A developer who can code independently and build complex applications in the browser.
- Setting/clearing Timeouts and Intervals
- The
Keyword - Using objects and properties with both object dot notation and bracket notation
- JSON, Parsing, Stringifying
- Built-In Array Iterators (forEach, IndexOf, Find, Map, Filter, Reduce, Some)
- Prevent form postback with preventDefault
- Parse string to JSON
- Convert JSON to string
- Promises
- Async/Await
- Adheres to popular conventions for indentation and code style
- Independent Research - Try googling "JavaScript" along with the competency listed above
- The Odin Project - Web Development 101{:target="_blank"} - This is a large course. The comptetencies you are trying to learn are all there, but there is no single page or link that will guide you to each competency. You'll have to sift through the content (a very common activity for even the most experienced developers).
Ask your mentor if you are ready for evaluation. Then, click here to request an evaluation.