— Typestruct BucketModelParameters{
FT <: AbstractFloat,
Container for holding the parameters of the bucket model.
: Conductivity of the soil (W/K/m); constantρc_soil
: Volumetric heat capacity of the soil (J/m^3/K); constantalbedo
: Albedo ModelσS_c
: Critical σSWE amount (m) where surface transitions from to snow-coveredf_snow
: Fraction of critical amount of snow at which sublimation β begins to decay to zero (unitless)W_f
: Capacity of the land bucket (m)f_bucket
: Fraction of bucket capacity at which evaporation β begins to decay to zero (unitless)p
: Exponent used in β decay (unitless)z_0m
: Roughness length for momentum (m)z_0b
: Roughness length for scalars (m)τc
: τc timescale on which snow meltsearth_param_set
: Earth Parameter set; physical constants, etc
— TypePrescribedBaregroundAlbedo{FT, F <: ClimaCore.Fields.Field} <: AbstractBucketAlbedoModel
An albedo model where the static snow-free bareground albedo is prescribed as a function of space or using data from a file, and the land surface albedo is computed each timestep as a linear combination of the snow albedo and the bareground albedo, following the SLIM model (Lague et al 2019).
— TypePrescribedSurfaceAlbedo{FT, TV <: AbstractTimeVaryingInput}
- <: AbstractBucketAlbedoModel
An albedo model where the albedo of different surface types is specified. Albedo is specified via a NetCDF file which is a function of time and covers all surface types (soil, vegetation, snow, etc). This albedo type changes over time according to the input file.
Note that this option should only be used with global simulations, i.e. with a ClimaLand.LSMSphericalShellDomain.
— Typestruct BucketModel{
Container for holding the parameters of the bucket model.
: Conductivity of the soil (W/K/m); constantρc_soil
: Volumetric heat capacity of the soil (J/m^3/K); constantalbedo
: Albedo ModelσS_c
: Critical σSWE amount (m) where surface transitions from to snow-coveredf_snow
: Fraction of critical amount of snow at which sublimation β begins to decay to zero (unitless)W_f
: Capacity of the land bucket (m)f_bucket
: Fraction of bucket capacity at which evaporation β begins to decay to zero (unitless)p
: Exponent used in β decay (unitless)z_0m
: Roughness length for momentum (m)z_0b
: Roughness length for scalars (m)τc
: τc timescale on which snow meltsearth_param_set
: Earth Parameter set; physical constants, etc
— TypePrescribedBaregroundAlbedo{FT, F <: ClimaCore.Fields.Field} <: AbstractBucketAlbedoModel
An albedo model where the static snow-free bareground albedo is prescribed as a function of space or using data from a file, and the land surface albedo is computed each timestep as a linear combination of the snow albedo and the bareground albedo, following the SLIM model (Lague et al 2019).
— TypePrescribedSurfaceAlbedo{FT, TV <: AbstractTimeVaryingInput}
+ <: AbstractBucketAlbedoModel
An albedo model where the albedo of different surface types is specified. Albedo is specified via a NetCDF file which is a function of time and covers all surface types (soil, vegetation, snow, etc). This albedo type changes over time according to the input file.
Note that this option should only be used with global simulations, i.e. with a ClimaLand.LSMSphericalShellDomain.
— Typestruct BucketModel{
PS <: BucketModelParameters{FT},
ATM <: AbstractAtmosphericDrivers{FT},
RAD <: AbstractRadiativeDrivers{FT},
- } <: AbstractBucketModel{FT}
Concrete type for the BucketModel, which store the model domain and parameters, as well as the necessary atmosphere and radiation fields for driving the model.
: Parameters required by the bucket modelatmos
: The atmospheric drivers: Prescribed or Coupledradiation
: The radiation drivers: Prescribed or Coupleddomain
: The domain of the model
Misc Functions
— FunctionClimaLand.surface_albedo(
+ } <: AbstractBucketModel{FT}
Concrete type for the BucketModel, which store the model domain and parameters, as well as the necessary atmosphere and radiation fields for driving the model.
: Parameters required by the bucket modelatmos
: The atmospheric drivers: Prescribed or Coupledradiation
: The radiation drivers: Prescribed or Coupleddomain
: The domain of the model
Misc Functions
— FunctionClimaLand.surface_albedo(
-) where {FT}
Returns the surface albedo field of the EnergyHydrology
soil model.
surface_albedo(model::SnowModel, Y, p)
A helper function which computes and returns the snow albedo.
surface_albedo(model::BucketModel, Y, p)
Returns the bulk surface albedo, which gets updated in update_aux
via next_albedo
surface_albedo(model::AbstractModel, Y, p)
A helper function which returns the surface albedo for a given model, needed because different models compute and store α_sfc in different ways and places.
Extending this function for your model is only necessary if you need to compute surface fluxes and radiative fluxes at the surface using the functions in this file.
— Functionbeta_factor(W::FT, σS::FT, fW_f::FT, fσS_c::FT, p::FT) where {FT}
Computes the beta factor which scales the evaporation/sublimation from the potential rate. The beta factor is given by:
β = (x/xc)^p x < xc 1 otherwise
where x = W and xc = fbucket * Wf for the bucket, and x = σS and xc = fsnow *σSc for snow.