diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 0d41791..2ed78d6 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,60 +1,2 @@
-## Installing
-1. Download Meteor Client (https://meteorclient.com/download), for help see https://meteorclient.com/faq/installation
-2. Download Meteor ServerSeeker using the comically large button above and drop it in your mods folder!
Official ServerSeeker addon for meteor
Official ServerSeeker discord server (has a bot with a few more functionalities, like searching for bedrock servers), join for support
- ![Powered by ServerSeeker](https://img.shields.io/badge/Powered%20by%20the%20ServerSeeker--API-%232b2b2b.svg?style=for-the-badge&logo=python&logoColor=18d3ae)
-![Github Stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/DAMcraft/MeteorServerSeeker?style=for-the-badge&logo=github&labelColor=2b2b2b&color=2b2b2b)
-## How to use:
-### Logging in:
-Click on the big button saying "ServerSeeker"
- Be aware that all information I get from Discord is "public" information (username, profile picture, etc.)
-### Searching for servers
-Let's say we want to find cracked servers with at least 2 players online. Because of this I am setting "Cracked" to "Yes" and "Online Players" to "At least 2"
-The mod searches servers automatically for your current Minecraft version.
-After clicking on "Find", we can now just add all servers
-And just that easy, the servers are now in your server list!
-### Searching for players
-Let's say we want to find the player with the name "DAM". We just type "DAM" into the box, and click on "Find Player"
-Now we can just add the servers we want, or even add all!
-### Getting players on a server
-Simply select a server and click on "Get players"!
-You can now see the player history. Clicking on "Login" will log you into the account in cracked mode.
-silly :3
+# ServerSeeker has been bought by the fifth column.
+This project is now archived.