2018년 하반기에 진행하는 모던 C++ 챌린지 스터디 관련 자료입니다.
- 토/일요일 오전 10시 ~ 오후 1시
- 토즈 강남 지역 (강남 / 교대 / 양재 / 선릉)
- 40명 (10명 * 4분반)
- The Modern C++ Challenge: Become an expert programmer by solving real-world problems
- 10월 6일 / 7일
- 자기 소개
- 아이스 브레이킹
- 스터디 진행 안내
- 10월 20일
- Chapter 1: Math Problems
- Sum of naturals divisible by 3 and 5
- Greatest common divisior
- Least common multiple
- Largest prime smaller than given number
- Sexy prime pairs
- Abundant numbers
- Amicable numbers
- Armstrong numbers
- Prime factors of a number
- Gray code
- Converting numerical values to Roman
- Largest Collatz sequence
- Computing the value of Pi
- Validating ISBNs
- Chapter 1: Math Problems
- 11월 3일 / 4일
- Chapter 2: Language Features
- IPv4 data type
- Enumerating IPv4 addresses in a range
- Creating a 2D array with basic operations
- Minimum function with any number of arguments
- Adding a range of values to a container
- Container any, all, none
- System handle wrapper
- Literals of various temperature scales
- Chapter 3: Strings and Regular Expressions
- Binary to string conversion
- String to binary conversion
- Capitalizing an article title
- Joining strings together separated by a delimiter
- Splitting a string into tokens with a list of possible delimiters
- Longest palindromic substring
- License plate validation
- Extracting URL parts
- Transforming dates in strings
- Chapter 2: Language Features
- 11월 17일 / 18일
- Chapter 4: Streams and Filesystems
- Pascal's triangle
- Tabular printing of a list of processes
- Removing empty lines from a text file
- Computing the size of a directory
- Deleting files older than a given date
- Finding files in a directory that match a regular expression
- Temporary log files
- Chapter 5: Date and Time
- Measuring function execution time
- Number of days between two dates
- Day of the week
- Day and week of the year
- Meeting time for multiple time zones
- Monthly calendar
- Chapter 4: Streams and Filesystems
- 12월 1일 / 2일
- Chapter 6: Algorithms and Data Structures
- Priority queue
- Circular buffer
- Double buffer
- The most frequent element in a range
- Text histogram
- Filtering a list of phone numbers
- Transforming a list of phone numbers
- Generating all the permutations of a string
- Average rating of movies
- Pairwise algorithm
- Zip algorithm
- Select algorithm
- Sort algorithm
- The shortest path between nodes
- The Weasel program
- The Game of Life
- Chapter 6: Algorithms and Data Structures
- 12월 15일 / 16일
- Chapter 7: Concurrency
- Parallel transform algorithm
- Parallel min and max element algorithms using threads
- Parallel min and max element algorithms using asynchronous functions
- Parallel sort algorithm
- Thread-safe logging to the console
- Customer service system
- Chapter 8: Design Patterns
- Validating passwords
- Generating random passwords
- Generating social security numbers
- Approval system
- Observable vector container
- Computing order price with discounts
- Chapter 7: Concurrency
- 1월 5일 / 6일
- Chapter 9: Data Serialization
- Serializing and deserializing data to/from XML
- Selecting data from XML using XPath
- Serializing data to JSON
- Deserializing data from JSON
- Printing a list of movies to a PDF
- Creating a PDF from a collection of images
- Chapter 10: Archives, Images, and Databases
- Finding files in a ZIP archive
- Compressing and decompressing files to/from a ZIP archive
- Compressing and decompressing files to/from a ZIP archive with a password
- Creating a PNG that represents a national flag
- Creating verification text PNG images
- EAN-13 barcode generator
- Reading movies from an SQLite database
- Inserting movies into SQLite database transactionally
- Handling movie images in an SQLite database
- Chapter 9: Data Serialization
- 1월 19일 / 20일
- Chapter 11: Cryptography
- Caesar cipher
- Vigenere cipher
- Base64 encoding and decoding
- Validating user credentials
- Computing file hashes
- Encrypting and decrypting files
- File signing
- Chapter 12: Networking and Services
- Finding the IP address of a host
- Client-server Fizz-Buzz
- Bitcoin exchange rates
- Fetching emails using IMAP
- Translating text to any language
- Detecting faces in a picture
- 스터디 마무리
- 비용 정산
- Chapter 11: Cryptography
- 스터디 모집 인원은 한 분반 당 8명으로 구성합니다.
- 1분반은 토요일 오전 10시 ~ 오후 1시에 진행합니다.
- 2분반은 일요일 오전 10시 ~ 오후 1시에 진행합니다.
- 스터디에 사용하는 책은 개별 구입하셔야 합니다.
- 스터디는 격주 단위로 진행합니다.
- 2주동안 각자 정해진 분량의 문제들을 풀어옵니다.
- 서로의 코드를 리뷰하며 더 좋은 해결 방법을 찾기 위해 토론합니다.
- 즉석에서 문제를 응용해서 풀어보는 시간도 갖습니다.
- 스터디와 관련된 모든 예제 코드는 Github에 업로드합니다.
- 12만원 (예치금 4만원 + 장소 대여비 1만원 * 8회)
- 신한은행 110-471-445816 옥찬호
- 1분반(토요일) : 옥찬호
- 2분반(일요일) : 정승호
- 3분반(토요일) : 박동하
- 4분반(토요일) : 정은식