- Each step has a prepared html file to work with, use it
- You should create a javascript file for each step whitin the step folder.
e.g : step_1 => index.html + Step_1.js
- COMMIT AFTER EACH STEP, call each commit by the name of the step
- Understand how to style DOM objects through Javascript
- Competencies:
- style attribute
- some style properties
- https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-javascript
- http://eloquentjavascript.net/
- https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/javascript/
- When mouse is over the image, add a 3px solid red border
- Commit
- show or hide the text depending on which anchor (a tag) is clicked.
- do it with one function!
- Commit
- change the text's color depending on the color clicked
- Commit
- Change the inputs' borders to red if the passwords don't match
- Commit