Github Early showcases users who starred and watched a Github repo in its earliest stages.
When browsing a sizable Github repository (e.g., Node.js), I often wonder about the group of people who showed interest in these potentially groundbreaking projects from the very beginning. These individuals could be friends and colleagues of the project's founders, seasoned professionals within the industry, or ambitious young minds ready to make a mark.
Github Early provides a fresh way to explore Github by displaying the earliest followers (Early Stargazers and Early Watchers) for each Github repository 😄.
- Install Github Early from the Chrome Web Store.
- Enter your Github Token.
The purpose of using a Token is to bypass Github's rate limits. No permissions are required. Additionally, we assure you that we won't access or use your Token for any purposes unrelated to this application. (You can review the source code if you have any concerns).
- Have Fun!
If my program has been helpful to you, please give my repository a star (become an Early adopter of this project, Haha). You can also buy me a coffee (link) to encourage me to continue creating and maintaining applications.
Special thanks to Yao for providing many ideas and suggestions on tools during the initial stages 😄, which helped bring this tool to life.