This page contains useful information of the green paths routing API:
When exploring the API and the source codes, please bear in mind that the word "clean" (paths) is used to refer to "fresh air" (paths). As the routing API is mainly being used by, it can be worthwhile to take a look at it when familiarizing with the API.
- e.g.,24.96716/60.2037,24.9653
- e.g.,24.96716/60.2037,24.9653
- travel_mode:
- routing_mode:
(i.e. fresh air paths)fast
(only shortest/fastest route)short
(only shortest route)safe
(only safest route, only available for travel modebike
- orig/dest_coords: {latitude},{longitude}, e.g. 60.20772,24.96716
For bike, GP finds three types of paths: 1) fastest (one), 2) safest (one) and 3) exposure optimized paths (many - if routing mode is green, quiet or clean). For walking, GP finds the shortest path (which is also the fastest) and one or more exposure optimized paths (if routing mode is green
, quiet
or clean
). The total number of returned paths varies depending on how many of the found paths are distinct by geometry.
- Successful routing requests return route data and status code
- Possible status codes for unsuccessful requests are
- All routing errors and their status codes are defined in src/gp_server/app/
- In the case of an routing error, the error message is included in the property
of the response
- 2 X GeoJSON FeatureCollection
- Path_FC & Edge_FC
const response = await axios.get(,24.96716/60.2037,24.9653)
const Path_FC =
- Contains both fastest and exposure optimized (green/quiet/clean) paths
- Each path as a GeoJSON feature
- One line geometry per path
- Several properties on greenery, air quality and noise exposure
- Properties on differences in length and exposures compared to the fastest path
- Only available for exposure optimized paths (null values for the fastest path)
Property | Type | Nullable | Description |
type | string | no | Type of the path, one of the following: “green”, "quiet", "clean", “fast” or "safe" (clean = fresh air). |
id | string | no | Unique name of the path within the returned FeatureCollection. |
cost_coeff | number | no | Noise or AQI sensitivity coefficient with which the green path was optimized. |
length | number | no | Length of the path (m). |
bike_time_cost | number | no | Total cost (index) for biking, proportional to travel time. |
bike_safety_cost | number | no | Total cost (index) for biking, based on both travel time and biking safety. |
len_diff | number | no | Difference in path length compared to the fastest path (m). |
len_diff_rat | number | yes | Difference in path length compared to the fastest path (%). |
aqc | number | no | Air pollution exposure index. |
aqc_diff | number | yes | Difference in the air pollution exposure index compared to the fastest path. |
aqc_diff_rat | number | yes | Difference in the air pollution exposure index compared to the fastest path (%). |
aqc_norm | number | no | Distance normalized air pollution exposure index. |
aqi_m | number | no | Mean AQI. |
aqi_m_diff | number | yes | Difference in mean AQI compared to the fastest path. |
aqi_cl_exps | object | no | Exposures (m) to different AQI classes. Keys represent class names and values exposures as meters. AQI classes are calculated as floor(aqi * 2) - 1 and they represent (8 x) 0.5 intervals in the original AQI scale from 1.0 to 5.0, class 9 represents the highest possible AQI (5). Class ranges are 1: 1.0-1.5, 2: 1.5-2.0, 3: 2.0-2.5 etc. |
aqi_cl_pcts | object | no | Exposures (%) to different AQI classes. Keys represent class names and values exposures as percentages. |
gvi_m | number | no | Mean green view index (GVI) on the path. |
gvi_m_diff | number | yes | Difference in mean GVI compared to the fastest path. |
gvi_cl_exps | object | no | Exposures (m) to different GVI ranges (classes). Each class (object key) represents 0.1 wide interval in the original GVI range from 0 to 1, e.g. 1: 0.0-0.1, 2: 0.1-0.2, 3: 0.2-0.3 etc. (GVI class = ceil(gvi * 10) ). |
gvi_cl_pcts | object | no | Exposures (%) to different GVI ranges (classes). Same as above but object values are relative shares as percentages. |
missing_aqi | boolean | no | A boolean variable indicating whether AQI data was available for all edges of the path. |
missing_gvi | boolean | no | A boolean variable indicating whether GVI data was available for all edges of the path. |
missing_noises | boolean | no | A boolean variable indicating whether noise data was available for all edges of the path. |
mdB | number | no | dBmean |
mdB_diff | number | yes | Difference in dBmean compared to the fastest path. |
nei | number | no | Noise exposure index (EI). See the method: utils.noise_exposures.get_noise_cost() |
nei_diff | number | yes | Difference in noise exposure index (EIdiff) compared to the fastest path. |
nei_diff_rat | number | yes | Difference in noise exposure index (EIdiff) as percentages compared to the fastest path. |
nei_norm | number | no | Distance-normalized noise exposure index (EIn). |
noise_range_exps | object | no | Exposures (m) to different 10 dB noise level ranges. Keys represent noise levels and values distances (m). |
noise_pcts | object | no | Exposures (%) to different noise level ranges. Keys represent noise levels and values percentages. |
noises | object | no | Exposures to different noise levels. Keys represent noise levels and values distances (m). |
- Contains edge geometries of both fastest and exposure optimized (green/quiet/clean) paths
- Edge geometries are aggregated by greenery, noise level or air quality (depending on routing mode)
- For visualizing variation in environmental data on the paths
Property | Type | Nullable | Description |
path | string | no | The name of the path to which the edge belongs to. |
value | number | no | Either GVI class, AQI class or noise level range of the edge. |
p_length | number | no | The length of the path to which the edge belongs to (m). |
p_len_diff | number | no | Difference in length between the fastest path and the path to which the edge belongs to (m). |
Research mode can be enabled from the configuration file: src/gp_server/
Routing works as described above in routing workflow, with the following differences:
- First path in the response data is labeled as short (type: "short" & id: "short")
- In travel mode
, paths are sorted by length by default, thus fastest path = shortest path - In travel mode
:- Safest path is not routed
- Paths are sorted by length (this rarely has any effect)
- After sorting, shorter paths that are slower are dropped (this is very rare)
- Consequently, returned paths are in order by both length and travel time
Property | Type | Nullable | Description |
edge_ids | list | no | List of edge IDs of the edges that the path consists of. Note that the first and last edge may not exist in the graph as they can be virtual/temporary edges between O/D location and the nearest "real" vertex. |
edge_data | list | no | Edge data (length, aqi, gvi, mdB, coords_wgs) as list of dictionaries. |
Path_FC: {
features: [ {
geometry: { coordinates: [...], type: "LineString" },
properties: {
type: "short",
id: "short",
cost_coeff: 0,
length: 492.92,
bike_time_cost: 521.0,
bike_safety_cost: 551.0,
len_diff: 0,
len_diff_rat: null,
aqc: 160.62,
aqc_diff: null,
aqc_diff_rat: null,
aqc_norm: 0.326,
aqi_cl_exps: {
2: 492.94
aqi_cl_pcts: {
2: 100
aqi_m: 2.3,
aqi_m_diff: null,
gvi_m: 0.67,
gvi_m_diff: null,
gvi_cl_exps: {
2: 375.2,
3: 117.74
gvi_cl_pcts: {
2: 76.11,
3: 23.89
mdB: 67.5,
mdB_diff: null,
missing_aqi: false,
missing_gvi: false,
missing_noises: false,
nei: 286.1,
nei_diff: null,
nei_diff_rat: null,
nei_norm: 0.58,
noise_pcts: {
40: 11.7,
50: 8.7,
55: 0.9,
60: 1.1,
65: 2,
70: 75.6
noise_range_exps: {
40: 57.82,
50: 43,
55: 4.31,
60: 5.51,
65: 9.66,
70: 372.62
noises: {
45: 57.81,
50: 43,
55: 4.31,
60: 5.51,
65: 9.66,
70: 372.62
type: “Feature”
}, {
geometry: { coordinates: [...], type: "LineString" },
properties: {
type: "quiet",
id: "q_20",
cost_coeff: 20,
length: 629.29,
bike_time_cost: 521.0,
bike_safety_cost: 551.0,
len_diff: 136.4,
len_diff_rat: 27.7,
aqc: 206.76,
aqc_diff: 46.14,
aqc_diff_rat: 28.7,
aqc_norm: 0.329,
aqi_cl_exps: {
2: 629.31
aqi_cl_pcts: {
2: 100
aqi_m: 2.31,
aqi_m_diff: 0.01,
gvi_m: 0.75,
gvi_m_diff: 0.08,
gvi_cl_exps: {
2: 273.8,
3: 355.49
gvi_cl_pcts: {
2: 43.51,
3: 56.49
mdB: 55.4,
mdB_diff: -12.1,
missing_aqi: false,
missing_gvi: false,
missing_noises: false,
nei: 158.3,
nei_diff: -127.8,
nei_diff_rat: -44.7,
nei_norm: 0.25,
noise_pcts: {
40: 38.3,
50: 9.5,
55: 19.2,
60: 21.1,
65: 6.5,
70: 5.4
noise_range_exps: {
40: 241.22,
50: 59.88,
55: 120.93,
60: 132.5,
65: 40.85,
70: 33.91
noises: {
45: 209.22,
50: 59.88,
55: 120.93,
60: 132.5,
65: 40.85,
70: 33.91
type: “Feature”
{...}, {...}, ... ],
type: "FeatureCollection"