note that this system is new so come here often to make sure nothing has changed in the api
- Atlas - how we store textures
- Our Entity Component System Architecture for animation system
- API documentation
- How to use the animation system SKIP to here if you are in a hurry
- Atlas is a collection of textures
- to be efficient we store all textures in one big texture and draw the correct rectange from that texture to the screen.
- to make things convenient we map this texture through a file
that look like this:
# Sprite info: s <nameId> <originX> <originY> <positionX> <positionY> <sourceWidth> <sourceHeight> <padding> <trimmed> <trimRecX> <trimRecY> <trimRecWidth> <trimRecHeight>
s Meow-Knight_Dodge_5_0 0 0 0 16 32 16 0 0 0 4 16 12
s Meow-Knight_Dodge_6_0 0 0 32 16 32 16 0 0 1 2 15 14
s Meow-Knight_Dodge_7_0 0 0 64 16 32 16 0 0 1 1 13 15
s Meow-Knight_Idle_0_0 0 0 96 16 16 16 0 0 1 1 13 15
s Meow-Knight_Idle_1_0 0 0 112 16 16 16 0 0 2 1 12 15
- when loading the resources we put in the game state the atlas and the mapping
- The api to get any file then from this texture become
AtlasImage getAtlasImage(char *filename);
- atlas image contains all the information in the files which are all you need to draw a texture beside the texture it self which is stored in the atlas
Important note whenever you can use the atlas and this api to get the texture you want because it is more efficient than loading the texture from the disk both in processing and mermory wise 😉
- The animation system mainly uses 1 old component and introduces 2 new components
- The old component is the
component which is used to position the entity, and scale it - The new components:
- Animator: animation controller that controls the animation
- SpriteAnimation: the animation itself and it's data
Be careful
The animation system expects the entity to have 2 components
having correct position and scale values
to control the animation initiated with the animations used
- Get the source rectangle for the current frame of the animation/
: animator - The animator to get the source rectangle from.return
: The source rectangle for the current frame of the animation.
Rectangle getSrcRect(Animator *animator);
Rectangle src = getSrcRect(animator);
- Set the state of the animator to the specified state.
: animator - The animator to set the state of.param
: state - The state to set the animator to.
void setState(Animator *animator, int state);
setState(&(player->object.animator), DODGE);
- Update the animator to the next frame of the animation.
: animator - The animator to update.
void updateAnimator(Animator *animator);
- Draw the animator to the screen.
: animator - The animator to draw.param
: transform - The transform of the animator.param
: tint - The tint color of the animator.param
: flipX - Whether to flip the animator on the x-axis.
void drawAnimator(Animator *animator, CTransform *transform, Color tint,
bool flipX);
drawAnimator(&(players->object.animator), &(players->object.transform),
WHITE, flip);
Now to understanding and using the system.
the system is a sprite animation system
which means that we change the frames so many times per second
to give the illusion of movement
navigating through the differenct is a state machine that is fully
controled by the user of the system the system it self have no word
in it, it just provides the fucntionsality.
for using an animation we mainly do 3 steps and the 4th is optionaly
- load animation and define it
- change the state of the animation (optional)
- update the animation
- draw the animation
All animation data are stack allocated for robustness and speed
so if something exeed the limit of the animation system
increase the max in defs.h
- States are defines as following
typedef enum
// NOTE: add more as you wish here
- these are the animation that an entity can switch between
- note that their implementation will be different for each entity.
- and an entity can have one for them or all of them.
- let's lock at the player class as an example
- we first init the animations of the player in
player->object.animator = (Animator){
.isFinished = false,
.currentState = IDLE,
player->object.animator.animations[IDLE] = (SpriteAnimation){
.frameNames = {"Meow-Knight_Idle_0_0", "Meow-Knight_Idle_1_0",
"Meow-Knight_Idle_2_0", "Meow-Knight_Idle_3_0",
"Meow-Knight_Idle_4_0", "Meow-Knight_Idle_5_0"},
.numOfFrames = 6, // length of the above array
.fps = 8, // frames per second / speed of the animation
.currentFrame = 0,// the current frame index of the animation
.frameCount = 0, // used for calculating the frame
.isLooping = true,
.isFinished = false,
player->object.animator.animations[RUN] = (SpriteAnimation){
// same as above with different params for run animation
player->object.animator.animations[DODGE] = (SpriteAnimation){
.isLooping = false,
// ...
- Then we update the animation (step it)
- Then we draw the animation
drawAnimator(&(players->object.animator), &(players->object.transform),
WHITE, flip);
// NOTICE: that the draw uses the transform position and scale to determine
// the position and scale of the animation
// scaling is based on the source rectangle of the animation
- (optional) we can change the state of the animation
- here I made the state machine in a simplestic form
- that I think are easir to reason about in the game dev world
- you define the state conditions (transition variables) in the input controller of the entity, the use these this values to early return and jump around.
- an example can make these clearer here is the animatationControlor of the player.
static void animationControlor(Player *player) {
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE))
setState(&(player->object.animator), DODGE);
// NOTE: this meaning that looping animation have less priority than
// non-looping animations like dodge and attack
if (player->object.animator.isFinished == true) {
if (player->isMoving) {
setState(&(player->object.animator), RUN);
} else {
setState(&(player->object.animator), IDLE);
and in the update function of the player we call this function
And that's it, you have a fully functional animation system