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LineScan Model Adjustable Parameters

Jesse Mapel edited this page Jan 22, 2020 · 9 revisions

Each parameter is defined in UsgsAstroLsSensorModel.cpp in the PARAMETER_NAME definition.

Sensor State Adjustments

Parameters 0-5 define position and velocity adjustments to the sensor's position relative to the target body. Velocity adjustments are scaled such that the start of the image is 0.0 and the end of the image is 2.0.

Parameter 0: In Track Position Adjustment (IT Position Bias)

Parameter 1: Cross Track Position Adjustment (CT Position Bias)

Parameter 2: Radial Position Adjustment (Rad Position Bias)

Parameter 3: In Track Velocity Adjustment (IT Veloctiy Bias)

Parameter 4: Cross Track Velocity Adjustment (CT Veloctiy Bias)

Parameter 5: Radial Velocity Adjustment (Rad Veloctiy Bias)

Sensor Orientation Adjustments

Parameters 6-14 define adjustments to the sensor's orientation relative to the target body. The adjustment is applied before the a priori rotation from the sensor reference frame to the target body reference frame during the imageToGround process. The inverse of the adjustment is applied after the rotation from the target body reference frame to the sensor reference frame during the groundToImage process.

The adjustment is defined by three Euler angles. The time dependent adjustments coefficients are also scaled such that the start of the image is 0.0 and the end of the image is 2.0.

Parameter 6: Constant Adjustment for 1st Euler Angle (Omega Bias)

Parameter 7: Constant Adjustment for 2nd Euler Angle (Phi Bias)

Parameter 8: Constant Adjustment for 3rd Euler Angle (Kappa Bias)

Parameter 9: First Derivative Adjustment for 1st Euler Angle (Omega Rate)

Parameter 10: First Derivative Adjustment for 2nd Euler Angle (Phi Rate)

Parameter 11: First Derivative Adjustment for 3rd Euler Angle (Kappa Rate)

Parameter 12: Second Derivative Adjustment for 1st Euler Angle (Omega Accl)

Parameter 13: Second Derivative Adjustment for 2nd Euler Angle (Phi Accl)

Parameter 14: Second Derivative Adjustment for 3rd Euler Angle (Kappa Accl)

Interior Orientation Adjustments

Parameter 15 defines an adjustment to the interior orientation of the sensor.

Parameter 15: Focal Length Adjustment (Focal Bias)

Adjustment Scaling

All of the adjustable parameters are scaled such that changing a single parameter by 1 will change the back projected image location of the reference point by about 1 pixel. This makes the uncertainties and adjustments for the sensor parameters similarly scaled to the uncertainties for ground points during the adjustment process.