- Materials
- HTML lists 62-73 Boxes 300-329
- JS Basic JS 70-73 Decsions and Loops 162-182 Lists boxes and loops are apart of every webpage and can be seen all over the place. Getting a good understanding of something so widely used will help create better performing products.
- Ordered lists - each item in the list is numbered. Uses numbers
- ol> - ordered list
- li> - list item
- Unordered lists - lits that begin with a bullet. Uses bullets
- ul> - unordered list
- li> - list item
- Definition lists - made up with aset of terms, also with the terms definitions. Uses defined terms
dl> - definition list - consits of a series of terms and definitions
dt> - defined terms
dd> - Definition
Lists can be nested inside onanother
- Bordering, Margin and padding
- Every box has 3 available properties that can be adjusted to control its appererance.
- Border
- Margin
- Padding
- White space and vertical margin
- padding and margin properties are helpful in adding space between items on the page.
- CSS treats each HTML element as if it has its own box
- You can use CSS to control the dimensions of a box
- you can control the boarders, margins and padding for each box with CSS
- Its possible to hide elements using the display and visibility properties
- Block-level boxes can be made into inline boxes, and inline boxes made into block-level boxes
- Legibility can be improved by controling the width of boxes containing text and the leading.
- CSS3 has introduced the ability to creat inage boarders and rounded boarders
- Arrays store not just one value but a list of values
- Use an array if you are working with a list of related values
- Two different types of ways to create an array, array literal var coffee , coffee = ['black', 'capi'] and array constructor(uses the keyword (new)before the array. ex new Array()
Switch statement starts with a variable called the switch value. Each case indicates a possible value for this var and the code that should run if the var matches that value.
if else
There is no need to provide an else option( you can use jus the if if you need to)
With a series of if statements they are all checked even if a match has been found, it performs slower than switch
- Switch
- You have a default option that is run if none of the cases match
- If a match is found that code is run, then the break statement stops the rest of the switch statement running, providing better performance than multiple if statements
- Decisions and Loops
- Conditional statements allow your code to make decsions about what to do next
- Comparision operator(===, !==, ==, !=, <,>, <=,=>) are used to compare two operands
- Logical operators allow you to combine more than one set of comparison operators
- if... else statements allow you to run one set of code if a condition is true and another if it is faluse
- switch statements allow you to compare a value against possible outcoomes, and also privoes a default option if none match
- Data types can be coerced from one type to another
- all values evaluate to either truthy or falsy
- ther are 3 type sof loop: for, while and do...while. Each repeats a set of statements
- Switch statements and seeing some in real time
- Get a better understand of if..else statements
Java Script & Jquery, Jon Duckett