3.0.0 2023-10-10
- Remove "Story attachments" feature
- Implement real-time updates in the beta board
- Refactor some components to be functional components
2.10.0 2023-06-08
- Refactor Note Operations to use dry-monads
- Refactor Project Operations to use dry-monads
- Refactor Team Operations to use dry-monads
- Refactor Task Operations to use dry-monads
- Refactor Project Board Operations to use dry-monads
- Refactor Iteration Operations to use dry-monads
- Remove Grape Gem
- Add global message about attachments feature removal
2.9.0 2023-05-26
- Migrate from Webpacker to Vite Ruby
2.8.0 2023-05-15
- Update Ruby to version 2.7.8
- Upgrade Node to 16.20
2.7.3 2023-05-09
- Refactor Story operations to use dry-monads
2.7.2 2022-12-28
- Rails to
- Puma to 5.6.2
2.7.1 2021-07-12
- Ruby to 2.6.8
- Rails to 5.2.5
2.7.0 2021-07-12
- Bug when change release date of story.
- New position column to Story
- Change drag and drop logic in beta version
2.6.0 2020-03-11
- [ V2 ] Drag-n-drop
- Bug when change release date of story.
- [ V2 ] When story is accepted and release it has a different background color.
2.5.0 2020-01-17
- Rewire and Rewire Webpack
- Inject loader
- Karma and all dependencies related
- [ V2 ] When story is accepted it has a different background color.
- Unscheduled stories may or not may have a estimate.
- Chilly Bin column have stories with or no estimate.
- Migrate all the javascripts tests from jasmine to jest.
- Front-End Dependencies
- NodeJS from 9.11.2 to 10.17.0
- Webpack Dev Server from 3.1.14 to 3.9.0
- babel-jest and @testing-library/jest-dom
- [ V2 ] Dialog confirmation when story state is changed in expanded shape.
- [ V2 ] Spinner when project is loading.
- [ V2 ] User mention.
- [ V2 ] Button to reverse story flow.
- [ V2 ] Actor in history of changes.
- [ V2 ] Buttons to show and hide columns.
- [ V2 ] Internationalization date.
- [ V2 ] Sprints calc bug.
2.4.0 2019-10-21
- [ V2 ] Search feature
- The app will automatically switch between teams when a user opens a link to a project of a team that is not the current selected one
2.3.0 2019-10-08
- [ V2 ] Reversed the order of done column sprints
- [ V2 ] Remove redundant switch cases from the stories reducer.
- [ V2 ] Fix number, date and points of sprints.
- [ V2 ] Sprints are shown in easier order in "done" column
- [ V2 ] Add project navigation bar
- [ V2 ] Fetch and show stories on the done column
- [ V2 ] Story:
- Stories of release type
- Option to Clone Stories
- Disable fields when story is read-only
- Link directly to stories
- History
- [ V2 ] Centralized notification system
- [ V2 ] Top nav
2.2.0 2019-03-15
- [ V2 ] Story:
- Stories can be updated when it's closed
- Block reserved words for new teams name
- Refactor
- Fix error in recaptcha when access page new team
- Fix team user not found in api request
2.1.0 2019-02-20
- Front-End Dependencies
- Webpack from 2.6.1 to 4.29.1
- React from 15.4.2 to 16.8.0
- Redux from 3.7.2 to 4.0.1
- Babel from 6.25.0 to 7.2.2
- Test Dependencies
- Enzyme from 2.7.1 to 3.8.0
- Jasmine from 2.5.1 to 3.3.0
- Karma from 1.3.0 to 4.0.0
- Sinon from 2.0.0 to 7.2.3
- [ V2 ] Board style to permit scrolling
- Fix alert favicon in production environment
- Export projects with no stories
- [ V2 ] Story:
- Attachments:
- With this change makes it necessary to set unsigned upload in cloudinary and set the ENV
. For help you can see this tutorial.
- With this change makes it necessary to set unsigned upload in cloudinary and set the ENV
- Attachments:
2.0.1 2019-01-31
- Enable Sidekiq Delayed Extensions
2.0.0 2019-01-31
- [ V2 ] Story:
- Title;
- Type;
- Requested By;
- Owned By;
- Estimate;
- Description;
- State;
- Save, Cancel and Delete;
- Notes;
- Tasks;
- Labels;
- [ V2 ] Refactor Redux flow to remove stories duplication
- Bug on unarchive projects
- Wrong serialization in JSON
- Amount of backlog points in reports page
- Bug on creating two teams with the same name
- Package: camelcase-object-deep: 1.0.7 to change-object-case: 0.2.0
- Due to the update of the recaptcha gem, changed recaptcha's ENV variable names from
- Package: sinon: 1.17.5 to 2.0.0
- Ruby from 2.3.1 to 2.6.0
- Rails from 4.2.11 to 5.2.1
1.22.0 2018-11-30
- Added supports to upload libre office formats
- Imports/exports of stories
- Documents
- Tasks
- Added Popover when Story is collapsed in board V2
- Resouce to expand/collapse a story in board V2
- Button to copy story url to clipboard in board V2
- Change estimate button to dynamic values when story is collapsed in board V2
- Fix imports notes of stories
- Fix project delete when tasks or notes are readonly
- Fix exporting unnecessary fields from documents and done to export in JSON
- Fix pusher missing api key
- Special character in project title
- Updated rails from to 4.2.11 (CVE-2018-16476)
- Updated rack from 1.6.10 to 1.6.11 (CVE-2018-16471)
- Updated loofah from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3 (CVE-2018-16468)
- Updated nokogiri from 1.8.4 to 1.8.5 (CVE-2018-14404 and CVE-2018-14567)
- Update gem rollbar from 2.13.3 to 2.18.0
1.21.1 2018-10-18
- Fix stories in the done sprints
1.21.0 2018-10-15
- Option to archive teams
- Added pusher-fake to the project
- Project delete confirmation
- Field velocity_strategy to projects
- Fixed locale change when accessing user edit page
- Fixed Project delete
- Fixed
by adding to sortable column canceled elements/nodes - Fix calculation of first sprint size
- pusherSockets.js to allow empty pusher env vars
1.20.1 2018-09-26
- Remove Velocity / Volatility from ProjectCard to optimize performance
1.20.0 2018-09-14
- New endpoint to update batch stories
- Replace polling with Pusher to fetch project updates
- StoryOperations reading refactored to optimize queries and performance
- Fixes the project export process, to properly generate the downloadable CSV file
- Fixes the rendering of charts
1.19.0 2018-05-25
- New way to load past stories
- New route to destroy batch stories.
- Missing button titles in story component
- CVE-2018-1000119 issue, updating rack-protection gem
- CVE-2018-8048 issue, updating loofah gem
1.18.0 2018-02-16
- Update attachinary options before it gets invalid.
- Added memcached service to docker-compose, now action import work well
- Change in import project, switch button attachinary_file_field to file_field
- Change the verification to refuse if const files is null, otherwise return the value files
- Request signature for file uploads once and all stories get this from a global place
1.17.0 2018-01-23
- Adjusted README to use yarn install instead npm install on project setup
- Remove auto scroll to bottom when adding a story and highlights it instead
- Fix a bug in stories movement, now this action doesn't select the stories texts
- Moved the story estimate buttons to a react component.
1.16.1 2018-01-03
- Add jquery-ui to fit cloudinary-js missing dependency
- Preload tag_group in projects query on projects controller
- Sort all stories in backlog to keep intended priority
1.16.0 2017-11-28
- Auto collapse done stories.
- Ability to drag stories from the epic column.
- Updated rails to
- Updated rubocop to 0.49.1
- Webpack manifest host path set to localhost, so webpack pack file load on Windows is fixed
- Highlight the searched stories not behaving properly.
1.15.0 2017-10-30
- Added the option to clone a story.
- Contextual search using operands.
- Updated central-support gem version, so Slack can be used in integrations here now.
- Updated central-support gem version, to fix story cache_names bug when it was removed
- Tasks labels aren't escaping special characters anymore.
- Activities from a story is now showing correctly to non-admins project members
- Moved the story action state buttons to a react component.
1.14.0 2017-10-18
- Added adminer service to docker-compose.
- Added nginx proxy to docker-compose, to enable us to use custom domain names on development.
- Changes on the style of the estimation form, on a story card.
- Changes the order which stories appear in the chilly bin column
- Show the form to estimate a task without having to open it
- Search results column being cleared after dragging a story between columns
- Search results wrongly appearing during searches
- Updated "central-support" gem to fix the volatility calculation.
1.13.0 2017-10-11
- On projects index, velocity is not always falling to fallback value anymore
- Story Attachments not being properly uploaded
- Update central-support gem version which fixes velocity calculations
- Update velocity calculation on the dashboard
- Changes to the browser tab as a notification of a change
- User is able to drag and drop stories from search column.
1.12.0 2017-09-26
- Updated the favicon with the current logo
- Update Heroku stack
- Minor UI glitches on smaller screen resolutions
1.11.0 2017-09-19
- Burn Down chart
- Highlights the release stories if the release date is compromised
- User impersonate gem for debugging purposes
- Update cm42-central-support version to save delivered_at
- Fix webpack entry files
- Bring back description component when story type is release
- Show story errors on save failures
- Don't duplicate a story after save process fails once
1.10.0 2017-09-13
- Allowed params to update project via API
- Fix central manage login and logout bugs
- Don't show projects to guests that he's not member of
- Disallow guests to make changes on projects
1.9.0 2017-09-11
- Changing
gem to newwebpacker
1.8.0 2017-09-06
- Action into API to update project
- ENV variable to check if the captcha is enable
- Adjust ESLint config and solve issues
1.7.0 2017-09-04
- Enables rubocop Metrics/AbcSize
- Enabled PerceivedComplexity rubocop metric
- Enabled CyclomaticComplexity rubocop metric
- Added flag to mail reports
- Enabled AndOr rubocop style
- Enabled BlockNesting rubocop metric
- Enabled RedundantReturn rubocop style
- Move users/form from projects to teams
1.6.0 2017-08-22
- Discord integration
- Story tasks to react components
- Story attachments input to react component
- Story description to react component
- Updated central-support gem to enable discord webhook integration support
- Fixing compatibility of docker-composer with webpack
- Fixing 'stop loading when save' javascript spec
- Fixing freeze from screen when create a new story
1.5.0 2017-06-23
- Story History is now able to listen for changes on the story
- Codeclimate file with engines and removed files from analysis
- Story type select to react component
- Story state select into react component
- Story requested_by select to react component
- Move select components to renderSelects function
- Story owned_by select to react component
- Alter route button Manage Members Team and associate user in team
- Story notes into react components
- Story labels to react component
- Story History bug when story actions where triggered
- Ticket not being reassigned to current user when state change to "started"
- Fix permission users to update others users
- Fix action create in user_policy
1.4.2 - 2017-05-24
- YARN temporarily
1.4.1 - 2017-05-24
- Move "babel-preset-airbnb" outside devDependencies in package.json
1.4.0 - 2017-05-23
- tag group form
- Added First time tour.
- Basic style for Labels
- Slack Support
- Release date to Story
- Project now uses yarn
- Story id, location and history input-form-group into a react component
- Story estimate select into a react component
- The attributes of a release story when creating or editing
- Remove the API module used in
params into Project Entity - Clean up DatabaseCleaner config
- Admin assignment
- 'Velocity per member' report title translation
- Disable registration using enviroment variable
- Display of throbber animated gif when adding a note or a task
- Labels autocomplete overflow
1.3.0 - 2017-04-25
- The option to each project has its own tag group
- Links to stories within the same project can be added to a story description.
- Docker setup for development env.
- User list refreshing when adding or removing team members
1.2.0 - 2017-04-7
- Redirect automatically to project#index after the user authentication, when there is only one team on enrollments
- Increase decimal precision from Stories position
- Change story controls to react component
1.1.3 - 2017-03-30
- Central-Support gem version updated to fix volatility issues
1.1.2 - 2017-03-30
- Option on stories to show their activity history.
- Fix docker setup for development mode.
- Fix bug keeping .story-controls disabled after a failed upload.
- Added ES2015 support
- Improve project list
1.1.1 - 2017-03-14
- Stories drag and drop bug fixed
1.1.0 - 2017-03-09
- User Endpoint
- Integrations in Project Endpoint
- Sidebar option to invert columns order.
- Refactor /admin/users views using a Presenter.
1.0.0 - 2017-02-15
- Added a changelog. We will keep tracking from now and on!
- Added translations on reports description.
- Redesign project reports and edit password pages.
- Redesign Admin Users pages.
- Changed the design of the edit teams page
- Fix a locale select bug to make the options visible on a dark navbar.
- Some improvements to fix some issues reported by codeclimate.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.