diff --git a/.buildkite/longruns/pipeline.yml b/.buildkite/longruns/pipeline.yml index 02b23aede..d4575b032 100644 --- a/.buildkite/longruns/pipeline.yml +++ b/.buildkite/longruns/pipeline.yml @@ -318,8 +318,15 @@ steps: - | slack-upload -c "#coupler-report" -f build_history.html -m html -n build_history -x "Overall job performance" BUILD_HISTORY_LINK= + echo "Interactive overall job performance history $$BUILD_HISTORY_LINK" + slack-message -c "#coupler-report" -x "Interactive overall job performance history $$BUILD_HISTORY_LINK" + slack-message -c "#coupler-report" -x "Interactive overall job performance history $$BUILD_HISTORY_LINK" + - label: ":envelope: Slack report: build_history new" + command: + - | + # this writes the build history to a file + BUILD_HISTORY_LINK=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $BUILDKITE_READ_ARTIFACTS_API_TOKEN" -X GET "https://api.buildkite.com/v2/organizations/clima/pipelines/climacoupler-longruns/builds/$BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER/artifacts" | jq -r '.[0].download_url') slack-message -c "#coupler-report" -x "Interactive overall job performance history $$BUILD_HISTORY_LINK" - # - label: ":envelope: Slack report: Slabplanet" # command: # - slack-upload -c "#coupler-report" -f experiments/AMIP/output/slabplanet/slabplanet_coupler_sf_evolve_ocn_artifacts/total_energy_bucket.png -m png -n slab_coarse -x "Slabplanet energy conservation"