DShield Raspberry Pi Sensor
This is a set of scripts to setup a Raspberry Pi as a DShield Sensor. In order to use the Raspberry Pi, you will need to first prepare it:
- CHANGE THE DEFAULT SSH PASSWORD (better: use keys to authenticate)
- expose the Pi to inbound traffic. For example, in many firewalls you will be able to configure it as a "DMZ Hosts"
- update your Pi. The install script will do this as well, but it can take hours, so you are better off doing it first. To update:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
only on "Jessie Lite":
sudo apt-get install git
on all versions of Raspbian (including Jessie Light):
git clone https://github.com/DShield-ISC/dshield.git
sudo dshield/bin/install.sh
This script will:
- enable firewall logging and submitting of logs to DShield
- change your ssh server to listen on port 12222
- install the ssh honeypot cowrie (TODO)
- configure a default web server and submit logs to DShield (TODO)
inside your "dshield" directory (the directory created above when you run "git clone"), run
git pull
sudo bin/install.sh
Configuration parameters like your API Key will be retained. To edit the configuration, edit /etc/dshield.conf