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Introduction and statement of need

Research reproducibility is one of the most pressing issues in the fields of life science and biomedical research [1]. Arguably, 35 to 50% of studies in life science are either difficult to replicate or do not confirm original findings [2]. Exponential growth of generated data and consequently poor and inefficient data re-use are among the top causes of reproducibility crisis. While the “human factor” partly plays a role in limited data re-use, major hurdles are still cased by technological challenges. We identify three primary technical challenges that limit efficient data re-use: (1) the need for scalable computing to process public datasets, (2) detachment of code and data repositories from a computing environment, and (3) detachment of data, code, and computing environment from an article publication process.

Powerful computing is often required for processing of open data. Conventionally, scientific data processing is tackled with dedicated servers and/or computer clusters. However, this approach has multiple drawbacks in the era of open data. First, only ~5-10% of universities have core cluster facilities [3]. Second, biology and life science researchers are often unqualified for IT administration and face difficulties maintaining dedicated lab servers. Third, unlike in physics or mathematics, most software in life science is MPI-incompatible [4], thus requiring individual computer nodes being high in RAM and CPU - a condition rarely met in clusters and servers. Finally, neither clusters or servers allow any efficient way of data and code sharing because of security policies of the universities and cluster/server physical isolation. These issues make dependence on HPC/servers one of the blocking factors for efficient data re-use.

The second contributor to limited data re-use is a separate hosting of computational tools (software and code), data repositories and computing environments. Such separation implies that to re-use open data, researchers need to download datasets, find and install computational tools and set up a computational environment. Online transfer of large data severely impedes re-use: for example, in bioinformatics, complete ENCODE dataset needs ~40Tb of space [6], which makes it difficult to download and arrange sufficient storage space on a server or even a cluster. Inefficient code sharing is an additional blocking barrier [5]. We analysed >25000 research papers published in last 20 years in the field of bioinformatics and found that over 85% of researchers publish their code in a self-hosted manner [4]. This results in a weak maintenance and quickly outdating code which is hard to discover and apply to open data. Therefore, separation of code, data and computation make data re-use very time and effort consuming.

Third factor is a complete detachment of article publication process from an environment that would allow other researchers to reproduce analysis and re-use the data and code. At most, publishing platforms (i.e. journals) allows to include a link to an external website with a raw data and code. However, research reproducibility depends on ability of others to repeat all steps in an article “methods” section. For that, not only original data, links to the tools and computing environment need to present, but also a set of software settings used to analyse a particular dataset. Such settings are most often buried among lines of text in supplementary materials, impossible to access for automated machine processing and hard to find for end users. We collectively call this problem an effective “settings” sharing and re-use. Ideally, data, code, settings should be stored as an executable bundle, embedded into the articles and shared during an article publication process.

In conclusion, an unprecedented data growth in life science hampers research reproducibility and presents challenges to open science. Traditional approaches with research articles, code, data and methods being decoupled from each other and stored in hardly accessible formats on isolated clusters and servers profoundly limit re-use of all four components.



In our proposal, we present two platforms - InsideDNA (EU side) and ScienceOpen (US side) and explain how the development of these platforms and their integration can boost efficient data, code and settings/method re-use and increase research reproducibility in general.



InsideDNA - UK collaborator

InsideDNA is a cloud-based platform for open science and reproducible research in life and biomedical science. The platform is tailored for bioinformatics and genomics, but based on user feedback is now expanding to other areas of life science. It is comprised of three components: research platform, tool publishing service and sharing service.

Research platform

To facilitate re-use of code and provide access to powerful computational resources, we developed InsideDNA research platform. It is a unified web interface to hundreds of open source bioinformatics tools. These tools can be instantly executed on a user dataset or downloaded as Docker containers (Fig. 1). Users can monitor progress of submitted analysis tasks and easily see when and why tasks fail or succeed (Fig. 2). Each user has its own storage space which grows as more data are added and can hold terabytes of data. There are almost no limits on data storage size [8], number of compute nodes and their RAM/CPU capacity, because InsideDNA is based on a Google cloud technology and is autoscaled.

Figure 1. Access, search and download of open source tools

Figure 2. Tasks monitoring

To promote data re-use in life science, we developed an intuitive web file manager (Fig. 3). Web-based file manager is an interface to a cloud-based user storage containers and it supports all conventional operation on datafiles (Fig. 3). Importantly, file manager will be able to access external data source (e.g. S3, Dropbox, Drive) or database (e.g. NCBI, dbSNP, FlyBase) via so-called interoperability connector. Files and dataset from these external sources are visualized in the file manager and can be explored by an end user. In one click, user can run analysis on external data or copy external datasets to his own storage container. Interoperability connector is essential for public data re-use, because it has scalable architecture and allows to connect new open data sources as they become available for public.   

Figure 3. Web-based file manager

To equip researchers with an analysis framework, we developed a web interface for tool/software execution. This interface has default and advanced modes. Default mode is an easy-to-use web interface to all tools (Fig. 4), whereas advanced mode is a conventional console-based access to all tools and cloud task submission (Fig. 5). Console looks just like UNIX terminal, but has a completely different architecture: each submitted task initiates a launch of an execute node from the Google cloud, therefore offering enormous flexibility on a number of concurrently submitted tasks and node capacity. In addition to execution of individual tools, users can interactively chain tools together and create custom sharable bioinformatics pipelines.

Figure 4 Default mode - form-based interface

Figure 5. Advanced mode - console access

To promote international and between-team collaboration regardless of user affiliation and location, we encourage users to work in teams. To facilitate teamwork, users are able to organise tasks, datasets, tools into sharable projects (Fig. 6). By participating in a shared project, all project members gain access to the same datasets, are able to monitor tasks submitted by project members, share tools and tool settings. Project-based approach is available with both default and console-based interfaces.

Figure 6. Sharable projects with tools, tasks, and data

Tool publishing service

To foster code/software re-use, we are developing a tool publishing service - a web service for tool publishing. Tool author only needs to provide a link to code repository with a source code (e.g. github) or source code itself, tool description, any particular installation instruction and a test dataset via an easy web form (Fig. 7). Then tool is automatically compiled and run on a test dataset. The output is then verified by the tool author. If approved, the tool becomes publically available in three formats - default, console and downloadable Docker container.

Figure 7. Tool publishing interface

Sharing service

To make all analysis reproducible in life science, we are developing a sharing service - a way to store and share direct web urls to tool, data, and tool settings as an executable bundle which we call iMethod (Fig. 8). These web urls allow to quickly access and re-run an entire method section from a research article. Urls can be shared as permanent links, mainly serving a journal article publication purpose; and temporally (e.g. 2 weeks expiration time) - for sharing analysis between peers (Fig. 9). Importantly, if iMethod is shared publicly, associated datasets get transferred to public storage containers, url gets DOI and become indexed (Fig. 10-12) by major search engines (e.g. Google, Yahoo, Bing). Each link is annotated by codeMeta schema [8], and thus is perfectly compliant with the state-of-art progress on discoverability of scientific software in the Web.  

Figure 8. Example of iMethod ready to be saved as a link

Figure 9.1. Link creation: associated datasets get transferred to a public storage

Figure 9.2. Link creation - url for sharing

Figure 10. Link indexing and visualization in Google scholar search results

SearchResultsInsideDNA (1).png

Figure 11. Final iMethod embedding into an online research article

Figure 12. Clicking on the url in research article leads to exactly same page with loaded data

ScienceOpen - USA collaborator

ScienceOpen is a freely accessible research network to share and evaluate scientific information. It aggregates Open Access and article metadata articles from a variety of sources, opening them up to public and professional commenting and discussion. Because ScienceOpen sets a high value on reproducibility but also believes that problems with research results are often only discovered after publication we have created a publishing platform to respond flexibly to the needs of the scientific community. It offers rapid publication with post-publication peer review and article versioning to respond to critique.

ScienceOpen combines the advantages of a publishing platform, research network, and content archive in one place and serves as a “Research and Publishing Network”. It facilitates communication and collaboration among scientists; manages peer review and manuscript editing, and satisfies the increasing demands of authors to shorten publication times, to reach a broader audience and to consult peers for additional input.

The ScienceOpen database currently consists of over 11 million article records. The core of the database is drawn from the PubMed Central Open Access Data Subset and arXiv records. Through analysis of the reference structure of this Open Access core, the ScienceOpen ciation engine adds bibliographic records for cited papers to the database.  Refined search and filtering tools help researchers find the information sources that they need and a social network structure overlayed over the database allows users to interact with the content via post-publication peer review and curation in collections.

Figure 13 Post-publication peer review: Open reports

ScienceOpen further offers Collections curated by editors from the total articles on the platforms to further serve the research community in assessing the scientific literature. ScienceOpen Collections provide topic-specific bundling, editorial management and quality assurance for articles, designed for post-publication and drawn from a variety of topics, publishers or journals. It creates a space for researchers to continue to share, discuss and curate published content.

Figure 14 ScienceOpen Collections

In combination with the InsideDNA platform, ScienceOpen can publish articles vetted by InsideDNA iMethods embedded into the articles and shared during an article publication process. These articles can be assembled in a Collection and openly discussed using the ScienceOpen post-publication peer review tools and versioning to ensure that reproducibility can be easily verified and/or rectified.


Technical aims under OpenSciencePrize initiative

We envision realisation of the following technical aims under OSP initiative:

Integration of ScienceOpen and InsideDNA

To evaluate the utility of iMethods for researchers, we will run a pilot integration project between ScienceOpen as an article publishing platform and InsideDNA Sharing service. We will work closely with researchers and evaluate whether iMethod publishing is technically convenient and helps peer-review and re-use of the published content. Based on the feedback, we will iteratively improve steps involved into the processes of publishing and ensure that iMethod is viable in a long run.

Curation at ScienceOpen

ScienceOpen will create a specific InsideDNA Collection where articles published meeting the requirements may be automatically added and managed by editors assigned by InsideDNA. A community of interested researchers using methods, data or code can provide feedback on their experience in reproducing results and authors can both respond and improve.

Development of InsideDNA tool publishing and sharing services

Currently, InsideDNA developed an early alpha version of the publishing and sharing service which is now in internal use only. Under OpenSciencePrize initiative we plan to finalize publishing service and release beta version for general public (Appendix 1).

Development of InsideDNA interoperability connector and database integration

During OpenSciencePrize phase one, we plan to prototype the first version of the interoperability connector and test it on three public databases:  Autism Speaks, TCGA and dbGaP. Interoperability connector will help to re-use medical and health related genomic data to an unprecedented extent and provide access for many researchers who previously did not have a chance to work on such data.


Addressing goals of OpenSciencePrize


Our project will:

  • make systematic re-use of published software, data and settings;

  • make possible settings sharing and method re-use;

  • foster international collaboration between groups via shared projects;

  • provide smaller universities (without cluster) and research groups (without server) with a way to do massive genomic analysis;

  • bring equal opportunities for complex research to universities without a budget for cluster facilities;

  • integrate existing biological and medical database making it easy to re-use open data;



Our project will bring numerous benefits to health/healthcare research by:

  • introducing a new way of sharing research methods;

  • making massive re-use of published code, methods and datasets;

  • fostering collaboration between groups;

  • making knowledge and method transfer from research to industrial application easier;

  • reducing time for scientists to learn bioinformatics;

  • breaking “IT facility” barriers for starting health care/medical/bioinformatic research

  • exposing public health data together with computational power to all researchers;

  • making access to research know-how more transparent.



Our main innovations are:

  1. iMethod - an executable and reusable bundle comprising data, code, and methods;

  2. iMethod integration into the publication process of a research article and

  3. Automated tool publishing

  4. Open data interoperability connector



See Appendix 2 for InsideDNA/ScienceOpen features in comparison to existing open source, free and proprietary solutions.


Technological viability

Three main aspects ensure platform viability:

  1. Google Cloud Engine as the base. Cloud storage containers are very persistent storage types accessible irrespective of whether InsideDNA or SceinceOpen continue operating

  2. Integration of ScienceOpen and InsideDNA is a first example of how full cycle of research publication can become reproducible, open and re-usable. By working in close cooperation with researchers we will ensure that developed processes are convenient and can be adopted on a regular basis.

  3. User involvement. We will involve tools authors and researchers by providing compute credits pool for those who actively maintain their code and share research via iMethods.


Resource feasibility

InsideDNA team is working on the platform development since 2014. InsideDNA team developed a stable beta-release for the research platform and an early stage prototype for tool publishing service and sharing service (Appendix 2). Last 6 months, the platform was publically accessible and we obtained very positive user feedback. Currently, we work on 3 collaborative research papers that use InsideDNA and will be published with embedded iMethods [9].

InsideDNA team is supported by Google Inc. with cloud compute credits (see their letter of recommendation and recommendation from the Infinity team). We will collaborate with Google Genomics on integration of Autism Speaks, TCGA, dbGaP databases. The development of the platform during last 2 years confirms our competence and self-motivation to realise the entire project.

The ScienceOpen publishing network launched in 2014 and has been growing steadily. It is supported by a strong development team located in Boston. It has published over 270 items ranging from research articles to posters and peer review reports.


Conclusion and disclaimer

We believe that current technological barriers to efficient and widespread data re-use can be overcome. We have the passion, the skills and the team to eradicate these barriers and move research in life science and biomedical research forward.



  1. Begley, C. Glenn, Alastair M. Buchan, and Ulrich Dirnagl. "Robust research: Institutions must do their part for reproducibility." Nature 525.7567 (2015): 25.

  2. The Reproducibility and reliability of biomedical research: Improving research practice Symposium report, October 2015

  3. Number of clusters counted as number of bioinformatics core facilities from divided by total number of universities in the world


  5. BIoinformatics infrastructure survey

  6. ENCODE ftp

  7. Stein, Lincoln D., et al. "Data analysis: Create a cloud commons." Nature 523 (2015): 149-151.


  9. Hybridization capture using RAD probes (hyRAD), a new tool for performing genomic analyses on museum collection specimens. Accepted with minor revision to PLOS One and available doi:


Appendix 1. Developmental stage of InsideDNA features

Appendix 2. Comparison of InsideDNA functionality to existing FOSS and proprietary solutions