Issue | Instances | |
GAS-2 | abi.encode is more efficient than abi.encodePacked |
21 |
GAS-3 | With assembly, .call (bool success) transfer can be done gas-optimized | 1 |
GAS-4 | Use assembly to emit events | 56 |
GAS-5 | Use assembly for small keccak256 hashes, in order to save gas | 7 |
GAS-6 | Redundant event fields can be removed | 1 |
GAS-7 | Use uint256(1)/uint256(2) instead for true and false boolean states | 10 |
GAS-9 | For Operations that will not overflow, you could use unchecked | 82 |
GAS-12 | Use of emit inside a loop | 3 |
GAS-13 | >=/ <= costs less gas than >/< | 96 |
GAS-14 | Use hardcode address instead of address(this) | 39 |
GAS-15 | uint256 variable initialization to default value of 0 can be omitted | 13 |
GAS-16 | Long revert strings | 1 |
GAS-17 | Constructors can be marked payable | 3 |
GAS-22 | Usage of smaller uint/int types causes overhead | 302 |
GAS-24 | Using this to access functions results in an external call, wasting gas | 3 |
Total: 786 instances over 26 issues
uses less gas than abi.encodePacked
: the gas saved depends on the number of arguments, with an average of ~90 per argument. Test available here.
There are 21 instances of this issue:
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/libs/LibProposing.sol
204: meta_.difficulty = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(block.prevrandao, b.numBlocks, block.number));
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/AutomataDcapV3Attestation.sol
163: bytes memory retData = abi.encodePacked(INVALID_EXIT_CODE);
315: abi.encodePacked(authDataV3.ecdsaAttestationKey,;
369: bytes memory retData = abi.encodePacked(INVALID_EXIT_CODE);
482: retData = abi.encodePacked(sha256(abi.encode(v3quote)), tcbStatus);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/lib/PEMCertChainLib.sol
181: cert.signature = abi.encodePacked(sigX, sigY);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/lib/QuoteV3Auth/V3Parser.sol
119: bytes memory headerBytes = abi.encodePacked(
129: signedQuoteData = abi.encodePacked(headerBytes, V3Parser.packQEReport(localEnclaveReport));
251: packedQEReport = abi.encodePacked(
File: packages/protocol/contracts/libs/Lib4844.sol
44: abi.encodePacked(_blobHash, _x, _y, _commitment, _pointProof)
File: packages/protocol/contracts/libs/LibTrieProof.sol
48: SecureMerkleTrie.get(abi.encodePacked(_addr), _accountProof, _rootHash);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/signal/SignalService.sol
203: return keccak256(abi.encodePacked("SIGNAL", _chainId, _app, _signal));
File: packages/protocol/contracts/team/TimelockTokenPool.sol
170: bytes32 hash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked("Withdraw unlocked Taiko token to: ", _to));
File: packages/protocol/contracts/thirdparty/optimism/rlp/RLPWriter.sol
17: out_ = abi.encodePacked(_writeLength(_in.length, 128), _in);
56: bytes memory b = abi.encodePacked(_x);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/thirdparty/optimism/trie/MerkleTrie.sol
81: bytes memory currentNodeID = abi.encodePacked(_root);
94: Bytes.equal(abi.encodePacked(keccak256(currentNode.encoded)), currentNodeID),
100: Bytes.equal(abi.encodePacked(keccak256(currentNode.encoded)), currentNodeID),
File: packages/protocol/contracts/thirdparty/optimism/trie/SecureMerkleTrie.sol
55: hash_ = abi.encodePacked(keccak256(_key));
File: packages/protocol/contracts/tokenvault/BridgedERC721.sol
109: abi.encodePacked(
File: packages/protocol/contracts/tokenvault/LibBridgedToken.sol
54: abi.encodePacked(
[204] ,[163] ,[315] ,[369] ,[482] ,[181] ,[119] ,[129] ,[251] ,[44] ,[48] ,[203] ,[170] ,[17] ,[56] ,[81] ,[94] ,[100] ,[55] ,[109] ,[54] ,
When using assembly language, it is possible to call the transfer function of an Ethereum contract in a gas-optimized way by using the .call function with specific input parameters. The .call function takes a number of input parameters, including the address of the contract to call, the amount of Ether to transfer, and a specification of the gas limit for the call. By specifying a lower gas limit than the default, it is possible to reduce the gas cost of the transfer.
Instances of this issue:
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L2/CrossChainOwned.sol
50: (bool success,) = address(this).call(txdata);
[50] ,
We can use assembly to emit events efficiently by utilizing scratch space
and the free memory pointer
. This will allow us to potentially avoid memory expansion costs. Note: In order to do this optimization safely, we will need to cache and restore the free memory pointer.
There are 56 instances of this issue:
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/hooks/AssignmentHook.sol
129: emit BlockAssigned(_blk.assignedProver, _meta, assignment);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/libs/LibDepositing.sol
50: emit EthDeposited(
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/libs/LibProposing.sol
166: emit BlobCached(meta_.blobHash);
273: emit BlockProposed({
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/libs/LibProving.sol
80: emit ProvingPaused(_pause);
209: emit TransitionProved({
230: emit TransitionProved({
254: emit TransitionContested({
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/libs/LibVerifying.sol
73: emit BlockVerified({
198: emit BlockVerified({
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/provers/GuardianProver.sol
54: emit GuardianApproval(msg.sender,, _tran.blockHash, approved_);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/provers/Guardians.sol
95: emit GuardiansUpdated(version, _newGuardians);
121: emit Approved(_operationId, _approval, approved_);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L2/CrossChainOwned.sol
53: emit TransactionExecuted(nextTxId++, bytes4(txdata));
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L2/TaikoL2.sol
157: emit Anchored(blockhash(parentId), gasExcess); //@audit do not emit state
157: emit Anchored(blockhash(parentId), gasExcess); //@audit do not emit state
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L2/TaikoL2EIP1559Configurable.sol
39: emit ConfigAndExcessChanged(_newConfig, _newGasExcess);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/bridge/Bridge.sol
93: emit MessageSuspended(msgHash, _suspend);
111: emit AddressBanned(_addr, _ban);
151: emit MessageSent(msgHash_, message_);
208: emit MessageRecalled(msgHash);
210: emit MessageReceived(msgHash, _message, true);
301: emit MessageExecuted(msgHash);
303: emit MessageReceived(msgHash, _message, false);
336: emit MessageRetried(msgHash);
519: emit MessageStatusChanged(_msgHash, _status);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/common/AddressManager.sol
50: emit AddressSet(_chainId, _name, _newAddress, oldAddress);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/common/EssentialContract.sol
71: emit Paused(msg.sender);
80: emit Unpaused(msg.sender);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/signal/SignalService.sol
59: emit Authorized(_addr, _authorize);
250: emit ChainDataSynced(_chainId, _blockId, _kind, _chainData, signal_);
268: emit SignalSent(_app, _signal, slot_, _value);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/team/TimelockTokenPool.sol
143: emit Granted(_recipient, _grant);
157: emit Voided(_recipient, amountVoided);
222: emit Withdrawn(_recipient, _to, amountToWithdraw, costToWithdraw);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/team/airdrop/ERC20Airdrop2.sol
93: emit Withdrawn(user, amount);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/team/airdrop/MerkleClaimable.sol
74: emit Claimed(hash);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/tokenvault/BridgedERC20Base.sol
51: emit MigrationStatusChanged(_migratingAddress, _migratingInbound);
63: emit MigratedTo(_migratingAddress, _account, _amount); //@audit cache migratingAddress
81: emit MigratedTo(_migratingAddress, _account, _amount);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/tokenvault/ERC1155Vault.sol
80: emit TokenSent({
114: emit TokenReceived({
149: emit TokenReleased({
314: emit BridgedTokenDeployed({
File: packages/protocol/contracts/tokenvault/ERC20Vault.sol
191: emit BridgedTokenChanged({
241: emit TokenSent({
273: emit TokenReceived({
306: emit TokenReleased({
425: emit BridgedTokenDeployed({
File: packages/protocol/contracts/tokenvault/ERC721Vault.sol
64: emit TokenSent({
97: emit TokenReceived({
131: emit TokenReleased({
250: emit BridgedTokenDeployed({
File: packages/protocol/contracts/verifiers/SgxVerifier.sol
109: emit InstanceDeleted(idx, instances[idx].addr);
220: emit InstanceAdded(nextInstanceId, _instances[i], address(0), validSince);
230: emit InstanceAdded(id, newInstance, oldInstance, block.timestamp);
[129] ,[50] ,[166] ,[273] ,[80] ,[209] ,[230] ,[254] ,[73] ,[198] ,[54] ,[95] ,[121] ,[53] ,[157] ,[157] ,[39] ,[93] ,[111] ,[151] ,[208] ,[210] ,[301] ,[303] ,[336] ,[519] ,[50] ,[71] ,[80] ,[59] ,[250] ,[268] ,[143] ,[157] ,[222] ,[93] ,[74] ,[51] ,[63] ,[81] ,[80] ,[114] ,[149] ,[314] ,[191] ,[241] ,[273] ,[306] ,[425] ,[64] ,[97] ,[131] ,[250] ,[109] ,[220] ,[230] ,
Use assembly for small keccak256 hashes, in order to save gas
Instances of this issue:
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/libs/LibProposing.sol
126: depositsHash: keccak256(abi.encode(deposits_)),
213: metaHash: keccak256(abi.encode(meta_)),
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/libs/LibProving.sol
121: if (blk.blockId != || blk.metaHash != keccak256(abi.encode(_meta))) {
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/provers/GuardianProver.sol
46: bytes32 hash = keccak256(abi.encode(_meta, _tran));
File: packages/protocol/contracts/bridge/Bridge.sol
450: return keccak256(abi.encode("TAIKO_MESSAGE", _message));
File: packages/protocol/contracts/signal/SignalService.sol
186: return keccak256(abi.encode(_chainId, _kind, _blockId));
File: packages/protocol/contracts/team/airdrop/MerkleClaimable.sol
68: bytes32 hash = keccak256(abi.encode("CLAIM_TAIKO_AIRDROP", data));
[126] ,[213] ,[121] ,[46] ,[450] ,[186] ,[68] ,
Some parameters (block.timestamp and block.number) are added to event information by default so re-adding them wastes gas, as they are already included.
Instances of this issue:
File: packages/protocol/contracts/verifiers/SgxVerifier.sol
230: emit InstanceAdded(id, newInstance, oldInstance, block.timestamp);
[230] ,
There are 82 instances of this issue:
X * 2 is equivalent to X << 1 and X / 2 is the same as X >> 1. The MUL and DIV opcodes cost 5 gas, whereas SHL and SHR only cost 3 gas.
Instances of this issue:
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/libs/LibProposing.sol
21: uint256 public constant MAX_BYTES_PER_BLOB = 4096 * 32;
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/libs/LibVerifying.sol
251: || _config.blockMaxTxListBytes > 128 * 1024 // calldata up to 128K
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L2/TaikoL2.sol
213: config_.gasTargetPerL1Block = 15 * 1e6 * 4;
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/lib/PEMCertChainLib.sol
359: ? uint16(bytes2(svnValueBytes)) / 256
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/lib/QuoteV3Auth/V3Parser.sol
155: uint256 upperDigit = digits / 16;
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/utils/Asn1Decode.sol
145: return uint256(der.readBytesN(ptr.ixf(), len) >> (32 - len) * 8);
203: der.readBytesN(ix + 2, lengthbytesLength) >> (32 - lengthbytesLength) * 8
[21] ,[251] ,[213] ,[359] ,[155] ,[145] ,[203] ,
Emitting an event inside a loop performs a LOG op N times, where N is the loop length. Consider refactoring the code to emit the event only once at the end of loop. Gas savings should be multiplied by the average loop length.
Instances of this issue:
File: packages/protocol/contracts/bridge/Bridge.sol
90: for (uint256 i; i < _msgHashes.length; ++i) {
File: packages/protocol/contracts/verifiers/SgxVerifier.sol
104: for (uint256 i; i < _ids.length; ++i) {
210: for (uint256 i; i < _instances.length; ++i) {
The compiler uses opcodes GT and ISZERO for solidity code that uses >, but only requires LT for >=,which saves 3 gas
There are 96 instances of this issue:
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/hooks/AssignmentHook.sol
82: block.timestamp > assignment.expiry
85: || assignment.maxBlockId != 0 && > assignment.maxBlockId
86: || assignment.maxProposedIn != 0 && block.number > assignment.maxProposedIn
125: if (address(this).balance > 0) { //@audit use assembly
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/libs/LibDepositing.sol
89: recipient: address(uint160(data >> 96)),
93: uint96 _fee = deposits_[i].amount > fee ? fee : deposits_[i].amount;
139: return _amount >= _config.ethDepositMinAmount && _amount <= _config.ethDepositMaxAmount
150: if (_amount > type(uint96).max) revert L1_INVALID_ETH_DEPOSIT();
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/libs/LibProposing.sol
98: if (b.numBlocks >= b.lastVerifiedBlockId + _config.blockMaxProposals + 1) {
171: if (uint256(params.txListByteOffset) + params.txListByteSize > MAX_BYTES_PER_BLOB) {
195: if (meta_.txListByteSize == 0 || meta_.txListByteSize > _config.blockMaxTxListBytes) {
296: return _state.reusableBlobs[_blobHash] + _config.blobExpiry > block.timestamp;
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/libs/LibProving.sol
111: if ( <= b.lastVerifiedBlockId || >= b.numBlocks) {
192: bool returnLivenessBond = blk.livenessBond > 0 && == 32
203: if (_proof.tier > ts.tier) {
366: reward = _ts.contestBond >> 2;
370: reward = _ts.validityBond >> 2;
376: reward = _ts.validityBond >> 1;
381: if (reward > _tier.validityBond) {
415: + _tier.provingWindow * 60 >= block.timestamp;
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/libs/LibUtils.sol
34: if (_blockId < b.lastVerifiedBlockId || _blockId >= b.numBlocks) {
86: if (tid_ >= _blk.nextTransitionId) revert L1_UNEXPECTED_TRANSITION_ID();
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/libs/LibVerifying.sol
185: bondToReturn -= blk.livenessBond >> 1;
212: if (numBlocksVerified > 0) {
238: if (_lastVerifiedBlockId > lastSyncedBlock + _config.blockSyncThreshold) {
251: || _config.blockMaxTxListBytes > 128 * 1024 // calldata up to 128K
256: || _config.ethDepositMaxCountPerBlock > 32
260: || _config.ethDepositMaxAmount > type(uint96).max || _config.ethDepositGas == 0
262: || _config.ethDepositMaxFee > type(uint96).max / _config.ethDepositMaxCountPerBlock
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/provers/Guardians.sol
63: if (_newGuardians.length < MIN_NUM_GUARDIANS || _newGuardians.length > type(uint8).max) {
68: if (_minGuardians < (_newGuardians.length + 1) >> 1 || _minGuardians > _newGuardians.length)
136: bits >>= 1;
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L2/Lib1559Math.sol
42: if (input > LibFixedPointMath.MAX_EXP_INPUT) {
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L2/TaikoL2.sol
82: if (block.chainid <= 1 || block.chainid > type(uint64).max) {
145: if (_l1BlockId > lastSyncedBlock + BLOCK_SYNC_THRESHOLD) {
201: if (_blockId >= block.number) return 0; //@audit we can cache block.number
202: if (_blockId + 256 >= block.number) return blockhash(_blockId);
234: for (uint256 i; i < 255 && _blockId >= i + 1; ++i) {
263: if (_gasExcess > 0) {
277: if (_lastSyncedBlock > 0 && _l1BlockId > _lastSyncedBlock) { //@audit cache state variable
277: if (_lastSyncedBlock > 0 && _l1BlockId > _lastSyncedBlock) { //@audit cache state variable
281: if (numL1Blocks > 0) {
283: excess = excess > issuance ? excess - issuance : 1;
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/AutomataDcapV3Attestation.sol
216: bool pceSvnIsHigherOrGreater = pck.sgxExtension.pcesvn >= current.pcesvn;
280: block.timestamp > certs[i].notBefore && block.timestamp < certs[i].notAfter;
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/lib/PEMCertChainLib.sol
56: if (i > 0) {
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/lib/QuoteV3Auth/V3Parser.sol
116: require(totalQuoteSize >= MINIMUM_QUOTE_LENGTH, "Invalid quote size");
218: if (cert.certType < 1 || cert.certType > 5) {
249: uint16 isvProdIdPackBE = (enclaveReport.isvProdId >> 8) | (enclaveReport.isvProdId << 8);
250: uint16 isvSvnPackBE = (enclaveReport.isvSvn >> 8) | (enclaveReport.isvSvn << 8);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/utils/Asn1Decode.sol
20: return uint80(self >> 80);
25: return uint80(self >> 160);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/utils/BytesUtils.sol
90: if (shortest > 32) {
169: return self.length >= offset + other.length && equals(self, offset, other, 0, other.length);
335: require(char >= 0x30 && char <= 0x7A, "invalid char");
350: ret = (ret << 3) | (decoded >> 2);
354: ret = (ret << 1) | (decoded >> 4);
358: ret = (ret << 4) | (decoded >> 1);
362: ret = (ret << 2) | (decoded >> 3);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/bridge/Bridge.sol
189: if (block.timestamp >= invocationDelay + receivedAt) {
258: if (block.timestamp >= invocationDelay + receivedAt) {
439: } else if (block.chainid >= 32_300 && block.chainid <= 32_400) {
491: >= 4 // msg can be empty
File: packages/protocol/contracts/libs/Lib4844.sol
40: if (_x >= BLS_MODULUS) revert POINT_X_TOO_LARGE();
41: if (_y >= BLS_MODULUS) revert POINT_Y_TOO_LARGE();
File: packages/protocol/contracts/libs/LibMath.sol
13: return _a > _b ? _b : _a;
21: return _a > _b ? _a : _b;
File: packages/protocol/contracts/signal/SignalService.sol
120: bool isFullProof = hop.accountProof.length > 0;
File: packages/protocol/contracts/team/TimelockTokenPool.sol
260: if (block.timestamp >= _start + _period) return _amount;
275: if (_cliff > 0) revert INVALID_GRANT();
277: if (_cliff > 0 && _cliff <= _start) revert INVALID_GRANT();
278: if (_cliff >= _start + _period) revert INVALID_GRANT();
File: packages/protocol/contracts/team/airdrop/ERC20Airdrop2.sol
40: if (claimEnd > block.timestamp || claimEnd + withdrawalWindow < block.timestamp) {
File: packages/protocol/contracts/team/airdrop/MerkleClaimable.sol
35: merkleRoot == 0x0 || claimStart == 0 || claimEnd == 0 || claimStart > block.timestamp
File: packages/protocol/contracts/thirdparty/optimism/Bytes.sol
25: require(_length + 31 >= _length, "slice_overflow");
26: require(_start + _length >= _start, "slice_overflow");
27: require(_bytes.length >= _start + _length, "slice_outOfBounds");
92: if (_start >= _bytes.length) { //@audit cache length
File: packages/protocol/contracts/thirdparty/optimism/rlp/RLPReader.sol
38: _in.length > 0,
153: _in.length > 0,
173: _in.length > strLen,
183: strLen != 1 || firstByteOfContent >= 0x80,
193: _in.length > lenOfStrLen,
194: "RLPReader: length of content must be > than length of string length (long string)"
213: strLen > 55,
218: _in.length > lenOfStrLen + strLen,
229: _in.length > listLen,
239: _in.length > lenOfListLen,
240: "RLPReader: length of content must be > than length of list length (long list)"
259: listLen > 55,
264: _in.length > lenOfListLen + listLen,
File: packages/protocol/contracts/thirdparty/optimism/trie/MerkleTrie.sol
77: require(_key.length > 0, "MerkleTrie: empty key");
97: } else if (currentNode.encoded.length >= 32) {
120: value_.length > 0,
173: value_.length > 0,
File: packages/protocol/contracts/tokenvault/BaseNFTVault.sol
145: if (_op.tokenIds.length > MAX_TOKEN_PER_TXN) {
[82] ,[85] ,[86] ,[125] ,[89] ,[93] ,[139] ,[150] ,[98] ,[171] ,[195] ,[296] ,[111] ,[192] ,[203] ,[366] ,[370] ,[376] ,[381] ,[415] ,[34] ,[86] ,[185] ,[212] ,[238] ,[251] ,[256] ,[260] ,[262] ,[63] ,[68] ,[136] ,[42] ,[82] ,[145] ,[201] ,[202] ,[234] ,[263] ,[277] ,[277] ,[281] ,[283] ,[216] ,[280] ,[56] ,[116] ,[218] ,[249] ,[250] ,[20] ,[25] ,[90] ,[169] ,[335] ,[350] ,[354] ,[358] ,[362] ,[189] ,[258] ,[439] ,[491] ,[40] ,[41] ,[13] ,[21] ,[120] ,[260] ,[275] ,[277] ,[278] ,[40] ,[35] ,[25] ,[26] ,[27] ,[92] ,[38] ,[153] ,[173] ,[183] ,[193] ,[194] ,[213] ,[218] ,[229] ,[239] ,[240] ,[259] ,[264] ,[77] ,[97] ,[120] ,[173] ,[145] ,
Instead of using address(this), it is more gas-efficient to pre-calculate and use the hardcoded address. Foundry’s script.sol and solmate’s LibRlp.sol contracts can help achieve this. References:
There are 39 instances of this issue:
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/TaikoToken.sol
61: if (_to == address(this)) revert TKO_INVALID_ADDR();
79: if (_to == address(this)) revert TKO_INVALID_ADDR();
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/hooks/AssignmentHook.sol
125: if (address(this).balance > 0) { //@audit use assembly
126: taikoL1Address.sendEther(address(this).balance);
151: address(this),
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/libs/LibProposing.sol
238: uint256 tkoBalance = tko.balanceOf(address(this));
253: IHook(params.hookCalls[i].hook).onBlockProposed{ value: address(this).balance }(
260: if (address(this).balance != 0) {
261: msg.sender.sendEther(address(this).balance);
268: if (tko.balanceOf(address(this)) != tkoBalance + _config.livenessBond) {
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/libs/LibProving.sol
242: tko.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), tier.contestBond);
384: _tko.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _tier.validityBond - reward);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L2/CrossChainOwned.sol
50: (bool success,) = address(this).call(txdata);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L2/TaikoL2.sol
174: _to.sendEther(address(this).balance);
176: IERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_to, IERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)));
File: packages/protocol/contracts/bridge/Bridge.sol
174: if (!ISignalService(signalService).isSignalSent(address(this), msgHash)) {
196: _storeContext(msgHash, address(this), _message.srcChainId);
343: _app: address(this),
486: assert(_message.from != address(this));
File: packages/protocol/contracts/signal/SignalService.sol
112: signalService = address(this);
131: if (value == 0 || value != _loadSignalValue(address(this), signal)) {
149: return _loadSignalValue(address(this), signal) == _chainData;
171: chainData_ = _loadSignalValue(address(this), signal);
245: _sendSignal(address(this), signal_, _chainData);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/tokenvault/BridgedERC1155.sol
137: if (_to == address(this)) revert BTOKEN_CANNOT_RECEIVE();
File: packages/protocol/contracts/tokenvault/BridgedERC20.sol
147: if (_to == address(this)) revert BTOKEN_CANNOT_RECEIVE();
File: packages/protocol/contracts/tokenvault/BridgedERC721.sol
125: if (_to == address(this)) revert BTOKEN_CANNOT_RECEIVE();
File: packages/protocol/contracts/tokenvault/ERC1155Vault.sol
108: if (to == address(0) || to == address(this)) revert VAULT_INVALID_TO();
226: IERC1155(token).safeBatchTransferFrom(address(this), to, tokenIds, amounts, "");
272: to: address(this),
File: packages/protocol/contracts/tokenvault/ERC20Vault.sol
267: if (to == address(0) || to == address(this)) revert VAULT_INVALID_TO();
378: uint256 _balance = t.balanceOf(address(this));
379: t.safeTransferFrom({ from: msg.sender, to: address(this), value: _amount });
380: balanceChange_ = t.balanceOf(address(this)) - _balance;
File: packages/protocol/contracts/tokenvault/ERC721Vault.sol
91: if (to == address(0) || to == address(this)) revert VAULT_INVALID_TO();
171: IERC721(token_).safeTransferFrom(address(this), _to, _tokenIds[i]);
211: t.safeTransferFrom(_user, address(this), _op.tokenIds[i]);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/tokenvault/adapters/USDCAdapter.sol
48: usdc.transferFrom(_from, address(this), _amount);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/verifiers/SgxVerifier.sol
186: address(this),
[61] ,[79] ,[125] ,[126] ,[151] ,[238] ,[253] ,[260] ,[261] ,[268] ,[242] ,[384] ,[50] ,[174] ,[176] ,[174] ,[196] ,[343] ,[486] ,[112] ,[131] ,[149] ,[171] ,[245] ,[137] ,[147] ,[125] ,[108] ,[226] ,[272] ,[267] ,[378] ,[379] ,[380] ,[91] ,[171] ,[211] ,[48] ,[186] ,
There is no need to initialize variables to their default values during declaration, since they are any way initialized to default value once declared.
There are 13 instances of this issue:
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/provers/Guardians.sol
80: for (uint256 i = 0; i < _newGuardians.length; ++i) {
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/lib/PEMCertChainLib.sol
51: uint256 index = 0;
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/lib/QuoteV3Auth/V3Parser.sol
18: bytes4 internal constant SUPPORTED_TEE_TYPE = 0;
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/utils/BytesUtils.sol
80: for (uint256 idx = 0; idx < shortest; idx += 32) {
331: uint256 ret = 0;
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/utils/X509DateUtils.sol
46: uint256 timestamp = 0;
File: packages/protocol/contracts/thirdparty/optimism/rlp/RLPReader.sol
72: uint256 itemCount = 0;
File: packages/protocol/contracts/thirdparty/optimism/rlp/RLPWriter.sol
58: uint256 i = 0;
66: for (uint256 j = 0; j < out_.length; j++) {
File: packages/protocol/contracts/thirdparty/optimism/trie/MerkleTrie.sol
30: uint8 internal constant PREFIX_EXTENSION_EVEN = 0;
82: uint256 currentKeyIndex = 0; //@info can we initilize
85: for (uint256 i = 0; i < proof.length; i++) {
208: for (uint256 i = 0; i < length;) {
[80] ,[51] ,[18] ,[80] ,[331] ,[46] ,[72] ,[58] ,[66] ,[30] ,[82] ,[85] ,[208] ,
Instances of this issue:
File: packages/protocol/contracts/thirdparty/optimism/trie/MerkleTrie.sol
89: require(currentKeyIndex <= key.length, "MerkleTrie: key index exceeds total key length");
[89] ,
Payable functions cost less gas to execute, since the compiler does not have to add extra checks to ensure that a payment was not provided. A constructor can safely be marked as payable, since only the deployer would be able to pass funds, and the project itself would not pass any funds.
Instances of this issue:
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/AutomataDcapV3Attestation.sol
54: constructor(address sigVerifyLibAddr, address pemCertLibAddr) {
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/utils/SigVerifyLib.sol
20: constructor(address es256Verifier) {
File: packages/protocol/contracts/common/EssentialContract.sol
64: constructor() {
Instances of this issue:
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/lib/PEMCertChainLib.sol
358: uint16 svnValue = svnValueBytes.length < 2
[358] ,
When using a smaller int/uint type it first needs to be converted to it's 258 bit counterpart to be operated, this increases the gass cost and thus should be avoided. However it does make sense to use smaller int/uint values within structs provided you pack the struct properly.
There are 302 instances of this issue:
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/ITaikoL1.sol
27: function proveBlock(uint64 _blockId, bytes calldata _input) external;
31: function verifyBlocks(uint64 _maxBlocksToVerify) external;
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/TaikoData.sol
15: uint64 chainId;
20: uint64 blockMaxProposals;
22: uint64 blockRingBufferSize;
24: uint64 maxBlocksToVerifyPerProposal;
26: uint32 blockMaxGasLimit;
46: uint64 ethDepositMinCountPerBlock;
48: uint64 ethDepositMaxCountPerBlock;
59: uint8 blockSyncThreshold; //@audit
64: uint16 tier;
65: uint128 fee;
69: uint16 tier;
101: uint64 id;
102: uint32 gasLimit;
103: uint64 timestamp; // slot 7
104: uint64 l1Height;
107: uint16 minTier;
130: uint64 timestamp; // slot 6 (90 bits)
131: uint16 tier;
132: uint8 contestations;
141: uint64 blockId; // slot 3
142: uint64 proposedAt; // timestamp
143: uint64 proposedIn; // L1 block number
144: uint32 nextTransitionId;
145: uint32 verifiedTransitionId;
153: uint64 id;
162: uint64 genesisHeight;
163: uint64 genesisTimestamp;
164: uint64 numEthDeposits;
165: uint64 nextEthDepositToProcess;
169: uint64 numBlocks;
170: uint64 lastVerifiedBlockId;
172: uint8 __reserved1;
173: uint16 __reserved2;
174: uint32 __reserved3;
175: uint64 lastUnpausedAt;
181: mapping(uint64 blockId_mod_blockRingBufferSize => Block blk) blocks;
183: mapping(uint64 blockId => mapping(bytes32 parentHash => uint32 transitionId)) transitionIds;
183: mapping(uint64 blockId => mapping(bytes32 parentHash => uint32 transitionId)) transitionIds;
186: uint64 blockId_mod_blockRingBufferSize
187: => mapping(uint32 transitionId => TransitionState ts)
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/TaikoEvents.sol
43: uint16 tier,
44: uint8 contestations
58: uint16 tier
72: uint16 tier
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/TaikoL1.sol
76: uint64 _blockId,
94: uint8 maxBlocksToVerify = LibProving.proveBlock(state, config, this, meta, tran, proof);
100: function verifyBlocks(uint64 _maxBlocksToVerify)
145: function getBlock(uint64 _blockId)
150: uint64 slot;
163: uint64 _blockId,
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/hooks/AssignmentHook.sol
166: uint16 _tierId
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/libs/LibDepositing.sol
84: uint64 j = _state.slotA.nextEthDepositToProcess;
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/libs/LibProving.sol
37: uint16 tier
51: uint16 tier
100: returns (uint8 maxBlocksToVerify_)
115: uint64 slot = % _config.blockRingBufferSize;
129: (uint32 tid, TaikoData.TransitionState storage ts) =
273: uint64 slot
276: returns (uint32 tid_, TaikoData.TransitionState storage ts_)
405: uint32 _tid,
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/libs/LibUtils.sol
26: uint64 _blockId,
38: uint64 slot = _blockId % _config.blockRingBufferSize;
42: uint32 tid = getTransitionId(_state, blk, slot, _parentHash);
55: uint64 _blockId
59: returns (TaikoData.Block storage blk_, uint64 slot_)
73: uint64 _slot,
78: returns (uint32 tid_)
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/libs/LibVerifying.sol
34: uint16 tier,
35: uint8 contestations
89: uint64 _maxBlocksToVerify
100: uint64 blockId = b.lastVerifiedBlockId;
102: uint64 slot = blockId % _config.blockRingBufferSize;
107: uint32 tid = blk.verifiedTransitionId;
117: uint64 numBlocksVerified;
213: uint64 lastVerifiedBlockId = b.lastVerifiedBlockId + numBlocksVerified;
227: uint64 _lastVerifiedBlockId,
234: (uint64 lastSyncedBlock,) = signalService.getSyncedChainData(
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/provers/Guardians.sol
19: mapping(uint32 version => mapping(bytes32 hash => uint256 approvalBits)) internal _approvals;
27: uint32 public version;
30: uint32 public minGuardians;
37: event GuardiansUpdated(uint32 version, address[] guardians);
55: uint8 _minGuardians
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/tiers/DevnetTierProvider.sol
20: function getTier(uint16 _tierId) public pure override returns (ITierProvider.Tier memory) {
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/tiers/ITierProvider.sol
13: uint16 provingWindow; // in minutes
14: uint8 maxBlocksToVerifyPerProof;
22: function getTier(uint16 tierId) external view returns (Tier memory);
39: uint16 public constant TIER_OPTIMISTIC = 100;
42: uint16 public constant TIER_SGX = 200;
45: uint16 public constant TIER_SGX_ZKVM = 300;
48: uint16 public constant TIER_GUARDIAN = 1000;
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/tiers/MainnetTierProvider.sol
20: function getTier(uint16 _tierId) public pure override returns (ITierProvider.Tier memory) {
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L1/tiers/TestnetTierProvider.sol
20: function getTier(uint16 _tierId) public pure override returns (ITierProvider.Tier memory) {
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L2/CrossChainOwned.sol
16: uint64 public ownerChainId;
19: uint64 public nextTxId;
26: event TransactionExecuted(uint64 indexed txId, bytes4 indexed selector);
42: (uint64 txId, bytes memory txdata) = abi.decode(_data, (uint64, bytes));
63: uint64 _ownerChainId
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L2/TaikoL2.sol
27: uint32 gasTargetPerL1Block;
28: uint8 basefeeAdjustmentQuotient;
35: uint8 public constant BLOCK_SYNC_THRESHOLD = 5;
47: uint64 public gasExcess;
50: uint64 public lastSyncedBlock;
57: event Anchored(bytes32 parentHash, uint64 gasExcess);
74: uint64 _l1ChainId,
75: uint64 _gasExcess
110: uint64 _l1BlockId,
111: uint32 _parentGasUsed
186: uint64 _l1BlockId,
187: uint32 _parentGasUsed
200: function getBlockHash(uint64 _blockId) public view returns (bytes32) {
254: uint64 _l1BlockId,
255: uint32 _parentGasUsed
259: returns (uint256 basefee_, uint64 gasExcess_)
File: packages/protocol/contracts/L2/TaikoL2EIP1559Configurable.sol
18: event ConfigAndExcessChanged(Config config, uint64 gasExcess);
27: uint64 _newGasExcess
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/AutomataDcapV3Attestation.sol
36: uint8 internal constant INVALID_EXIT_CODE = 255; //@audit pack with address
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/lib/EnclaveIdStruct.sol
10: uint16 isvprodid;
23: uint16 isvsvn;
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/lib/PEMCertChainLib.sol
358: uint16 svnValue = svnValueBytes.length < 2
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/lib/QuoteV3Auth/V3Parser.sol
106: uint32 totalQuoteSize = 48 // header
249: uint16 isvProdIdPackBE = (enclaveReport.isvProdId >> 8) | (enclaveReport.isvProdId << 8);
250: uint16 isvSvnPackBE = (enclaveReport.isvSvn >> 8) | (enclaveReport.isvSvn << 8);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/lib/QuoteV3Auth/V3Struct.sol
26: uint16 isvProdId;
27: uint16 isvSvn;
34: uint16 parsedDataSize;
39: uint16 certType;
43: uint32 certDataSize;
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/utils/Asn1Decode.sol
196: uint8 lengthbytesLength = uint8(der[ix + 1] & 0x7F);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/utils/BytesUtils.sol
188: function readUint8(bytes memory self, uint256 idx) internal pure returns (uint8 ret) {
198: function readUint16(bytes memory self, uint256 idx) internal pure returns (uint16 ret) {
211: function readUint32(bytes memory self, uint256 idx) internal pure returns (uint32 ret) {
332: uint8 decoded;
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/utils/X509DateUtils.sol
9: uint16 yrs;
10: uint8 mnths;
11: uint8 dys;
12: uint8 hrs;
13: uint8 mins;
14: uint8 secs;
15: uint8 offset;
35: uint16 year,
36: uint8 month,
37: uint8 day,
38: uint8 hour,
39: uint8 minute,
40: uint8 second
48: for (uint16 i = 1970; i < year; ++i) {
59: for (uint8 i = 1; i < month; ++i) {
71: function isLeapYear(uint16 year) internal pure returns (bool) {
File: packages/protocol/contracts/bridge/Bridge.sol
31: uint128 public nextMessageId;
64: modifier sameChain(uint64 _chainId) {
89: uint64 _timestamp = _suspend ? type(uint64).max : uint64(block.timestamp);
168: uint64 receivedAt = proofReceipt[msgHash].receivedAt;
230: uint64 receivedAt = proofReceipt[msgHash].receivedAt; //@audit cache proofReceipt[msgHash]
392: function isDestChainEnabled(uint64 _chainId)
541: function _storeContext(bytes32 _msgHash, address _from, uint64 _srcChainId) private {
559: uint64 srcChainId;
580: uint64 _chainId,
File: packages/protocol/contracts/bridge/IBridge.sol
19: uint128 id;
24: uint64 srcChainId;
26: uint64 destChainId;
51: uint64 receivedAt;
63: uint64 srcChainId; // Source chain ID.
File: packages/protocol/contracts/common/AddressManager.sol
22: uint64 indexed chainId, bytes32 indexed name, address newAddress, address oldAddress
39: uint64 _chainId,
54: function getAddress(uint64 _chainId, bytes32 _name) public view override returns (address) {
File: packages/protocol/contracts/common/EssentialContract.sol
11: uint8 private constant _FALSE = 1;
13: uint8 private constant _TRUE = 2; //@audit pack
21: uint8 private __reentry;
23: uint8 private __paused;
119: function _storeReentryLock(uint8 _reentry) internal virtual {
130: function _loadReentryLock() internal view virtual returns (uint8 reentry_) {
File: packages/protocol/contracts/common/IAddressManager.sol
14: function getAddress(uint64 _chainId, bytes32 _name) external view returns (address);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/libs/Lib4844.sol
13: uint32 public constant FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_BLOB = 4096;
File: packages/protocol/contracts/signal/ISignalService.sol
21: uint64 chainId;
21: uint64 chainId;
22: uint64 blockId;
22: uint64 blockId;
37: uint64 indexed chainId,
37: uint64 indexed chainId,
38: uint64 indexed blockId,
38: uint64 indexed blockId,
69: uint64 _chainId,
69: uint64 _chainId,
71: uint64 _blockId,
71: uint64 _blockId,
85: uint64 _chainId,
85: uint64 _chainId,
106: uint64 _chainId,
106: uint64 _chainId,
108: uint64 _blockId,
108: uint64 _blockId,
123: uint64 _chainId,
123: uint64 _chainId,
125: uint64 _blockId
125: uint64 _blockId
129: returns (uint64 blockId_, bytes32 chainData_);
129: returns (uint64 blockId_, bytes32 chainData_);
138: uint64 _chainId,
138: uint64 _chainId,
140: uint64 _blockId
140: uint64 _blockId
File: packages/protocol/contracts/signal/SignalService.sol
17: mapping(uint64 chainId => mapping(bytes32 kind => uint64 blockId)) public topBlockId;
17: mapping(uint64 chainId => mapping(bytes32 kind => uint64 blockId)) public topBlockId;
69: uint64 _chainId,
71: uint64 _blockId,
84: uint64 _chainId,
97: uint64 chainId = _chainId;
138: uint64 _chainId,
140: uint64 _blockId,
159: uint64 _chainId,
161: uint64 _blockId
165: returns (uint64 blockId_, bytes32 chainData_)
178: uint64 _chainId,
180: uint64 _blockId
195: uint64 _chainId,
207: uint64 _chainId,
236: uint64 _chainId,
238: uint64 _blockId,
273: uint64 _chainId,
274: uint64 _blockId,
File: packages/protocol/contracts/team/TimelockTokenPool.sol
29: uint128 amount;
31: uint128 costPerToken;
34: uint64 grantStart;
37: uint64 grantCliff;
40: uint32 grantPeriod;
43: uint64 unlockStart;
46: uint64 unlockCliff;
49: uint32 unlockPeriod;
53: uint128 amountWithdrawn;
54: uint128 costPaid;
68: uint128 public totalAmountGranted;
71: uint128 public totalAmountVoided;
74: uint128 public totalAmountWithdrawn;
77: uint128 public totalCostPaid;
92: event Voided(address indexed recipient, uint128 amount);
99: event Withdrawn(address indexed recipient, address to, uint128 amount, uint128 cost);
99: event Withdrawn(address indexed recipient, address to, uint128 amount, uint128 cost);
152: uint128 amountVoided = _voidGrant(r.grant);
180: uint128 amountOwned,
181: uint128 amountUnlocked,
182: uint128 amountWithdrawn,
183: uint128 amountToWithdraw,
184: uint128 costToWithdraw
197: uint128 _amountUnlocked = amountUnlocked / 1e18; // divide first
211: (,,, uint128 amountToWithdraw, uint128 costToWithdraw) = getMyGrantSummary(_recipient);
211: (,,, uint128 amountToWithdraw, uint128 costToWithdraw) = getMyGrantSummary(_recipient);
225: function _voidGrant(Grant storage _grant) private returns (uint128 amountVoided) {
226: uint128 amountOwned = _getAmountOwned(_grant);
246: uint128 _amount,
247: uint64 _start,
248: uint64 _cliff,
249: uint64 _period
273: function _validateCliff(uint64 _start, uint64 _cliff, uint32 _period) private pure {
273: function _validateCliff(uint64 _start, uint64 _cliff, uint32 _period) private pure {
273: function _validateCliff(uint64 _start, uint64 _cliff, uint32 _period) private pure {
File: packages/protocol/contracts/team/airdrop/ERC20Airdrop.sol
29: uint64 _claimStart,
30: uint64 _claimEnd,
69: (address delegatee, uint256 nonce, uint256 expiry, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) =
File: packages/protocol/contracts/team/airdrop/ERC20Airdrop2.sol
28: uint64 public withdrawalWindow;
56: uint64 _claimStart,
57: uint64 _claimEnd,
61: uint64 _withdrawalWindow
File: packages/protocol/contracts/team/airdrop/ERC721Airdrop.sol
27: uint64 _claimStart,
28: uint64 _claimEnd,
File: packages/protocol/contracts/team/airdrop/MerkleClaimable.sol
18: uint64 public claimStart;
21: uint64 public claimEnd;
46: uint64 _claimStart,
47: uint64 _claimEnd,
57: uint64 _claimStart,
58: uint64 _claimEnd,
90: function _setConfig(uint64 _claimStart, uint64 _claimEnd, bytes32 _merkleRoot) private {
90: function _setConfig(uint64 _claimStart, uint64 _claimEnd, bytes32 _merkleRoot) private {
File: packages/protocol/contracts/thirdparty/nomad-xyz/ExcessivelySafeCall.sol
29: uint16 _maxCopy,
File: packages/protocol/contracts/thirdparty/optimism/trie/MerkleTrie.sol
30: uint8 internal constant PREFIX_EXTENSION_EVEN = 0;
33: uint8 internal constant PREFIX_EXTENSION_ODD = 1;
36: uint8 internal constant PREFIX_LEAF_EVEN = 2;
39: uint8 internal constant PREFIX_LEAF_ODD = 3;
134: uint8 branchKey = uint8(key[currentKeyIndex]);
141: uint8 prefix = uint8(path[0]);
142: uint8 offset = 2 - (prefix % 2);
File: packages/protocol/contracts/tokenvault/BaseNFTVault.sol
13: uint64 chainId;
25: uint64 destChainId;
70: uint64 indexed chainId,
90: uint64 destChainId,
126: uint64 srcChainId,
File: packages/protocol/contracts/tokenvault/BridgedERC20.sol
24: uint8 private __srcDecimals;
57: uint8 _decimals,
File: packages/protocol/contracts/tokenvault/ERC20Vault.sol
24: uint64 chainId;
26: uint8 decimals;
33: uint64 destChainId;
69: uint8 ctokenDecimal
87: uint8 ctokenDecimal
102: uint64 destChainId,
130: uint64 srcChainId,
File: packages/protocol/contracts/verifiers/IVerifier.sol
14: uint64 blockId;
File: packages/protocol/contracts/verifiers/SgxVerifier.sol
26: uint64 validSince;
30: uint64 public constant INSTANCE_EXPIRY = 180 days;
34: uint64 public constant INSTANCE_VALIDITY_DELAY = 1 days;
154: uint32 id = uint32(bytes4(Bytes.slice(, 0, 4)));
204: uint64 validSince = uint64(block.timestamp);
[27] ,[31] ,[15] ,[20] ,[22] ,[24] ,[26] ,[46] ,[48] ,[59] ,[64] ,[65] ,[69] ,[101] ,[102] ,[103] ,[104] ,[107] ,[130] ,[131] ,[132] ,[141] ,[142] ,[143] ,[144] ,[145] ,[153] ,[162] ,[163] ,[164] ,[165] ,[169] ,[170] ,[172] ,[173] ,[174] ,[175] ,[181] ,[183] ,[183] ,[186] ,[187] ,[43] ,[44] ,[58] ,[72] ,[76] ,[94] ,[100] ,[145] ,[150] ,[163] ,[166] ,[84] ,[37] ,[51] ,[100] ,[115] ,[129] ,[273] ,[276] ,[405] ,[26] ,[38] ,[42] ,[55] ,[59] ,[73] ,[78] ,[34] ,[35] ,[89] ,[100] ,[102] ,[107] ,[117] ,[213] ,[227] ,[234] ,[19] ,[27] ,[30] ,[37] ,[55] ,[20] ,[13] ,[14] ,[22] ,[39] ,[42] ,[45] ,[48] ,[20] ,[20] ,[16] ,[19] ,[26] ,[42] ,[63] ,[27] ,[28] ,[35] ,[47] ,[50] ,[57] ,[74] ,[75] ,[110] ,[111] ,[186] ,[187] ,[200] ,[254] ,[255] ,[259] ,[18] ,[27] ,[36] ,[10] ,[23] ,[358] ,[106] ,[249] ,[250] ,[26] ,[27] ,[34] ,[39] ,[43] ,[196] ,[188] ,[198] ,[211] ,[332] ,[9] ,[10] ,[11] ,[12] ,[13] ,[14] ,[15] ,[35] ,[36] ,[37] ,[38] ,[39] ,[40] ,[48] ,[59] ,[71] ,[31] ,[64] ,[89] ,[168] ,[230] ,[392] ,[541] ,[559] ,[580] ,[19] ,[24] ,[26] ,[51] ,[63] ,[22] ,[39] ,[54] ,[11] ,[13] ,[21] ,[23] ,[119] ,[130] ,[14] ,[13] ,[21] ,[21] ,[22] ,[22] ,[37] ,[37] ,[38] ,[38] ,[69] ,[69] ,[71] ,[71] ,[85] ,[85] ,[106] ,[106] ,[108] ,[108] ,[123] ,[123] ,[125] ,[125] ,[129] ,[129] ,[138] ,[138] ,[140] ,[140] ,[17] ,[17] ,[69] ,[71] ,[84] ,[97] ,[138] ,[140] ,[159] ,[161] ,[165] ,[178] ,[180] ,[195] ,[207] ,[236] ,[238] ,[273] ,[274] ,[29] ,[31] ,[34] ,[37] ,[40] ,[43] ,[46] ,[49] ,[53] ,[54] ,[68] ,[71] ,[74] ,[77] ,[92] ,[99] ,[99] ,[152] ,[180] ,[181] ,[182] ,[183] ,[184] ,[197] ,[211] ,[211] ,[225] ,[226] ,[246] ,[247] ,[248] ,[249] ,[273] ,[273] ,[273] ,[29] ,[30] ,[69] ,[28] ,[56] ,[57] ,[61] ,[27] ,[28] ,[18] ,[21] ,[46] ,[47] ,[57] ,[58] ,[90] ,[90] ,[29] ,[30] ,[33] ,[36] ,[39] ,[134] ,[141] ,[142] ,[13] ,[25] ,[70] ,[90] ,[126] ,[24] ,[57] ,[24] ,[26] ,[33] ,[69] ,[87] ,[102] ,[130] ,[14] ,[26] ,[30] ,[34] ,[154] ,[204] ,
Instances of this issue:
File: packages/protocol/contracts/automata-attestation/utils/BytesUtils.sol
335: require(char >= 0x30 && char <= 0x7A, "invalid char");
[335] ,
External calls have an overhead of 100 gas, which can be avoided by not referencing the function using this. Contracts are allowed to override their parents' functions and change the visibility from external to public, so make this change if it's required in order to call the function internally.
Instances of this issue:
File: packages/protocol/contracts/tokenvault/ERC1155Vault.sol
281: this.onMessageInvocation, abi.encode(ctoken_, _user,, _op.tokenIds, _op.amounts)
File: packages/protocol/contracts/tokenvault/ERC20Vault.sol
384: this.onMessageInvocation, abi.encode(ctoken_, _user, _to, balanceChange_)
File: packages/protocol/contracts/tokenvault/ERC721Vault.sol
217: this.onMessageInvocation, abi.encode(ctoken_, _user,, _op.tokenIds)