All you can find in our API Rest is information about users, merchandaising, events, games, tournaments and UserRole. All you need to do is simply; you have to follow the API rules. If you try to do following a different way, it's probably what you will recieve an error.
- Download Postman.
- You only can send GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests.
The resource API has GET, POST, PUT and DELETE methods. http: // localhost: 8080 followed by the containt request URL.
All API queries have been preceded by /api
The following queries contains information about the Users.
User Information | Permissions | Request Type | Request URL | Sucess response | Error Response |
All Users Registered | ADMIN | GET | /api/users/ | (User List) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) |
User information | USER | GET | /api/users/id | User and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) OR FORBIDDEN(401) |
Purchases of a User | USER | GET | /api/users/id/purchases | (Purchases List) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) OR FORBIDDEN(401) |
Events Registered of a User | USER | GET | /api/users/id/eventsRegistered | (EventRegister List) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) OR FORBIDDEN(401) |
Add User | ALL | POST | /api/users/ | (USER) and CREATED (201) | NOT ACCEPTABLE (406) |
Delate User | USER | DELETE | /api/users/id/ | (USER) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) OR FORBIDDEN(401) |
Update information of an USER | USER | PUT | /api/users/id/ | (USER) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) OR FORBIDDEN(401) |
Update role information of a USER | ADMIN | PUT | /api/users/id/role | OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) OR FORBIDDEN(401) |
Example of GET to https://localhost:8443/api/users/
"id": 27,
"email": "email",
"name": "cPabe",
"firstName": "carlos",
"lastName": "pabe",
"roles": [
"role": {
"id": 9,
"name": "Secretary"
"id": 28,
"email": "email",
"name": "daniel",
"firstName": "dani",
"lastName": "moreno",
"roles": [
"role": {
"id": 10,
"name": "Treasurer"
Example of DELETE to https://localhost:8443/api/users/27
"id": 27,
"email": "email",
"name": "cPabe",
"firstName": "carlos",
"lastName": "pabe",
"roles": [
"role": {
"id": 9,
"name": "Secretary"
Example of PUT to https://localhost:8443/api/users/27
"email": "email",
"name": "daniel",
"firstName": "dani",
"lastName": "moreno",
"roles": [
"role": {
"id": 10,
"name": "Treasurer"
The following queries contains information about the Merchandaising.
Merch Information | Permissions | Request Type | Request URL | Sucess response | Error Response |
Merch list | ALL | GET | /api/merchandaisings/ | (Merch List) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) |
List of merchandaising type | ALL | GET | /api/merchandaisings/types/ | (Merch Type list) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) |
TyeMerch of a merch | ALL | GET | /api/merchandaisings/id/type/ | (Merch Type) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) |
Merch Information | ALL | GET | /api/merchandaisings/id/ | (MERCH) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) |
Merch with an image | ALL | GET | /api/merchandaisings/id/image | (MERCH) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) |
Create a Merch | ADMIN | POST | /api/merchandaisings/ | (MERCH) and CREATED (200) | NOT ACCEPTABLE (406) |
Create Merch Image | ADMIN | POST | /api/merchandaising/id/image/ | (Merch image) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) OR FORBIDDEN(401) |
Update MErch Image | ADMIN | PUT | /api/merchandaising/id/image/ | (Merch image) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) OR FORBIDDEN(401) |
Update Merch | ADMIN | PUT | /api/merchandaisings/id/ | (MERCH) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) OR FORBIDDEN(401) |
Delate Merch | ADMIN | DELETE | /api/merchandaisings/id/ | (MERCH) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) OR FORBIDDEN(401) |
Example of GET to https://localhost:8443/api/merchandisings/
"id": 32,
"name": "Chapa negra logo LCDD",
"price": 5,
"discount": 50,
"stock": 5,
"description": "Es la mejor chapa del mundo.",
"haveImage": true
"id": 33,
"name": "Poster LoL",
"price": 10,
"discount": 15,
"stock": 7,
"description": "Es la mejor poster.",
"haveImage": true
"id": 34,
"name": "Figura Poppy",
"price": 15,
"discount": 5,
"stock": 20,
"description": "Debes comprarlo.",
"haveImage": true
"id": 35,
"name": "Chapa blanca logo LCDD",
"price": 800,
"discount": 2,
"stock": 50,
"description": "No te atreverías a comprarlo.",
"haveImage": true
Example of GET to https://localhost:8443/api/merchandisings/types
"id": 11,
"type": "Chapas"
"id": 12,
"type": "Posters"
"id": 13,
"type": "Camisetas"
Example of POST to https://localhost:8443/api/merchandisings/
"id": 40,
"name": "Camiseta2 LCDD",
"price": 6,
"discount": 100,
"stock": 15,
"description": "Skin única LCDD.",
"haveImage": true
Example of DELETE to https://localhost:8443/api/merchandisings/38
"id": 38,
"name": "Camiseta LCDD",
"price": 6,
"discount": 100,
"stock": 15,
"description": "Skin única LCDD.",
"haveImage": true
Example of PUT to https://localhost:8443/api/merchandisings/37
"id": 37,
"name": "Taza editada logo LCDD",
"price": 55,
"discount": 5,
"stock": 45,
"description": "Café para algunos los estilos.",
"haveImage": true
The following queries contains information about the Events.
Events Information | Permissions | Request Type | Request URL | Sucess response | Error Response |
Event list | ALL | GET | /api/events/ | (Event List) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) |
Game list | ALL | GET | /api/events/games/ | (Game list) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) |
Event information | ALL | GET | /api/events/id/ | (EVENT) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) |
Event Image | ALL | GET | /api/events/id/image/ | (Event image) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) |
Users registered in an specific event | ADMIN | GET | /api/events/id/userRegistered/ | (User list) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) OR FORBIDDEN(401) |
Create an Event | ADMIN | POST | /api/events/ | (EVENT) and CREATED (200) | NOT ACCEPTABLE (406) |
Create Event Image | ADMIN | POST | /api/events/id/image/ | (Event image) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) OR FORBIDDEN(401) |
Update Event Image | ADMIN | PUT | /api/events/id/image/ | (Event image) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) OR FORBIDDEN(401) |
Update an event | ADMIN | PUT | /api/events/id/ | (EVENT) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) OR FORBIDDEN(401) |
Delete an event | ADMIN | DELETE | /api/events/id/ | (EVENT) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) OR FORBIDDEN(401) |
Game list | ADMIN | GET | /api/events/games/counts/ | (Game list) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) OR FORBIDDEN(401) |
Example of GET to https://localhost:8443/api/events/games
"id": 1,
"name": "League of Legends",
"acronym": "LoL"
"id": 2,
"name": "Magic: The Gathering Arena",
"acronym": "MTG Arena"
"id": 3,
"name": "Teamfight Tactics",
"acronym": "TFT"
"id": 4,
"name": "Legends of Runaterra",
"acronym": "LoR"
Example of GET to https://localhost:8443/api/events/17/userRegistered
"id": 27,
"email": "email",
"name": "cPabe",
"firstName": "carlos",
"lastName": "pabe",
"roles": [
"role": {
"id": 9,
"name": "Secretary"
"id": 30,
"email": "email",
"name": "alfonso",
"firstName": "angra",
"lastName": "lopz",
"roles": [
"role": {
"id": 6,
"name": "President"
Example of POST to https://localhost:8443/api/events/
"id": 56,
"name": "Evento prueva post2",
"place": "URJC Móstoles, S10 Lab 2",
"date": "03-03-2019",
"time": "15:00",
"description": "Es un evento de prqeeagrargueba",
"haveImage": true,
"groupSize": 2,
"inscriptionFee": 5,
"maxParticipants": 30
Example of DELETE to https://localhost:8443/api/events/56/
"id": 56,
"name": "Evento prueva post2",
"place": "URJC Móstoles, S10 Lab 2",
"date": "03-03-2019",
"time": "15:00",
"description": "Es un evento de prqeeagrargueba",
"haveImage": true,
"groupSize": 2,
"inscriptionFee": 5,
"maxParticipants": 30
The following queries contains information about the all types of roles (President,vicepresident...).
Roles Information | Permissions | Request Type | Request URL | Sucess response | Error Response |
Roles of directive board | ALL | GET | /api/role/ | (Role List) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) |
Users in an specefic role | ADMIN | GET | /api/role/id/ | (User list) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) OR FORBIDDEN(401) |
Example of GET to https://localhost:8443/api/role/
"id": 6,
"name": "President"
"id": 7,
"name": "Vice-president"
"id": 8,
"name": "Vocal"
"id": 9,
"name": "Secretary"
"id": 10,
"name": "Treasurer"
Example of GET to https://localhost:8443/api/role/8
"id": 29,
"email": "email",
"name": "oscar",
"firstName": "osk",
"lastName": "rivas",
"roles": [
"role": {
"id": 8,
"name": "Vocal"
"id": 31,
"email": "email",
"name": "miguel",
"firstName": "byGranizo",
"lastName": "jimenez",
"roles": [
"role": {
"id": 8,
"name": "Vocal"
The following queries contains information about the Purchases.
Purchases Information | Permissions | Request Type | Request URL | Sucess response | Error Response |
Purchase list | ADMIN | GET | /api/purchase/ | (Purchases List) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) OR FORBIDDEN(401) |
Purchases of the last mounth | ADMIN | GET | /api/purchase/lastYearByMonth | (Puchases list order by month) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) OR FORBIDDEN(401) |
Purchase | USER | POST | /api/purchase/id/ | (Purchase) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) OR FORBIDDEN(401) |
Example of GET to https://localhost:8443/api/purchase/
"user": {
"id": 31,
"email": "email",
"name": "miguel",
"firstName": "byGranizo",
"lastName": "jimenez",
"roles": [
"role": {
"id": 8,
"name": "Vocal"
Example of GET to https://localhost:8443/api/purchase/lastYearByMonth
The following queries contains information about the EventRegister.
EventRegister Information | Permissions | Request Type | Request URL | Sucess response | Error Response |
EventRegister list | ADMIN | GET | /api/userRegisterEvent/ | (EventRegister List) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) OR FORBIDDEN(401) |
User EventRegister | ALL | POST | /api/userRegisterEvent/id/ | (EventRegister) and OK (200) | NOT FOUND (404) |
Example of GET to https://localhost:8443/api/userRegisterEvent/
"user": {
"id": 27,
"email": "email",
"name": "cPabe",
"firstName": "carlos",
"lastName": "pabe",
"roles": [
"role": {
"id": 9,
"name": "Secretary"