All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- New feature to read messages applying simple filters that are by chat id, channel id or user id for now.
- Fixes in docstrings.
- Update the documentation.
- New feature to search nearby users and chats and print in the screen.
- Fix in test for processor.
- The args parser was moved to each task class.
- The code in the binary t2p has some changes in the structure. No new features.
- Fixes around the typing style and the typing hints.
- New task to send voice notes from file.
- Update README file. Now shows available tasks.
- The documentation was updated and a new plugin was added. There are needed links to references outside this documentation.
- Add test to the task of dumping messages.
- Add test to the tasks processor.
- The coding style was changed, but nothing was affected.
- The tasks processor has a separate method to create the client.
- The task of dumping messages has a separate method to get messages.
- Delete reference to user counting that must be in another task.
- Add documentation.
- Add the base code of the project. This includes the directory structure and the installation configuration scheme.
- Add main code file, a tasks processor and a first task to dump messages.
- Add a binary version that lets to run the first task added.