The Clinical Decision Support for Chronic Pain Management and Shared Decision-Making IG (CDS4CPM) is a specification for services and operations that, taken together, allow patients and practitioners collaboratively make decisions about chronic pain management.
The repository contains documentation and scripts that allow a functioning sandbox demonstrating the overall solution to be stood up. There are several services involved:
- The MyPain application, which is a patient facing portal
- The PainManager application, which is a provider facing portal
- The CQF-Ruler, which functions as a FHIR database.
- The Smart-Launcher application, which simulates a launch from an EHR
Site-specific configuration for the solution may vary. This repository serves as a reference for where those configuration points are.
Docker version 19+
The sandbox uses docker-compose to set up several containers and link them all together to represent the complete system, as shown in the diagram below:
The docker-compose.yml file documents how each of those containers are configured to make the overall system work. Certain elements may not be required in each deployment. Specifically, the Smart Launcher will typically be replaced with an EHR's Smart Launch capability, the CQF-Ruler may be replaced with a site-specific FHIR server or facade, and the Traefik reverse proxy container would be replaced by a given site's networking solution.
The various services are available at:
The relevant configuration options that are used for each service are documented below.
This project uses a docker-compose file to do all of the above configuration for you automatically. The file is located here and demonstrates the usage of the various options.
From the /docker directory, run:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml --compatibility --env-file ./config/.env pull
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml --compatibility --env-file ./config/.env up -d --remove-orphans
The appropriate docker containers will be downloaded and started. It may take a several minutes for all the containers to download and start.
NOTE: On Windows Docker may ask to access your local hard-drive due to sample data and configuration being shared with the cqf-ruler from this repository. Please give Docker permissions to access the drive.
You can then browse the smart-launcher to select the correct applications and FHIR server by browsing
When you're done with the sandbox, the services can be stopped by pressing Ctrl+C
. The services can then be deleted.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml --compatibility --env-file ./config/.env down
Detailed information on the docker-compose
command can be found on the Docker website
NOTE: These steps require the use of the Chrome browser at the present time. When operating locally, you may get a 'CORS' error in the patient picker (see image below).
To avoid CORS error, use the following script from terminal to open chrome with CORS disabled:
open -n -a /Applications/Google\\ Chrome --args --user-data-dir="/tmp/chrome_dev_test" --disable-web-security
Windows (run as administrator):
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-web-security --disable-gpu --user-data-dir=~/chromeTemp
Linux (replace 'username' with applicable user):
google-chrome --disable-web-security --user-data-dir=/home/username/tmp-chrome
In order to select a patient from smart-launcher and use my-pain/pain-manager, you need to populate a patient record
sample patient bundle:
Perform an API POST at the following endpoint, and populate the body with raw json from sample patient:
POST http://cloud.localhost/samplepath/r4/cqf-ruler/fhir
This step is required to get my-pain/pain-manager to function properly
Questionnaire Bundle:
Perform an API PUT at the following endpoint, and populate the body with raw json from questionnaire:
PUT http://cloud.localhost/samplepath/r4/cqf-ruler/fhir/Questionnaire/mypain-questionnaire
Browse to http://cloud.localhost/samplepath/smart-launcher
Open the Patient Selector by clicking the arrow as shown in the following image
The Patient Selector will open. Select a patient from the list and click "Ok" as shown in the following image
In order for my-pain/pain-manager url to appropriately launch, you will need to uncheck the "EHR" checkbox before launching my-pain/pain-manager. Otherwise this redirects
The launch urls are as follows:
Enter the launch url of MyPain or PainManager into the "Launch" box and click Launch as shown in the image below
The cqf-ruler implements a FHIR Rest API with support for creating, updating, and deleting resources. This endpoint is available at:
Instructions on how to load new Resources are available at the Resource Loading page on the cqf-ruler wiki.
Additionally, a GUI interface is provided at:
The primary source for documentation of the deployment of CQF-Ruler is located at the CQF-Ruler wiki on the Deployment page.
Docker supports mounting external files into a container. The syntax for this is:
docker run --v /source:/target fooContainer
The directory located on the host at /source will be available in the container at /target.
Docker also supports setting environment variables for a container. The syntax for that is:
docker run -e ENV_VARIABLE=value fooContainer
The FHIR servers available are set with environment variables:
- "FHIR_SERVER_R4=${PROTOCOL}://${HOST}${DOMAIN}/samplepath/r4/cqf-ruler/fhir"
# "FHIR_SERVER_R3=${PROTOCOL}://${HOST}${DOMAIN}/samplepath/r4/cqf-ruler/fhir"
The base urls expected for the launcher are set with .env file and passed in to the compose file to set the path, 'samplepath' is used as a temporary placeholder:
- HAPI_FHIR_SERVER_ADDRESS=${PROTOCOL}://${HOST}${DOMAIN}/samplepath/r4/cqf-ruler/fhir
This configuration is demonstrated in the in the docker-compose.yml file.
This section is intended for developers working on the cds4cpm sandbox
The sample data is stored in small H2 databases located at docker/config/cqf-ruler/h2. These databases are shared with the cqf-ruler on startup, and are mapped bi-directionally with the host machine. If you need to update the sandbox data, do the following:
- Start the sandbox with
- Post the required data to the cqf-ruler as described in Adding Additional Data.
- Stop the sandbox
- Commit the resulting changes to the database files to the repo.
The extract operation takes a QuestionnaireResponse and returns a bundle of Observations from those responses. An example QuestionniareResponse is provided at:
Post the QuestionnaireResponse as the parameter named "questionnaireResponse" to the operation using a call such as
POST http://cloud.localhost/samplepath/r4/cqf-ruler/fhir/QuestionnaireResponse/$extract
The resulting bundle of Observations will be posted to the questionnaireResponseExtract.endpoint set in the configuration file.
The transform operation takes a Parameters resource containing a BUndle of Observations and a ConceptMap url. Examples of these can be found at:
Post the Parameters to the operation:
POST http://cloud.localhost/samplepath/r4/cqf-ruler/fhir/QuestionnaireResponse/$transform
A Bundle of Observations is returned with site codes replacing the original codes for the values of the Observations or if "observationTransform.replaceCode=false" then the site codes will be added as a new Observation value code with the concept map's corresponding display value.
If you want to get back to the state of the sample data as of the latest commit use:
git restore docker/config/cqf-ruler/h2/*
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