- The BattleMinerZ Health Editor (BMZHE).
- Edit Health in BMZ/BM/TMH Adventure Save-Data.
- Lastest Version Download
- Not an Advanced GUI. Uses Numpad Keys 0-3 To Navigate Menu's.
- Edits ALL Save-Data Within The Current Directory.
- Edits "The Magic Hammer" and "BattleMinerZ" Health Now.
Why is my Save-Data not Valid?
- The most Common reason is because the Save-Data isn't an Adventure Save.
Why isn't this a Save-Editor?
- The application only edit's Save-Data health. And nothing else.
Is BattleMiner (2014) Supported Yet?
- Not yet, however it is being planned to be supported very soon.
What is Error-Code "0x01"?
- This Error-Code only ever displays itself if No Save-Data is found in the current Directory.
What is Error-Code "0x0F"?
- This Error-Code displays if any of the Save-Data has an Invalid Health ammount, or hasn't been opened.
- BattleMiner (2014) Update - Has Been Delayed Until Further Notice.