This module contains an Angular input box component with a button that allows to scan a barcode when viewed from a mobile device (ex Android/iOS), which then records the scanned string of data into the input field for form submission.
- The component has minimal styling
- There is no need to include a component-specific external stylesheet
- As the input component takes a plain input and projects it, this means that by design the component supports all standard HTML input attributes, including custom attributes (data-), all the accessiblity properties, etc.
- This also means that these components are compatible with Angular Forms
- This repo is designed as a library in the Angular Package Format v4.0.
- This means that this module is compatible with AOT, and includes UMD bundles for use with SystemJs
- This Angular component extends the QuaggaJS barcode library
This is how to install the components:
npm install ngx-barcode-input
yarn add ngx-barcode-input
And on your application module:
import { NgxBarcodeInputModule } from 'ngx-barcode-input';
declarations: [ ...],
imports: [
export class AppModule { }
See below for SystemJs / UMD installation.
Use the Barcode Input like this:
<div class="form-row">
<label>Barcode Input:</label>
This command will build and start the demo application:
npm start
These commands will build, package, and deploy for NPM
npm run build
npm run packagr
npm publish dist
The tests can be executed with the following commands:
npm test
npm integration
Make sure to add this to your map
configuration, if you need the module served from a CDN:
map: {
'ngx-barcode-input': '<version number>/ngx-barcode-input.umd.min.js'
Otherwise if serving from node_modules
map: {
'ngx-barcode-input': 'node_modules/ngx-barcode-input/bundles/ngx-barcode-input.umd.min.js'
And in our packages property:
packages: {
'ngx-barcode-input': {
main: 'index.js',
defaultExtension: 'js'