在看過網路上存Conti雷達的ros msg沒有辦法全部儲存nuScenes所有的資料,於是自己改寫msg。以下是我rosbag儲存的資料類型:
Header header
ContiRadar[] points
Header header
uint16 id
float32 longitude_dist #x
float32 lateral_dist #y
float32 longitude_vel #vx
float32 lateral_vel #vy
float32 longitude_vel_comp #vx_comp,the velocities in m/s compensated by the ego motion
float32 lateral_vel_comp #vy_comp,the velocities in m/s compensated by the ego motion
uint16 dynProp #Dynamic property of cluster to indicate if is moving or not
float32 rcs #radar criss section in dBm^2
uint32 is_quality_valid
uint32 ambig_state #State of Doppler (radial velocity) ambiguity solution
uint32 x_rms
uint32 y_rms
uint32 vx_rms
uint32 vy_rms
uint32 invalid_state
uint32 ProbExists