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ORACLE Cloud Test Drive

Lab 5 Exposing the Digital Assistant with a Web Page


Having built the Digital Assistant, the next step is to determine which "Channel" will be the most appropriate to use in order to maximise access by the user community. For a B2C environment this may dictate the use of one of the popular Social Channels (such as Facebook Messenger or WeChat), while for an employee focused environment integration with the Corporate Intranet Portal may be the best option to allow easy access to the conversational interface.

In this lab you will be see how easy it is to integrate a chat client into a web application, as shown below, via use of the JavaScript Client SDK.


In order to host the web page you will deploy a simple Node.js based web server to your desktop. This will require the instalation of the Node runtime for your operating system. While this lab should work successfully on older versions of Node, it is recommended that you upgrade to the latest stable (LTS) release for your platform.

  • Goto and download/install the current LTS release for your computer

    • Note The download for your OS should be the default option.


  • Install the Node.js runtime and confirm that it is running successfully by executing the following command within a command Prompt/Terminal window.

node --version

Lab Exercise

1. Create a Web-Channel for your Digital Assistant

  1. In the Digital Assistant Builder expand Development V section within the main menu and select the Channels submenu item

  1. Click on the [+ Channel] button (under the users tab if not already selected)

  1. In the Create Channel dialog, give the channel a Name and Description

Name: CafeSupremo_Web_[YOUR INITIALS]
Description: Web Channel to expose the Digital Assistant within a Web Page
Channel Type: Web

Click [Create]

  1. Select your newly created channel from the list of defined Channels and specify for which Bot it will be associated, by selecting your Skill from the Pop-List on the Route To: field.

  1. Toggle the Channel Enabled switch to ON and copy the App Id value to a text editor for later use.

2. Configure the Web Application.

  1. If you have not already done so, download the Web App to your Desktop.

  2. Expand the Zip file (CTD3.0-CafeSupremo-Web).

  3. Open a Command Prompt / Terminal Window and Navigate to the CTD3.0-CafeSupremo-Web/app folder.

  4. Open the index.html file in a text editor (or HTML editor if you have one available) and scroll to the end of the document to find the indicated section.

  =          Update the AppID entry in the loadBot() function               =
  <script type="text/javascript" src="odaScript/chatWidget.js"></script>
  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  • Replace the Parameter of the loadBot() Function with the AppID that you copied in the previous section.

  • Save the index.html file.

  1. Change directory back to the root folder for the web application (CTD3.0-CafeSupremo-Web). Confirm that this folder contains a package.json file.

  2. Making sure you are in the directory specified, run the following command:

npm install

  • This will deploy the Web Server Application and any dependencies to the local Node.js Container that is installed on your computer

  1. To run the Server execute the following command

node server.js

If the server starts correctly you should see a message reporting that the server is listening on port 3000

Note: If you have another process currently running on Port 3000, you can change the listening port for the web server by editing the entry in the server.js file as follows;

app.listen(3000, function() {
  console.log('listening on port 3000');

3. Accessing the your Digital Assistant

  1. Open a browser and navigate to the the URL **http://localhost:3000

  1. Click the Digital Assistant Button to launch the Chat Client in the page.

  1. Enter one of the utterances you used in the second Lab.

eg. Can I have a beef pie

4. Customizing the "Look and Feel" of the chat client.

The colours and displayed text for the chat client can be easily modified by defining the appropriate settings within the Javascript Client SDK as follows;

  1. In a Command Prompt/Terminal Navigate to the CTD3.0-CafeSupremo-Web/app/odsScript folder

  2. Open the chatWidget.js file in a text editor and scroll down to the loadBot() function.

Review the various Settings in the Bots.init() function of the Web Channel SDK.

        appId: appId,
        businessIconUrl:   '/images/oracle-o-logo.png',
        businessName:      'Cafe Supremo CoffeeBot',
        businessIconUrl:   './css/images/CafeSupremo-Logo.png',
        buttonIconUrl:     './css/images/CafeSupremo-Bot-Button2.png',
        buttonWidth:       '80px',
        buttonHeight:      '80px',
        customColors:      {
                            brandColor:       'ffcccc', 
                            actionColor:      '0057B8'
        customText:        {
                            headerText:       'The Best in Tea & Coffee',
                            inputPlaceholder: 'Send me a message...',
                            introductionText: 'Your Virtual Barista'        
                            // locale:                           'en-US',
                            // soundNotificationEnabled:          true,
                            // imageUploadEnabled:                true,
                            // displayStyle:                      'button',
                            // actionPostbackError:               'An error occurred while processing your action. Please try again.',
                            // clickToRetry:                      'Message not delivered. Click to retry.',
                            // conversationTimestampHeaderFormat: 'MMMM D YYYY, h:mm A',
                            // fetchHistory:                      'Load more',
                            // fetchingHistory:                   'Retrieving history...',
                            // invalidFileError:                  'Only images are supported. Choose a file with a supported extension (jpg, jpeg, png, gif, or bmp).',
                            // locationNotSupported:              'Your browser does not support location services or it’s been disabled. Please type your location instead.',
                            // locationSecurityRestriction:       'This website cannot access your location. Please type your location instead.',
                            // locationSendingFailed:             'Could not send location',
                            // locationServicesDenied:            'This website cannot access your location. Allow access in your settings or type your location instead.',
                            // messageError:                      'An error occurred while sending your message. Please try again.',
                            // messageIndicatorTitlePlural:       '({count}) New messages',
                            // messageIndicatorTitleSingular:     '({count}) New message',
                            // messageRelativeTimeDay:            '{value}d ago',
                            // messageRelativeTimeHour:           '{value}h ago',
                            // messageRelativeTimeJustNow:        'just now',
                            // messageRelativeTimeMinute:         '{value}m ago',
                            // messageTimestampFormat:            'hh:mm A',
                            // messageSending:                    'Sending...',
                            // messageDelivered:                  'Delivered',
                            // sendButtonText:                    'Send',
                            // settingsHeaderText:                'Settings',
                            // tapToRetry:                        'Message not delivered. Tap to retry.',
                            // unsupportedMessageType:            'Unsupported message type.',
                            // unsupportedActionType:             'Unsupported action type.'
  1. Set the following properties to Customise the Chat Client.
backgroundImageUrl: ./css/images/CafeBackgroundNEW.png
conversationColor: 00cc33
headerText: Cloud Test Drive
introductionText: The New Digital Assistant
  1. Save and Exit the file and Navigate back to the root folder for the application CTD3.0-CafeSupremo-Web.

  2. Terminate the running Web Application, by issuing a Control-C in the window in which you started the application.

  1. Re-run the npm install and node server.js commands to load the new version of the Web Application into the Node container and to start up the Web Server.

  2. Re-Open the http://localhost:3000 URL in your browser

Note: You can clear the contents of the chat session, by clicking on the [Clear the Chat] button located just above the Page footer.


In this Lab you saw how by use of the Digital Assistant Web-Channel and the Javascript Chat Client Client SDK, it is possible to quickly and easily add a Digital Assistant to your web site.


Lab Exercise:

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