All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Lightswitch to toggle between dark mode and light mode
- Settings page
- Prompt library page
- Ability to disable/enable prompts
- Ability to edit prompts
- Ability to delete prompts
- Ability to add prompts
- Credit for Icons
- Fixed #4. Window now correctly hides when the shortcut is pressed for the first time and it never lost focus before.
- Fixed #5. Colors of the clipboard icon are inverted in dark mode.
- Tray icon
- Closing app to tray
- Showing app with tray left click or shortcut (Ctrl+Alt+C)
- Larger default window width
- Renamed
- Direct summon and hide window tauri commands
- Summoning app now un-minimizes it too
- Ability to pull the application into focus with Ctrl+Alt+C shortcut
- Ability to quick-select a prompt using a single letter
- Prompts UI now respects line breaks
- Roadmap is now better organized
- Going back to prompt selection now clears chat history on the backend
- Default prompts
- Display and selection of prompt
- Clipboard usage in a prompt
- Model selection before prompt selection
- Ability to go back to prompt selection from the chat interface
- Tailwind CSS class order according to Prettier plugin
- User Messages can also be copied now
- Ollama api/generate functionality (used at the start for testing)
- Typo is summarization prompt
- Chat interface and functionality
- Ability to copy any response
- Clipboard interactions
- Dummy request to Ollama server
- Button to trigger request
- Display of model response on the UI
- Initial scaffolding of the project
- Github repository