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REST API Documentation

Status: In progress

Open API Config

Please see the Open API for details on the routes.

API Endpoints

The Codexify API lets you process sensitive data from CSV, Excel, and JSON files. It provides three endpoints, each for processing a specific type of file:


The /api/process_csv endpoint allows users to upload a CSV file and specify a redaction method to remove sensitive data from the file. The redacted file can be downloaded in the same format as the original file. The endpoint also supports synthetic data generation to replace sensitive data with realistic but fake data.


The /api/process_excel endpoint allows users to upload an Excel file and specify a redaction method to remove sensitive data from the file. The redacted file can be downloaded in the same format as the original file. The endpoint also supports synthetic data generation to replace sensitive data with realistic but fake data.


The /api/process_json endpoint allows users to upload a JSON file and specify a redaction method to remove sensitive data from the file. The redacted file can be downloaded in the same format as the original file. The endpoint also supports synthetic data generation to replace sensitive data with realistic but fake data.

Request Body

The request body for all three endpoints contains the following parameters:

  • file: The file to be redacted. The file must be of the appropriate type for the endpoint being used (CSV, Excel, or JSON).
  • redaction_method: The method to be used for redacting sensitive data from the file. The following methods are available:
    • fixed_string: Replace sensitive data with a fixed string.
    • random_value: Replace sensitive data with a random value.
    • hash: Replace sensitive data with a hash of the data.
  • synthetic_data_generation: Whether to generate synthetic data to replace sensitive data in the file. This parameter is optional and defaults to false.

Response Body

The response body for all three endpoints contains the redacted file in the same format as the original file.

Status Codes

The API returns the following status codes:

  • 200: The request was successful.
  • 400: The request was malformed or invalid.
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