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SI2: Social Insurance 2.0

SI2 is an attempt to finally define a dream I've had for years: a refactoring of our social contract geared toward increasing vertical mobility, defined as a collection of insurance policies and wealth funds bound to legislature that's decided on by the organization's members.

Its a combination of a bunch of past ideas (Githubberment, Fractional Foundation, and a civic engagement concept I'd started noodling on years ago inspired by a project called MaMarie) into one mega absurd idea: that we already, today, have the necessary tools and ideas to construct for ourselves a bottom-up, silent, peaceful revolution leading toward a new 21st century social contract of "socialcapitalism" via a parellel structure of social support and order that ends up winning out against our existing frail and strained social systems over time simply by being a more efficient and equitable model of governance, education, employment, investment and resource/capital allocation.

Or in other words: a model that leverages the best of capitalism (its free market dynamics) to undermine the value prop of our existing inhumane capitalist system by increasingly providing comparable, and beyond a certain scale superior, social services. It will accomplish this via well defined insurance policies and wealth funds so that in some future moment of crash, rather than history repeating itself and pitchforks being drawn as social decohesion kicks into overdrive, people have something reliable to fall back on as an alternative social contract instead. As adoption scales, the model is able to add more benefits to members for lower costs, much in the same way insurance policy costs are driven down by pooling through larger group funds.

This model started largely as a thought experiment, but is currently being worked on as Commonwealth. The initial focus will be on launching the Commonwealth Capital Model (identified as Financial Center & Reserve below), followed by development of the DID and DID-integrated Governance service. From the Capital Model + DID, the remaining SI2 services can be developed and launched, while efforts to onboard vendors/marketplaces to the Fiat asset will help grow the network's liquidity, enabling further expansion of SI2 services.

Sections below are borrowed from the 8 Strengths identified in Ray Dalio's "Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order: Why Nations Succeed and Fail".


  • identities can be classed as: organic, organization, or infrastructure. organization subclassifies further into: legislature, executor, auditor, business, co-op, non-profit. infrastucture subclassifies further into: iam, environment, comms and distro, each of which can have both digital and physical objects
  • all SSI/DIDs are member of/subject to the "global legislature" organization, a system of self governance with implementation details yet to be fully defined, but the goals of: equality and dignity for all organics, accountability for the inputs/outputs of all organizations asserting they conform to constructal law, and continuous development, optimization and modernization of all necessary infrastructure that ensures the global legislature's organic members are able to expect increased access to the resource channels that flow through the network in accordance with constructal law
  • DIDs in violation of global legislature rulesets will be brought to a distributed justice service (think: Kleros) when smart contract arbitration processes aren't able to resolve the injustice automatically. this same mechanism can be utilized within organizations to handle contract violations and their arbitration internally as well, and depending on ruleset implementation may also be used to monitor/control/quarantine infrastructure

Financial Center

  • see: Commonwealth Capital Model Litepaper
  • Funds/Loans services to be considered/defined by CommonwealthDAO
  • will prioritize stewarding and utilizing Reserve capital for the longterm health of the Commonwealth Economy, aiming to utilize as much capital for social-good investments & insurance as sustainably possible
  • will prioritize acquiring reliable stores of wealth, including hedges against the crypto market, to maintain longterm Reserve value & health
  • will prioritize acquiring and increasing positions in projects seeded within the Commonwealth network in order to retain as much longterm network value from succesful seeds for members as possible
  • will define DeFi instruments worth launching that put reserve capital to work (with gains being paid out to members)


  • see: Commonwealth Capital Model Litepaper
  • CommonOil acts as the energy supply of the system, much like it does in our real economy
  • CommonFiat acts as a transactional currency made to be liquid and used for commerce once stability targets achieved
  • CommonGold is a deflationary, scarce asset aiming to function as the model's internal store of wealth
  • The Reserve pools a portion of each of these assets, minting the CommonShare asset (utility tbd: likely to be utilized as part of investment/insurance services)


  • social services, or any government program really, can be thought of as massive group insurance policies/wealth funds with an objective oriented mandate
  • insurance platform will first be developed to launch social insurance and associated investment funds from the global legislature, but will aim to remain generalized to be used by organizations, then offered more broadly
  • insurance ultimately will aim to target health and employment insurance, selling toward small/medium sized businesses and gig economy workers, but may pursue smaller capex or crypto marketplaces to start depending on implementation
  • surplus funds from sound investments will be split between a surplus reserve pool, other pools generating less surplus from their funds, and innovation oriented investments that grow the overall value of the network to drive down costs as successful seeds (see: Innovation below) go onto generate additional surpluses



Education is the cornerstone of every nation, and the moment its advancement peaks is when its society too peaks and regresses, though usually with a lag before we notice too late and are swallowed by growing social decoherence. Education will be a critical component of the new Social Insurance, particularly given this model's adoption is most apt to take place in the wake of a downturn that leads to high unemployment, making re-training oriented education the best place to start, but ultimately aiming to incorporate the full education lifecycle including K12, and then internationalizing the content to provide a global standard of education. A model of education owned and operated by the commons aiming to make quality, certified education access universal.


  • accreditation bodies (members of the global legislature)
  • accreditation body auditors (assigned to review accreditation body changes, also members of the global legislature)
  • curriculums (object trees defined by accreditation bodies)
  • objectives (meta value trees defined by accreditation body encapsulating nested concepts)
  • skills (specific skills defined by accreditation bodies, not bound to trees but instead representing discrete skills/experience)


  • organizations (members of accreditation body)
  • institutions (members of organizations)
  • educators (members of organizations, assigned to institutions)
  • students (members of an institution)
  • courses (maps educator to students via a course definition; maps to accreditation objectives)
  • sessions (mapped to a course and associated accredtiation objectives & skills)
  • projects (maps to objectives & skills; assignment/due linked to sessions)
  • tests (maps to objectives & skills; assignment/due linked to sessions)
  • interests (<- used by students/educators for content gen of extracuricular education)


  • accreditation body sponsored R&D grant programs
  • accreditation body + global legislature sponsored incubation programs
  • accredtation body + global legislature sponsored seed rounds
  • accreditation body + global legislature + crypto/private equity sponsored series a rounds


Vs Underproductivity/Undercompensation

  • job boards to connect accredited skills with opportunities
  • recruitment services to actively onboard new skilled workers
  • seeded/incubated successes will be assisted to grow them, benefiting and growing the network in turn

Vs Competing Forms Of Representation

  • DAO services will first cater to global legislature needs, then underwrite organization needs, but will also be offered up to non-members to act as a means for consensus development (think: Loomio)

Vs Competing Education/Insurance Offerings

  • improving competitiveness will depend on which verticals are at launch
  • once MVP defined, establish KPI against traditional to compare/optimize
  • once optimizations on core complete, identify which remaining verticals would improve the value prop of the core features most, and prioritize squezing into whichever market(s) are succeeding that swim in the most money (employee/gig worker benefits seems most logical, but experiment)


  • accredited knowledge bank and skills development pipelines
  • increasingly leveraged job marketplace with each business/organization onboarded
  • insurance services, including social insurance for all organic global legislature members and organization level insurances, being used to sell insurance to non-members for a premium past a certain scale
  • wealth funds, first bound to social insurances, followed by organizationally defined insurance/funds, but past a certain scale more generalized wealth funds will follow, and global legislature wealth fund bonds to be offered to non-members at a premium (non-members will still be bound to global legislature ruleset + an additional ruleset defining limitations for non-member entities to protect member interests in accordance with constructal law)


  • offer up accredited training pipeline platform to non-members, at a cost/premium, paying the premium out to members
  • offer up insurance services to non-members, at a premium over member services, paying the premium out to members
  • provide platform to leverage DAO tooling for non-member DAOs (at a cost, paying profits to members)
  • provide restricted access to wealth funds to non-members to scale network objectives and increase liquidity (with built in kickbacks to members)
  • leverage skills/recruiting featuresets to propose temporary talent trades with and between member organizations, with non-member trades possible for a premium (think: options market on talent pools) (<- not sure I love this idea in retrospect... revisit when nearing recruiting service)


  • recruitment services aiming to onboard new members/organizations to the network (ie: the meme army)
  • weekly campaigns pushing into targeted market segments
  • referral/commission program for successful member driven sales calls/onboarding of businesses to training/recruiting/insurance/wealth management services
  • expert reachouts to onboard more brainpower that continuously expands the network's possibilities with each fresh perspective