With this code you will get list of files in assets with Dart code for Flutter.
First you need to configure your pubspec.yaml file with assets.
For this resources ->
The pubspec.yaml ->
You should read de file AssetManifest.json (contains path of all assets files include in pubspec.yaml) and filter the text.
var assetsFile = await DefaultAssetBundle.of(context).loadString('AssetManifest.json');
final Map<String, dynamic> manifestMap = json.decode(assetsFile);
For example for filter the .jpg ->
List<String> listMp3 =
manifestMap.keys.where((String key) => key.contains('.mp3')).toList();
The return -> [assets/perfect_squat.jpg, assets/slav_boss.jpg]
This repository has an example of how load from assets the list files and load the existing images. You have the code in main.dart and the resources in assets/.
Android example:
Using in apps I make for strattonapps.com