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File metadata and controls

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An app prototype designed as a solution for challenge 2 of Digital Fields Hack, an hackathon competition held on 27 and 28 October 2018 in Bologna (Italy). For further information about this event, refer to Hackathon Infos folder.

Challenge 2

As participants involved in the second challenge, we needed to improve and enhance user-experience following these criteria:

  • Ease of use and fast comprehension of in-app data, taken from field sensors
  • Possibility to further analyze field data, visualizing correlation between them and trends
  • Graphic restyling to help user associate physical characteristics of crop and fruits with data


Our solution is a prototype of an app with the Justinmind prototyping software. It's composed by:

  1. Splash: a simple splash screen for app loading
  2. Home: the main screen. It's composed by many components:
    • Drawer menu: classic hamburger-like menu. It allows to reach to the home screen, to the fields screen ("Campi"), to the requests screen("Richieste") and to the data screen ("Storico")
    • Notifications: an hamburger-like menu to display important messages like a sensor fault or new data calculated for one of the fields
    • Map: a satellite map displaying fields linked to the account of the farmer logged in the app. They are divised and singularly clickable, to obtain specific insights based on the selected field
    • Infos: buttons visualized on the upper right of the screen, reporting fundamental field data for an immediate visualization
    • Tab bar: the menu in the lower part of the screen, composed by 3 buttons. Each one of them enables a particular visualization of the data, regarding a specific selected field or the entirety of the possessed fields. They are:
      1. Coltura: it allows to check for which crop a specific selected field is being cultivated for (rice, mais, ecc.)
      2. Difesa: it allows to assess the risk and the type of infection for a specific selected field (high, medium, low)
      3. Irrigazione: it allows to assess the urgency of irrigation for a specific selected field (high, medium, low)
  3. Richieste: it allows to check for requests from colleagues about field works, and take charge of any of it, if necessary (like a shared to-do list)
  4. Storico: just a screen displaying various type of data and their trend in past days/hours
  5. Campi: a setting screen, by which a farmer can set legal/practical infos regarding fields linked to his account

License and more

SmartFarm is published under GNU General Public License v3.0.

Copyright (©) Andrea Nicholas De Montis & Davide Di Donato & Enio Di Mauro & Emanuele Grimaldi & Giacomo Nasi.