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Serial Crystallography on I24

Noemi Frisina edited this page Jun 20, 2024 · 36 revisions

General set up

Setting up the environment

To set up an enviroment to run the serial crystallography collection scripts, please follow the instructions here. Once this is done, the environment can be started by running:

cd /path/to/mx_bluesky
source .venv/bin/activate

On beamline I24, the package will be saved in /dls_sw/i24/software/bluesky.

Deploying a local version of the EDM screens

Every time a change is made to the template EDM screens saved in the repo, a new set should be deployed to the beamline ot to the dev environment to get the update. The will create a local copy of the all EDM screens - both for a fixed target and for a serial jet collection - in a edm_serial/ directory with all the shell commands pointing to the correct scripts/edm locations.


Setting the current visit directory

A new visit directory might need to be set before every user or commissioning beamtime. This can be done by a member of the beamline staff by modifying the file /dls_sw/i24/etc/ssx_current_visit.txt to point to the current visit and then running the command:


Note that the default experiment type for the script setting the directory will be fixed-target. In case of an extruder collection, to set the correct visit PV the experiment type should be modified from the command line.

./path/to/mx_bluesky/src/mx_bluesky/I24/serial/ extruder

Running a collection

Starting the EDM screens

A couple of entry points have been set up so that:

  • run_fixed_target starts the edm screens for a fixed target collection
  • run_extruder starts the edm screens for a serial jet collection

Before opening the experiment specific edm, each of these entry points will start a BlueAPI server. The configuration used by BlueAPI is saved in src/mx_bluesky/I24/serial/blueapi_config.yaml.

Detector choice

The detector currently in use is identified by reading the position of the detector stage in the y direction. A different detector can be chose by opening the Detector tab in the main edm screen, selecting the detector name from the list and clicking the Move Stage button, which will move the detector stage to the correct height and update the relative PVs.

Detectors available for serial: Pilatus 6M or Eiger CdTe 9M.

Extruder (Serial Jet)

On startup, once both the visit and the detector have been set up, always press the initialise on start button, which will autofill the general purpose PVs for an extruder collection with sensible default values, as well as the chosen visit directory and detector. Ensure that the visit shown on the edm screen is correct.

I - Align Jet

Open the viewer and switch on the backlight to visualise the jet stream. You can use the positioners in the Align Jet panel on the edm screen to move the orizontal goniometer table and align the jet.

II - Set experiment parameters

  1. Data collection set up

In the edm screen fill the fields in Data Collation Setup with information such as sub-directory, filename, number of images, exposure time and detector distance. It is recommended to not collect all data into a single sub-directory but split into multiple smaller collections.

  1. Pump Probe

For a pump-probe experiment, select True on the dropdown menu in Data Collection Setup and then set the laser dwell and delay times in the Pump Probe panel. WARNING This setting requires an hardware change, as there are only 4 outputs on the zebra and they are all in use. When using the Eiger the Pilatus trigger cable should be used to trigger the light source. When using the pilatus the eiger trigger cable should be used.

III - Run collection

Once all parameters have been set, press Start to run the collection. A stream log will show what is going on in the terminal.

Fixed-Target (Serial Fixed)

I - Make coordinate system

Generally the first thing to do before running a chip collection is to set up the coordinate system.

Before this step remember to reset the scale and skew factors as well as the motor directions as needed. Current values are saved in src/mx_bluesky/I24/serial/parameters/fixed_target in the cs_maker.json and motor_direction.txt files.

  1. From the main edm screen open the viewer and moveonclick.
  2. Find the first fiducial in the top left corner, centre it and press set fiducial 0.
  3. Move to Fiducial 1 and 2 and repeat the process.
  4. Once all fiducials have been set, press make coordianates system. If all worked correctly it will find the first window in the first block.
  5. Run block check to check that all blocks are correctly aligned. WARNING: block check is not available for a custom chip.

II - Select experiment parameters

  1. In the edm screen fill the fields in Chip and Data Collation Setup with information such as sub-directory, filename, exposure time and detector distance.

  2. Select chip and map type

Select the Chip Type from the drop-down menu on the edm screen. Currently available chips: 0. Oxford 1. Oxford Inner 2. Custom 3. Minichip

When using a non-custom chip Map Type should always be selected, for other chips it's only necessary when wanting to collect only on selected blocks.

  • For a full-chip collection on an Oxford-type chip, Map Type should simply be set to None.
  • For a Custom Chip, click on the Custom Chip button, which will bring up the relative edm. Here, the steps are the following:
    1. Clear Coordinate System. This will reset the coordinates.
    2. Fill in the fields for number of windows and step size in x/y direction.
    3. Press Set current position as start.
    4. Once finished, close and return to main screen.
  • For collecting only on specific windows on an Oxford chip:
    1. Set the Mapping Type to Lite. This will make the Lite launchers button visible.
    2. On the launcher, select the blocks to collect - either manually or using a preset set.
    3. Run Save Screen Map. This will create a file which will be copied to the data directory at collection time.
    4. Run Upload Parameters.
    5. Once finished, close and return to main screen.
  1. Select pump probe

After setting the exposure time, open Pump Probe screen from main edm. The box will appear by selecting one of the settings from the drop down menu.

  • Short1 and Short2: once opened set the laser dwell and delay times.
  • Repeat#: Set laser dwell and press calculate to get the delay times for each repeat mode.
  • Medium1: open and close fast shutter between exposures, long delays between each one.

Select the most appropriate pump probe setting for your collection and set the laser dwell and delay times accordingly.

For more details on the pump probe settings see Dynamics and fixed targets

III - Save the parameters

This step cannot be skipped!

Once all of the previous steps have been completed - and before running a collection - all parameters have to be saved using the Set parameters button so that they can be applied to the collection. A copy parameter file will be saved along with the chip map (if applicable) in the data directory at collection time.

IV - Run a collection

Once all parameters have been set, press Start to run the collection. A stream log will show what is going on in the terminal.

Stage motor moves using the PMAC device

Notes on PMAC coordinate system and motors

In a PMAC, motors that should move in a coordinated fashion ware put into the same coordinate system that can run a motion program. Motors that should move independently of each other should go into a separate coordinate system. A coordinate system is established by assigning axes to motors. The axes allocations defined for the chip stages set up are:


When an X-axis move is executed, the #1 motor will make the move.

Use in code

When running chip collections, the stage motors are moved via the PMAC device in a couple of different ways.

  1. In most cases, the {x,y,z} motors are moved by sending a command to the PMAC as a PMAC_STRING.

    • Using a JOG command J:{const}, to jog the motor a specified distance from the current position. For example, this will move motor Y by 10 motor steps:

      yield from bps.abs_set(pmac.pmac_string, "#2J:10")
    • The hmz strings are homing commands which will reset the encoders counts to 0 for the axis. All three motors are homed by sending the string: #1hmz#2hmz#3hmz. In the plans this is done by triggering the home move:

      yield from bps.trigger(pmac.home)
    • Another pmac_string that can start a move has the format !x..y... This is a command designed to blend any ongoing move into a new position. A common one through the serial collection code is !x0y0z0, which will start a move to 0 for all motors.

      yield from bps.trigger(pmac.to_xyz_zero)
  2. The stage motors can also be moved directly through the existing PVs ME14E-MO-CHIP-01:{X,Y,Z}, for example:

    yield from, 0, pmac.y, 1)

Notes on the coordinate system for a fixed-target collection

CS_MAKER: Oxford-type chips (Oxford, Oxford-Inner, Minichip)

Generally, the first step before a chip collection is to create the coordinate system. This is done by first selecting the 3 fiducials on the and then clicking the Make co-ordinate system button. This button runs the cs_maker plan, which computes the correct pmac_strings to assign axes values to each motors.

Theory for this computation

Rx: rotation about X-axis, pitch
Ry: rotation about Y-axis, yaw
Rz: rotation about Z-axis, roll
The order of rotation is Roll->Yaw->Pitch (Rx*Ry*Rz)
Rx           Ry          Rz
|1  0   0| | Cy  0 Sy| |Cz -Sz 0|   | CyCz        -CxSz         Sy  |
|0 Cx -Sx|*|  0  1  0|*|Sz  Cz 0| = | SxSyCz+CxSz -SxSySz+CxCz -SxCy|
|0 Sx  Cx| |-Sy  0 Cy| | 0   0 1|   |-CxSyCz+SxSz  CxSySz+SxCz  CxCy|

Skew is the difference between the Sz1 and Sz2 after rotation is taken out.
This should be measured in situ prior to expriment, ie. measure by hand using
opposite and adjacent RBV after calibration of scale factors.

The plan needs information stored in a few files:

  • The motor directions are stored in `src/mx_bluesky/I24/serial/parameters/fixed_target/cs/motor_directions.txt. The motor number multiplied by the motor direction should give the positive chip direction.
  • The scale values for x,y,z, the skew value and the sign of Sx, Sy, Sz are all stored in src/mx_bluesky/I24/serial/parameters/fixed_target/cs/cs_maker.json
  • The fiducials 1 and 2 positions are written to file when selecting the fiducials (Setting fiducial 0 instead sends a homing command directly to the pmac_string PV)

NOTE. The motor_direction.txt and cs_maker.json files should only be modified by staff when needed (usually when the stages have been off for awhile).

CS_RESET: Custom chips

When using a Custom chip, open the Custom chip edm and before doing anything else click the Clear coordinate system button. This will ensure that any pre-existing coordinate system from pre-vious chip experiments is wiped and reset.

This operation is done by the cs_reset plan, which sends instructions to the PMAC device to assign coordinates to each motor via the following pmac_strings:
