A software developer who can interact with simple REST API's.
- Understand the utility of REST API's
- Able to read and write to a REST API using a REST Utility
- Understands how and when to use querystring
- Can use API Keys to gain access to secured data
- Read API responses.
- Properly form JSON payloads for requests
- Recognize common HTTP Error codes (200's, 300's, 400's, 500's)
- Utilize JavaScript's built-in Fetch (get, put, post, delete) to interact with an API
- Utilize JQuery's AJAX functions (get, put, post, delete) to interact with an API
- Process API response to display data on a web page
- W3 Schools Intro{:target="_blank"}
- AJAX Tutorial{:target="_blank"}
- Fetch API Getting Started{:target="_blank"}
- FreeCodeCamp's APIs for Beginners{:target="_blank"}
- SkillShare's Understanding APIs and RESTful APIs Crash Course{:target="_blank"}
- JQuery's AJAX Documentation{:target="_blank"}
- Open Weather API{:target="_blank"}
- JSON Placeholder{:target="_blank"}
Ask your mentor if you are ready for evaluation. Then, do one of the following:
- Schedule a live evaluation by clicking here to find a time on the calendar. After the evaluation, claim the badge.
- Record a screencast where you talk about and demonstrate each competency listed above. Make sure badge criteria and relevant tools are visible in the screen cast AND that your audio is good enough for the evaluator to hear. Upload the video to a service like Vimeo or Youtube (unlisted is fine) so that you can provide a public url for an evaluator to view. Claim the badge and include the video url in the evidence box.