This is an Angular/cli Sandbox where I learn/practice Front-End Development concepts. It is a test bed, not production by any means. Data is served by express/Mongoose backend
Express/Mongoose backend support added
- Angular 6
- Lazy loaded
- Module pattern
- Drag n Drop
- Decorators
- Pipes
- Typescript
- i18n Translations
- Mixins
- Functions
- Bootstrap 4
- Flexbox
- CSS Grids
- jQuery -- In the process of removing
- D3.js v5 Charts + Heatmaps
- The Inspector - drilldown - maps
- Wheelspin
- Family Tree
- World Map - counties, cities
- Animation/Video techniques
- rxjs async Observables/BehaviorSubjects
Install global dependencies for Angular Cli, Typescript, nodemon
- Clone the repo
- NPM install
- NPM start
- localhost/4200