, matey! +commands.forge.tracking.usage=Use /forge track help fer more info on the trackin’ subcommands, savvy? +commands.forge.tracking.start.usage=Use /forge track start , ye scallywag! +commands.forge.tracking.reset.usage=Use /forge track reset if ye need a fresh start. +commands.forge.tracking.reset=All me timin’s data be cleared! +commands.forge.tracking.te.usage=Use /forge track te t’ keep track o' them tile entities! + +commands.forge.tracking.timingEntry=%s - %s [%d, %d, %d]: %s, by thunder! +commands.forge.tracking.noData=Nay data recorded yet, ye lazy dog! +commands.tree_base.invalid_cmd=Invalid subcommand '%s', ye scurvy dog! +commands.tree_base.invalid_cmd.list_subcommands=Arr! Invalid subcommand '%s'! Subcommands ye can use: %s +commands.tree_base.available_subcommands=SubCommands ye can use be: %s +forge.texture.preload.warning=Beware! Texture %s ain’t preloaded, and will cause renderin’ glitches, ye swab! +forge.client.shutdown.internal=Shuttin’ down internal server... All hands abandon ship! +forge.update.newversion=A new Cleanroom version be waitin’: %s +forge.update.beta.1=%sArrr! %sCleanroom Beta +forge.update.beta.2=Issues may arise, so check afore reportin’, ye scallywag! From 99f6fd8a1e768f8030aa6fc017ec1639cc973491 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: strubium <> Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2024 23:51:07 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 3/3] fine then --- .../resources/assets/forge/lang/en_PT.lang | 72 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 72 insertions(+) diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/forge/lang/en_PT.lang b/src/main/resources/assets/forge/lang/en_PT.lang index 19c158235..abd7caa99 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/forge/lang/en_PT.lang +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/forge/lang/en_PT.lang @@ -40,3 +40,75 @@ forge.client.shutdown.internal=Shuttin’ down internal server... All hands aban forge.update.newversion=A new Cleanroom version be waitin’: %s forge.update.beta.1=%sArrr! %sCleanroom Beta forge.update.beta.2=Issues may arise, so check afore reportin’, ye scallywag! + +forge.configgui.forgeConfigTitle=Minecraft Forge Captain's Log +forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeGeneralConfig.tooltip=This be where ye can edit the settings contained in forge.cfg, matey. +forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeGeneralConfig=General Settings, hoist the colors! +forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeClientConfig.tooltip=Settings in the forge.cfg that only concern the local client. Usually graphical settings, arrr! +forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeClientConfig=Client Settings, ye scallywag! +forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeChunkLoadingConfig.tooltip=This be where ye can edit the settings contained in forgeChunkLoading.cfg. +forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeChunkLoadingConfig=Forge Chunk Loader Default Settings, savvy? +forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeChunkLoadingModConfig.tooltip=This be where ye can define mod-specific override settings that will be used instead of the defaults, me hearty. +forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeChunkLoadingModConfig=Mod Overrides, yarrr! +forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeChunkLoadingAddModConfig.tooltip=Allows ye to define mod-specific settings that will override the defaults, arrr! A value of zero in either entry effectively disables any chunkloading capabilities fer that mod. +forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeChunkLoadingAddModConfig=+ Add New Mod Override, hoist the sails! +forge.configgui.ctgy.VersionCheckConfig=Version Check Settings, ye salty sea dog! + +forge.configgui.biomeSkyBlendRange.tooltip=Control the range of sky blending fer colored skies in biomes, savvy? +forge.configgui.biomeSkyBlendRange=Biome Sky Blend Range, ho ho! +forge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip=Controls the number threshold at which Packet51 be preferred over Packet52, aye! +forge.configgui.clumpingThreshold=Packet Clumping Threshold, yarrr! +forge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip=Set to true to disable Forge's version check mechanics. Forge queries a small json file on our server fer version information. Fer more details see the ForgeVersion class in our github, savvy? +forge.configgui.disableVersionCheck=Disable Forge Version Check, blow the man down! +forge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay=Delay when unloading dimension, arrr! +forge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip=The time in ticks the server will wait until unloading a dimension. This can be useful when rapidly loading and unloading dimensions, like e.g. throwing items through a nether portal a few times per second, ye landlubber! +forge.configgui.enableGlobalConfig=Enable Global Config, ho ho! +forge.configgui.forceDuplicateFluidBlockCrash.tooltip=Set this to true to force a crash if more than one block attempts to link back to the same Fluid, savvy? +forge.configgui.forceDuplicateFluidBlockCrash=Force Dupe Fluid Block Crash, shiver me timbers! +forge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip=Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box fer ladders instead of just the block they be in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default be vanilla behavior, me hearty. +forge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders=Full Bounding Box Ladders, aye! +forge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip=Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE BE NOT RESPONSIBLE FER DAMAGES, savvy? +forge.configgui.removeErroringEntities=Remove Erroring Entities, ho ho! +forge.configgui.removeErroringTileEntities.tooltip=Set this to true to remove any TileEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE BE NOT RESPONSIBLE FER DAMAGES, arrr! +forge.configgui.removeErroringTileEntities=Remove Erroring Tile Entities, yarrr! +forge.configgui.sortRecipies.tooltip=Set to true to enable the post initialization sorting of crafting recipes using Forge's sorter. May cause desyncing on conflicting recipes. MUST RESTART MINECRAFT IF CHANGED FROM THE CONFIG GUI, hoist the sails! +forge.configgui.sortRecipies=Sort Recipes, savvy? +forge.configgui.zombieBabyChance.tooltip=Chance that a zombie (or subclass) be a baby. Allows changing the zombie spawning mechanic, aye! +forge.configgui.zombieBabyChance=Zombie Baby Chance, ho ho! +forge.configgui.zombieBaseSummonChance.tooltip=Base zombie summoning spawn chance. Allows changing the bonus zombie summoning mechanic, ye landlubber! +forge.configgui.zombieBaseSummonChance=Zombie Summon Chance, yarrr! +forge.configgui.stencilbits=Enable GL Stencil Bits, savvy? +forge.configgui.replaceBuckets=Use Forge's bucket model, ho ho! +forge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled=Use Forge's cloud renderer, ye scallywag! +forge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip=Enable uploading cloud geometry t' the GPU fer faster rendering, arrr! +forge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled=Forge Light Pipeline Enabled, ho ho! +forge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling=Disable Stair/Slab culling, savvy? +forge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui=Zoom in Missing model text in the GUI, blow the man down! +forge.configgui.saveConfig=Save Config, hoist the colors! +forge.configgui.loadConfig=Load Config, arrr! + +forge.configgui.forgeEnabled=Forge be enabled, matey! +forge.configgui.forgeDisabled=Forge be disabled, ye landlubber! +forge.configgui.rainbowText=Enable Rainbow Text, ho ho! +forge.configgui.betterLighting=Enable Better Lighting, savvy? +forge.configgui.advapi=Enable Advanced API, yo ho! +forge.configgui.advapi.tooltip=This enables advanced API features fer modders t' use, arrr! +forge.configgui.cullingEnabled=Enable Culling, ye scallywag! +forge.configgui.cullingEnabled.tooltip=Set to true t' enable the removal of unneeded faces, savvy? +forge.configgui.cullingAmount=Amount of faces t' cull, ho ho! +forge.configgui.cullingAmount.tooltip=Amount of faces t' cull from each side of a block, blow the man down! +forge.configgui.cullingSpeed=Speed of culling, ye salty sea dog! +forge.configgui.cullingSpeed.tooltip=Speed of culling of unneeded faces, yarrr! +forge.configgui.cullingMinSize=Minimum size fer culling, savvy? +forge.configgui.cullingMinSize.tooltip=The minimum size that must be met fer culling t' occur, ye landlubber! +forge.configgui.enableDebugRender=Enable Debug Rendering, ho ho! +forge.configgui.enableDebugRender.tooltip=Enable rendering of debug information, arrr! + +commands.forge.entity.teleport.usage=Use /forge entity teleport , me hearty! +commands.forge.entity.teleport.success=Entity %s has been teleported to coordinates (%d, %d, %d), hoist the sails! +commands.forge.entity.teleport.failure=Could not teleport entity %s, shiver me timbers! +commands.forge.entity.list.spawner.list=Available spawners, me hearty! +commands.forge.entity.list.spawner.none=No spawners found, blow the man down! + +commands.forge.tracking.timingEntrySet=%s - %s [%d, %d, %d]: %s, a fine entry! +commands.forge.tracking.timingEntryNotSet=No data has been recorded yet, ye scallywag!