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Releases: Dolibarr/dolibarr


13 Sep 14:35
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FIX: #18353 Invoice list translation issue
FIX: #18375 SQL Error on tasks statistics
FIX: #18465
FIX: #18484
FIX: #18531
FIX: #18542 REST API: set global $user variable to DolibarrApiAccess::user.
FIX: #18544 Shipment REST API: load thirdparty object into the shipment before validating.
FIX: #18544 Shipment rest api: load thirdparty object when validating
FIX: #18565
FIX: #18589 #18617
FIX: #18591 : Remove double quotes of SQL Queries for postgresql compatibility
FIX: #18666 Order / Shipment list: Don't SQL JOIN category table when not necessary.
FIX: Accountancy - Some problems of length with general & subledger account
FIX: Add option $noescapecommand in executeCLI for better compatibility
FIX: Add token to remove error when removing widget
FIX: Add token when remove the last widget on home page
FIX: an approved holiday can be canceled by an admin.
FIX: better sql request
FIX: change LOG_DEBUG with LOG_WARNING in syslog and remove sql error in syslog (already done)
FIX: Collapsing of extrafields has disappeared.
FIX: Date of payment of subscription must not be set to 1970-01-01.
FIX: Export of website generates a package that contains a sql error
FIX: Field already present in SQL request
FIX: increase maxlength of password input
FIX: invoice fetch not found syslog debug level instead of error
FIX: Invoice list - Wrong name for column total_tva
FIX: invoice validation: when checking if any vat rate has a negative amount, prevent false positives with -1E-14 amounts
FIX: Manage credit note on situation invoice for calculate margin
FIX: Menu List of project was not visible.
FIX: migration script
FIX: multicompany transverse mode compatibility
FIX: option "Default value for field 'Refuse bulk emailings'"
FIX: Recommended session.cookie_samesite must be 'Lax' not 'Strict'.
FIX: Relative discount with high nb of decimals
FIX: salary extrafields don't work and table is not well named
FIX: Supplier invoice list - Wrong language key used
FIX: wrong table_element_line
FIX: wrong users count in multicompany transverse mode
FIX: #yogosha6944 Protection against traversal path.


13 Sep 14:35
Choose a tag to compare

FIX: $conf->task used but it does not exist, use $conf->projet instead
FIX: #18181
FIX: #18212 : Add url field
FIX: #18267
FIX: #18289 #18294
FIX: #18341 lang not loaded
FIX: #18389 Accountancy - Bug on LDcompta10 export for supplier invoice
FIX: #18399 Fix shipment validation email template override.
FIX: Accountancy - Debug Export Sage50 / CIEL Compta / CIEL Compta Evo (Format XIMPORT)
FIX: Accountancy - Rules to delete & modify transaction not applied in ledger & subledger
FIX: Accountancy - Search date on journal
FIX: Accountancy - SQL error on select journal on journal
FIX: Accountancy - SQL error when insert a manuel transaction
FIX: add include missing file '/core/' in project card
FIX: avoid to have link to create bookmark on page to create bookmark
FIX: bad approver shown on holiday once approved
FIX: bad closing div on error message
FIX: cannot add time spentd when column ref is not displayed
FIX: Can't remove a permission of a group
FIX: Can't set cost price when product is not on purchase
FIX: compatibility postgresql
FIX: filter on status Draft in modulebuilder
FIX: holiday card: hooks uninitialized
FIX: Invoice - Missing button to reopen an abandoned situation invoice
FIX: Link of download main doc on vat list
FIX: look and field v14
FIX: Missing column Date validation in ledger & subledger
FIX: on admin/pdf.php (with javascript enabled) if you set some boolean confs then click on "save", all boolean values are reset
FIX: on supplier order, JOIN with product fourn price table must be done with fk_soc too to avoid display several times a same line (because of same supplier product ref)
FIX: postgresql filter select search extrafield
FIX: shipping validation workflow: 'ORDER_NEW' trigger called from wrong object
FIX: show info of company into user dropdown
FIX: totalDayAll hours in tasks
FIX: update product lot
FIX: using Tulip, deposit mask was not saved
FIX: #yogosha6907


13 Sep 14:34
Choose a tag to compare

For users:

NEW: Module Recruitment to follow application to job positions is now stable.
NEW: Feature to make Stock Inventories
NEW: Several security issues after a second private bug hunting campaign.
NEW: A lot of fix into english text after a small proofreading campaign (still not perfect, but really better)
NEW: All main menu entries are using the picto of the module
NEW: Add a copy to clipboard button on some fields
NEW: Add an example of scheduled job to send email reminder for unpaid invoices
NEW: Add some color and picto for the direction of movement
NEW: add the column "Channel" into the list of orders
NEW: Add the column "alias" of company in the list of proposal, order, invoice
NEW: Add the column "Office phone" and "User mobile" in user list
NEW: Add the column "Price level" in thirdparty list
NEW: Add some company information in the dropdown login menu
NEW: Add edit/delete action icons on categories list pages
NEW: Add hidden option to auto load input line extrafield into new lines
NEW: Add import profile to import BOM
NEW: Add link picto to the stock movement on the detail of production
NEW: Add mass action "Set tag" for product/service, user, thirdparty, warehouse, project, bank account, members
NEW: Add bulk action Validate and Set to billed on order list.
NEW: Add possibility to exports userGroups fields on user exports
NEW: Can search on lots or serials into the quick search bar
NEW: Add support for Friday as a non working day
NEW: auto notification with module Notification can use templated emails
NEW: Can clone a cron job
NEW: Can create a lot from the list view (Look and feel standardization).
NEW: Can filter on extrafields date on lists
NEW: Can filter on rowid in list of blocked logs
NEW: Can hide columns "time consumed" on timesheet per week
NEW: Can set an employee on each social contribution
NEW: Can set order of execution of hooks
NEW: Can toggle FCKeditor on public/private notes
NEW: Check update availability for externals modules using a button on module page
NEW: Choose lines to use while creating intervention card from origin
NEW: Columns shipment method, payment mode, payment term in proposal and order list
NEW: Conf for default actioncomm status
NEW: Dictionary for availability - Add a column position
NEW: Can set a user related to a social contribution
NEW: ICS Direct debit can be set with a different value for each bank account
NEW: LDAP: usergroup search can be filtered
NEW: Make public bookmarks editable by admin users only
NEW: If main logo not defined, can use the squarred logo on login page
NEW: The manifest file can use the squared image if available
NEW: Enhance the multicurrency rate editor
NEW: Normalise Type company field with ajax combobox
NEW: preload product description on selection for customer propal/order/invoice
NEW: Search usergroups & resources
NEW: Setup Page for module creation with module builder enhancement #FoundationFunding
NEW: Show picto of module into the list of dictionaries
NEW: Show the total of payment on the payment confirmation page
NEW: The global setup for Mandatory fields can now be done on combo list too.
NEW: translate in "en_US" to complete PR 16980
NEW: Update the list of taxes available by default for France
NEW: Salary payment request and Salary payment are 2 different steps in workflow on Salary payment recording
NEW: VAT payment request and VAT payment are now 2 different steps in workflow on VAT payment recording
NEW: VAT report - Optimisation & collapse by rate
NEW: When a doc file is shared, link is visible from the main page of doc.
NEW: #16378 more E-Mail Contact substitution Values for better salutation
NEW: option to keep the "Automatically create the payment" checkbox empty on the tax creation page

NEW: Add FEC import
NEW: Add a confirmation form with options on export (for notified export and validate operations)
NEW: Add select date from/to in already bind customer and supplier list
NEW: FEC / FEC2 export - Add new field DateLimitReglmt
NEW: In ledger & journals, show link on bank transaction
NEW: Possibility to filter on journals in balance
NEW: Add a page to list subledger accounts
NEW: Multiselect journal code filter on journal / balance / ledger
NEW: Add first step to close fiscal year

NEW: add support for Friday as a non working day
NEW: can show the leave dates/holidays on the agenda view
NEW: Support color for types of event

NEW: Bank Entries : display user linked to a salary or a taxes
NEW: Add bulk actions for Bank Transfer

NEW: add DB fields note_public and note_private for ECM module
NEW: can filter files in ECM/GED on status Shared / Not shared

NEW: add a check to avoid an invoice date in the future
NEW: add the total of margin in invoice list
NEW: can set a percentage when creating an invoice from another object
NEW: Support down payment on supplier invoice (& some adjustments)

NEW: add the total of margin in invoice list
NEW: add the total of margin in page by user

NEW: #17292 default subscription amount by adherent type
NEW: option to automatically create a login/user when a new subscription of a member is done online
NEW: option to select membership type on the online payment page for membership subscription or renewal

NEW: Add price min and price min including tax into product export
NEW: Add a ref in product customer price
NEW: customer ref for product customer prices
NEW: Set status of all variants when changing status of parent

NEW: option to automatically close an open project when all its tasks are done (=progress 100%)
NEW: can show the project ref into PDF documents
NEW: when we add contacts/users to a project, ask to also affect them on tasks
NEW: Can hide columns "time consumed" on timesheet per week

NEW: add bulk action to set a commercial proposal to status "Refused"
NEW: can set a warehouse in a proposal
NEW: date and user signature on proposal (Issue 16062) #16980

NEW: add option in Workflow module to set a shipment as closed

NEW: delayed payment in TakePOS #14456?
NEW: display date range if exist in TakePOS
NEW: display resiliate status in TakePOS for member
NEW: edit sales lines rights in TakePOS
NEW: option for TakePOS to show the total price without tax
NEW: more permissions in TakePOS (can edit added line, can modify once order sent to kitchen)

Third Party / Contacts
NEW: add contact tag and bulk email status on the thirdparty + contact create form
NEW: can set a warehouse on a thirdparty

NEW: can use captcha on public page to create a ticket #16347
NEW: can set if a ticket group is visible on public interface or not

NEW: Feature to make Stock Inventories
NEW: can make massive stock transfers from a CSV file
NEW: Stock movement list - add more complete date field
NEW: can set a warehouse in a proposal
NEW: can set a warehouse on a thirdparty

Website Module
NEW: #17113 Can upload a favicon in website module
NEW: add a new permission "Export website"
NEW: add last date of modification for website pages in the list of pages
NEW: Save old page with .old extension on disk when editing a website page

NEW: add option in Workflow module to set a shipment as closed

for Admins
NEW: Add a security center page with all information and advices related to the security of your instance
NEW: Add a performance center page with all information and advices related to the performance of your instance

NEW: Module Recruitment is now stable
NEW: start new experimental module Event Organization Management
NEW: start new experimental module Partnership Management
NEW: start new experimental module Knowledge Management
NEW: start new experimental module Workstations Management
NEW: Check update availability for externals modules using a button on module page
Module SimplePOS is deprecated - TakePOS is recommended for the future

new Options
NEW: add option CONTRACT_ALLOW_EXTERNAL_DOWNLOAD to make generated doc automatically shared
NEW: add option SUPPLIER_PROPOSAL_ALLOW_EXTERNAL_DOWNLOAD to make generated doc automatically shared
NEW: add option MAIN_SECURITY_ANTI_SSRF_SERVER_IP to define list of IPs that are local IPs
NEW: add option SOCIETE_DISABLE_WORKFORCE to hide staff field
NEW: add constant MAIN_BUGTRACK_URL to set a custom url to redirect to when clicking on link "declare a bug"
NEW: add constant ACCOUNTANCY_USE_PRODUCT_ACCOUNT_ON_THIRDPARTY to manage binding with accountancy account declared on thirdparty card
NEW: add constant MAIN_PRODUCT_PERENTITY_SHARED to manage some informations (Accounting account) when product is shared on several entities
NEW: add constant MAIN_COMPANY_PERENTITY_SHARED to manage some informations (Accounting account) when company is shared on several entities

For developers:

NEW: Can edit an object property in module builder
NEW: Add data-eec=1 for EEC countries on select for js interaction
NEW: Add experimental repair script to switch to dynamic row format and utf8mb4 encoding
NEW: Add function showValueWithClipboardCPButton() to add a copy/paste
NEW: Upgrade Stripe PHP lib to 7.67.0
NEW: Support sepa_debit in stripe paymentmethods list
NEW: Update doleditor.class.php for easily activate SCAYT
NEW: Add triggers in the function add_object_linked(), updateObjectLinked() and deleteObjectLinked()
NEW: Add triggers OBJECT_LINK_INSERT, OBJECT_LINK_UPDATE et OBJECT_LINK_DELETE in the function add_object_linked(), updateObjectLinked() and deleteObjectLinked()
NEW: can set a target image in dolcropresize function
NEW: can set ...

Read more


28 Jul 14:14
Choose a tag to compare

FIX: Allow disabling of a module (not a dangerous action) even if there is problem with token (due to bugged modules).
FIX: 13.0 - fatal - missing inclusion of ajax.lib.php for calling ajax_autocompleter()
FIX: #17919 pictures in docs.
FIX: #18006
FIX: Accountancy - if we define a date start, automatic binding try to continue to solve old binding
FIX: Accoutancy Limit date payment not registered on purchases operations
FIX: Can't edit replacement invoice
FIX: deposit can create credit note in payment conf
FIX: division by zero on create
FIX: holiday: balances not updated correctly with pgsql because of case sensitivity field
FIX: holiday: status filter parameter has been renamed but not in links it was used
FIX: List and Create Companies Left Menus
FIX: method exists
FIX: need to add payment sum to getlibstatus function in object linked block
FIX: permission to close a proposal when using advanced permissions
FIX: Problem of z-index with popup and top menu
FIX: same thing on supplier orders
FIX: Status of invoice when making a replacement invoice
FIX: update contact birthday alert


28 Jul 14:14
Choose a tag to compare

FIX: 13.0 warning - missing quotes around 'label'
FIX: #16143 Old PG requires "()" on DROP FUNCTION
FIX: #16843
FIX: #17060
FIX: #17192 - With tz < 0, event is show in bad day on calendar views
FIX: #17363
FIX: #17476 releve.php: Fix SQL statement
FIX: #17967
Fix: #17906 : fix access denied
FIX: Accountancy - Import in general ledger
FIX: Accountancy - Quadra export - wrong data on credit
FIX: Accountancy - Warning on the pages of the preparatory statements of accounting entries
FIX: Add function price2num for rounding values in productAlertStock box
FIX: Add parameter to function price2num()
FIX: Cannot delete a batch material from item receipts
FIX: cast int
FIX: Change parameters MF to MS for price2num() function
FIX: create event from contact card preselect contact correctly
FIX: create sociales : keep values error form
FIX: dol_print_date for %a and %b with some timezone
FIX: email is not case sensitive
FIX: error for duplicate thirdparty found correctly returned by ws
FIX: Espadon PDF shippment model with long public note now working
FIX: esupplier order: error 500 when using packaging with product where it is not defined
FIX: Filter on debit/credit
FIX: Filter on supplier payment list
FIX: fix checkbox displayed according to module project setup parameters - work in progress
FIX: inconsistency in margin recording with option "Force to sale price"
FIX: invoice PDF generation after payment
FIX: mask selector fournisseur if module not activate
FIX: merge thirparty also work for bank URL entry
FIX: Missing extrafields into export of agenda record
FIX: missing parameter in select for POP
FIX: missing return edit if update error
FIX: missing token on dolGetButtonAction for action delete
FIX: payment creation: re-generate invoice PDF with correct display options
FIX: payment validation: invoices PDF were no re-generated, make it with correct display options
FIX: Periodicity by default on fiscal year, according to the now date, we have plus 1 year added
FIX: pgsql: prevent 'WHERE 1'
FIX: PHP version requirement in composer.json
FIX: project visibility field with two option
FIX: saving template email
FIX: search accented words in product description (consumption page)
FIX: Search on date in accountancy
FIX: selection of project for reception must use
FIX: shhhhhh ! There is nothing here...
FIX: Show input field checkbox selection
FIX: Show Ref.Supplier in LinkToObjectBlock
FIX: SQL Error show_contacts : socialnetworks
FIX: supplier order: error 500 when using packaging with product where it is not defined
FIX: test must be === and not ==
FIX: test on link type
FIX: type link extrafield case for advanced target emailing
FIX: Write right on document


28 Jul 14:13
Choose a tag to compare

FIX: 11.0 - $this->socid injected in query without checking for empty value
FIX: #16096 #16085 Any call of ajax pages must provide the token
FIX: #16296
FIX: #16325
FIX: #16341 : Fetch the Product ExtraFields in Shippment lines
FIX: #16366
FIX: #16393 Do not sanitize
FIX: #16420 #16423 #16488 #16477
FIX: #16431
FIX: #16465
FIX: #16480
FIX: #16485
FIX: #16487
FIX: #16503
FIX: #16530
FIX: #16533
FIX: #16629
FIX: #16671 Can not generate zip file of documents in backup tool
FIX: Add "Now" link on social charges creation card
FIX: avoid undefined URL and missing token
FIX: Bad project filter in ticket list
FIX: Buttons to disable bindings not working
FIX: class not found when creating recuring invoice from invoice+discount
FIX: File attachment on lots/batches
FIX: handling $heightforinfotot when he's superior to a page height on Supplier Invoice
FIX: hourglass and hide button to pay
FIX: massaction validate invoice do not regenerate PDF
FIX: missing mp4 video mime
FIX: picto on shipment to reset qty to 0. Some quantities were not reset.
FIX: Protection to avoid #16504
FIX: rounding amount on card updating
FIX: rounding amount on social charges card updating
FIX: select list dependencies now work for ModuleBuilder sellist field
FIX: status in popup of member in widget
FIX: status on tooltip on widgets
FIX: Timezone management for datetime on list of events
FIX: Timezone management for datetime with modulebuilder and extrafields
FIX: Total_ht not show in contract link element
FIX: use post instead get
FIX: use var "saved_url" instead global var "$url"
FIX: Various payment - Missing fields for check transmitter & bank name
FIX: warning if setup of chart of account is not yet done.
FIX: wrong extension


26 Feb 15:49
Choose a tag to compare

***** ChangeLog for 13.0.1 compared to 13.0.0 *****

FIX: 10.0 before crediting a withdrawal receipt, check whether it has been credited already.
FIX: 11.0 when a mandatory extrafield of type sellist contains '0' it should be considered empty and trigger an error message upon insertion
FIX: 11.0 when a new intervention is created from an object, a new $extrafields object is instantiated but not initialized
FIX: create MO, Column 'tms' cannot be null
FIX: #14290 #15900
FIX: #16076 patch user/list.php for extrafields
FIX: #16077 patch wrong timezone
FIX: #16079 error of service date at duplicated invoice
FIX: #16080 mailing list title
FIX: #16084 DB error at projects
FIX: #16107
FIX: #16118 Timezone problem on some fields
FIX: #16131
FIX: #16135
FIX: #16143
FIX: #16156
FIX: #16160
FIX: #16165 Create customer discount without vat
FIX: #16185
FIX: #16189, fix download/see check deposit PDF
FIX: #16215
FIX: Accountancy - label_operation is used instead of label_compte
FIX: Add critical price patch
FIX: Assignement of actors on tasks
FIX: Bad dates on info tabs
FIX: cash fence for takepos with multientity
FIX: CSRF errors on margin forms
FIX: encoding status in graph of vendor proposals
FIX: Fix detect dispached product and set to received completely when the supplier order have services (support STOCK_SUPPORTS_SERVICES)
FIX: Hide/Unhide external ICSS calendars
FIX: link to create event when task is in a project with a thirdparty
FIX: Localtax must be converted with price2num
FIX: manage price min for PRODUIT_CUSTOMER_PRICES
FIX: Missing language ico
FIX: Must not be able to edit vat of all lines if not draft
FIX: Bad "htdocs" found into a path
FIX: removed no more used proc update_modified_column_date_m on pgsql (its presence triggered errors)
FIX: Vulnerability report by Ricardo Matias
FIX: select default mail template
FIX: Select transport mode function when creating a supplier invoice and add unique key to the table llx_c_transport_mode in migrate sql
FIX: Merge of thirdparties : "unknow column fk_soc" + "Delivery" label
FIX: SQL Error in group by with postgres or mysql strict mode
FIX: TakePOS : load date function
FIX: Timeout during import
FIX: Trigger on expense report was not fired
FIX: User creation of expense report not visible
FIX: warning when adding a line if $remise_percent is an empty string
FIX: status late on purchase orders
FIX: ODT generation very slow
FIX: amount in summary of report
FIX: vat value when code contains number
FIX: payment term label on PDF
FIX: date selector when using reduced year (like on smartphone)


25 Jan 10:37
Choose a tag to compare

For users:

NEW: Add module "Credit transfer SEPA" to manage payment of vendors using bank credit transfer SEPA files.
NEW: Module Reception (for a more accurate management of your receptions) moved from experimental to stable.
NEW: Module Recruitment to manage Job position and applications.
NEW: Several security issues after a private bug bounty campaign.
NEW: Accountancy - add chart of sub accounts
NEW: Accountancy - add options to disable binding on sales, purchases & expense reports independently of the modules
NEW: Accountancy balance - add a menu entry to show subtotal by group
NEW: Accountancy - change menu disposition
NEW: Accountancy - on transfers, select the periodicity by default
NEW: Accountancy - Add export for Gestinum (v3 & v5) #15180
NEW: new currency rate editor
NEW: Solve blocking feature. Can increase stock of a Kit without changing subproduct stock.
NEW: add a widget to show the customers with outstanding limits reached
NEW: add 2 rules for emailcollector: Message send/not sent from Dolibarr
NEW: add a counter of number of words for pages in website module
NEW: add alert before changing thirdparty in TakePOS
NEW: add a page to list Stock at a given date in the past
NEW: add a start date to begin binding in accountancy
NEW: add a statistics page to list popularity of products on invoices
NEW: add calendar selection for agenda view
NEW: Support documents generation for ticket edition (PDF or ODT)
NEW: add column payment term into list of supplier invoices
NEW: add column quantity in product margin page
NEW: add column vat rate in page to define accounting account on product/service
NEW: add costprice in fields of products list
NEW: add employee link in expense report binding page
NEW: add EORI No. as ProfID5
NEW: add export for various payments
NEW: add Extrafields labels and values in mail on create ticket
NEW: add Extrafields support on ECM module
NEW: add filter rules "is answer" and "is not answer" in email collector
NEW: add focus when editing on product/stock/product.php Close #14548
NEW: add free text on each terminal of cash desk
NEW: add global search for customer payments and vendor payments
NEW: add global search for miscellaneous payments
NEW: add helper function for table headers with numbers
NEW: add link to edit property from the search result of website pages
NEW: add link to reset qty on supplier dispatch page
NEW: add MAIN_EMAILCOLLECTOR_MAIL_WITHOUT_HEADER const to remove header stored by email collector
NEW: add Manufacturing Orders attached files into the automatic ECM view
NEW: add margin info in invoice list
NEW: add mass action to set category on a list of website pages
NEW: add mass deletion for events
NEW: add mass deletion for draft invoices
NEW: add more filters on monthly statement list
NEW: add option to define a default warehouse at user level
NEW: add option to include products without alert in replenish
NEW: add order by lastname and firstname by default in get sales representatives
NEW: add param to not show links when output tags
NEW: add PDF document templates for warehouses (list of stock)
NEW: add a prospect status for the contact with managment of custom icon
NEW: add public note on products ; this also partially fix the #14342
NEW: add quick dropdown menu in top right menu (experimental with MAIN_USE_TOP_MENU_QUICKADD_DROPDOWN)
NEW: add region in export companies and contacts
NEW: add rights on margin info on invoice list
NEW: add search param for close date on order list
NEW: add show preview for mail attachement on form mail
NEW: add State/Province origin for products
NEW: add the workflow interaction close intervention on closing ticket
NEW: add third order printer to TakePOS
NEW: add tracking number in list and search_all items
NEW: add vcard for adherent and user
NEW: add week number for month view in agenda
NEW: Algeria data (VAT and forme_juridique)
NEW: allow click on all header numbers on commerce area
NEW: allow to reopen interventions (green button)
NEW: allow zero quantity on supplier/vendor order line
NEW: appearance tab in TakePOS with more visual parameters
NEW: better currency rate editor
NEW: can build vendor invoice from vendor orders
NEW: can change a product in lines of a recurring invoice or contract
NEW: can change size of logo on PDF documents
NEW: can change VAT rate of all lines of a draft object in one step
NEW: can define date range of validity of a login during creation
NEW: can disable, from edit page, the whole web site
NEW: can edit and set sales representatives directly on thirdparty card
NEW: can edit the list of sending email profiles
NEW: can enable/disable users in bulk actions
NEW: can filter on accounting system ref in export of chart of account
NEW: can filter on container type, language and tags in the list of web pages
NEW: can hide eatby, sellby dates with option PRODUCT_DISABLE_SELLBY and PRODUCT_DISABLE_EATBY
NEW: can import proposals, sales orders, supplier invoices
NEW: can set a dedicated SMTP config for sending email from public ticket interface
NEW: can set tags/categories to website pages
NEW: can set type of price without tax per default for new sale price creation
NEW: can use desired stock of a given warehouse for replenishment
NEW: change thirdparty with barcode scan in TakePOS
NEW: common behavior for monthly leave list view
NEW: convert all subscription in datetime
NEW: can create a thirdparty customer from TakePOS
NEW: date shipment from order accepts hours
NEW: price level compatibility for variant
NEW: delayed payment in TakePOS
NEW: display date range if exist in TakePOS
NEW: display resiliate status in TakePOS for member
NEW: display stat for BOM on "object referent"/linked Object product tab
NEW: Email configuration - allow auto signed certificate when smtp ssl activated
NEW: enable free emails input with select2
NEW: Events in agenda for contact
NEW: filter on progress column in task list
NEW: filter product list by country and/or state/province
NEW: format tickets sent by mail in public interface
NEW: form to add customer/supplier into categories
NEW: Framework is ready for CSRF token protection on explicit GET URLs
NEW: helper functions for export with phpspreadsheet
NEW: hide closed contract lines
NEW: hide label in PDF for variants
NEW: if specific help page is available, we change color of icon
NEW: include the tag editor of page as a popup into website editor
NEW: introducing new modal boxes in TakePOS
NEW: keep TakePOS terminal when login/logout
NEW: link on balance to the ledger
NEW: manage errors on update extra fields in ticket card
NEW: mass-actions for the event list view
NEW: Module Intracomm report
NEW: more filter for "View change logs"
NEW: multicurrency total in TakePOS
NEW: multiselect type and date to date filter
NEW: Nature of product is now a dictionay
NEW: new line template: hidden conf to fill service dates from the last service line
NEW: PDF model storm for delivery
NEW: possibilty to group payments by mode and show their subtotal
NEW: Print payment method and change in TakePOS
NEW: Priority and transparency from external calendar events
NEW: Products Import/Export 'default warehouse' and 'use batch number' fields
NEW: Purchase price table: added filterable table columns
NEW: rate editor for multicurrency
NEW: ref_ext field for Commande lines, order lines, Attributes and Combinations, Invoice lines, payments, order lines
NEW: remove new lines in mail on add ticket message
NEW: restrict thirdparty to customer in TakePOS
NEW: Rule "email to" accept wildcard *
NEW: Save filter of the project homepage
NEW: select-able columns on customer and supplier invoice paymnet list
NEW: select-able columns on miscellaneous payments + more data columns
NEW: select-able columns on social taxes list
NEW: send context and remove new lines on create ticket
NEW: show available stock in TakePOS
NEW: show category filter on lists only when user have rights to read categories
NEW: show header number and make it clickable in warehouse area, payment area, shipment area
NEW: show image of user in the combo select of users
NEW: show label on batch card
NEW: show links for select and multi-select in category extra field
NEW: show module and permission ids on user/group rights (only admin)
NEW: show place from events on import calender
NEW: show references in contract form on interventions
NEW: show tags and status in search list of website pages
NEW: show user on external calender events (when found)
NEW: subject title with company name instead of application title in ticket message
NEW: Support for Samba4 AD
NEW: TakePOS connector compatibility with RECEIPT PRINTERS module
NEW: TakePOS Gift Receipt
NEW: TakePOS Multicurrency compatibility
NEW: TakePOS Weighing Scale compatibility with TakePOS connector #14725
NEW: Third-Party Import new fields: mother company,outstanding debt limit,bank account,incoterms
NEW: Thirdparty module : box on customer/supplier tab for invoice outsantding amount late
NEW: ticket classification on create from email collector
NEW: Ticket message notifications when edited from public interface
NEW: translate classification labels in ticket
NEW: VAT rate for Angola #15606
NEW: VAT and juridical status for Algeria
NEW: VAT report - Invert constant to show by default zero VAT in reports
NEW: website page fields selection
NEW: website - global header of a website can also have dynamic content
NEW: when creating a user from a member linked to a thirdparty, you can choose to create it as external or internal user
NEW: ad...

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26 Feb 15:51
Choose a tag to compare

***** ChangeLog for 12.0.4 compared to 12.0.3 *****
FIX: make formConfirm an addreplace-type hook
FIX: regex to remove 'action' parameter: taking feedback from PR#15213 into account
FIX: remove 'action' parameter from redirect URL when reordering lines on a document
FIX: error when displaying lines on order after adding a line if both MAIN_MULTILANGS and MAIN_DISABLE_PDF_AUTOUPDATE are activated
FIX: on survey creation, entity is always set to 1 ⇒ set it to $conf->entity
FIX: set entity to $conf->entity (instead of 1 by default) when creating a survey; otherwise the survey cannot be listed from the entity it was created on unless it is the main entity
FIX: the stringent XSS protection provided by 'alphanohtml' causes problems with some clients who used basic tags (bold, italic, underline) in product labels. Using 'restricthtml' instead could be a good compromise.
FIX: third party of object is not always fetched when initiating the e-mail presend action (e.g. from an order)
FIX: when the cronjob 'params' field is empty, the cron method is called with one empty string param instead of no params at all
FIX: XSS protection too stringent -> replace 'alphanohtml' with 'restricthtml'
FIX: #13067 including opening balance in calculation of displayed balance
FIX: #14326
FIX: #14649
FIX: #14901
FIX: #14927 Change ContratLigne property type to product_type
FIX: #14979
FIX: #15074
FIX: #15111 Fix special characters output in PDF
FIX: #15161 MO translation conflict
FIX: #15163
FIX: #15199
FIX: #15208
FIX: #15303
FIX: #15365 export of extrafields for user and resources
FIX: #15374 : "New" doesn't clear total amounts
FIX: #15501
FIX: #15572
FIX: #15590
FIX: #15618
FIX: supplier proposals as linked objects of events are not correctly fetched
FIX: when users create an event from a supplier proposal, the "linked objects" section says "Deleted"
FIX: Accountancy - Some ajustments on length of the account (general & auxiliary)
FIX: admin conf selected
FIX: also check if there is a method $object->fetch_thirdparty() before calling it
FIX: autofocus on first setup
FIX: Bad rigths to send contract
FIX: Better error message with IMAP when connection fails
FIX: Can create user but not update user with activedirectory
FIX: Can receipt of a product that required lot after disabling stock and
FIX: Can't create shipment for virtual product. Add
FIX: cant empty action comm desc
FIX: CA report by product/service : subcategory filter
FIX: Clean orphan records in llx_ecm_files into repair script.
FIX: default accountancy values and posted values
FIX: Deletion of expensereport + other generated object not complete.
FIX: disabled users must not be available in sales representative list on societe edit mode
FIX: Dol print error : conf usage thirdparty propagate extrafields to
FIX: Don't display inactive users in birthday box and company card
FIX: empty value is needed on filter list
FIX: enable HTML in product labels depending on conf MAIN_SECURITY_ALLOW_UNSECURED_LABELS_WITH_HTML
FIX: error 500 on cash closure
FIX: excess comma
FIX: Export FEC - Remove line at zero
FIX: extrafield required error after submit
FIX: filter on project list
FIX: force payment mode to withdraw
FIX: formating of prices with foreign languages
FIX: handling $heightforinfotot when he's superior to a page height
FIX: if no PDF default model in admin for expense report, do not create a PDF
FIX: invoice payment terms edition: error management
FIX: list of fields in list of recurring invoices was empty
FIX: load default linked options for linked sellist extra fields
FIX: Loan - Return on list when you cancel create form or delete a loan
FIX: Missing lang trans
FIX: no empty value in required extrafield
FIX: Param joinfiles not sanitized
FIX: Payment by BankTransfer
FIX: pdf_getlinetotalwithtax must show total incl tax
FIX: Problem on supplier payment card
FIX: product auto volume calculation
FIX: product customer prices: missing triggers in CRUD class
FIX: Request on purchase orders in timeout even on very small databases
FIX: set paid on total discount of a product in cash desk
FIX: several warning with the barcode use in ODT templates
FIX: SHIP MODE install v12 bug insert
FIX: stripe for connect mode
FIX: subcat filter
FIX: supplier invoice: automatically calculate payment term when modifying payment condition
FIX: table making extrafield input too small on advance target mailing
FIX: table making extrafield too small advtagertmailing
FIX: Unable to edit extrafields in expense report
FIX: update margins rates on object line edit
FIX: uses price2numjs
FIX: various payments: bad data handling for subledger account + useless db commit/rollback
FIX: virtual products: displayed value is by unit
FIX: virtual products: supplier discount was not applied in component list
FIX: warning for purchase order delivery late.
FIX: Warning on late purchase order delivery
FIX: wrong tab
FIX: Yogosha report 4425 (backport)
FIX: Yogosha report 4434 (backport)


23 Sep 18:16
Choose a tag to compare

FIX: 10.0 - when the mime file name is different from the filesystem name, the attachment name should be the mime filename
FIX: 11.0 - expenses lines overlapping the total amounts frame
FIX: 12.0 - round value of virtual stock on product stock reassort list
FIX: #14469
FIX: #14474 Error when deleting
FIX: #14530
FIX: #14703
FIX: - Accountancy balance Error SQL on entity
FIX: Bad number of subscription (forgotten when member was resiliated)
FIX: bad route url to delete subproduct with API
FIX: Category for suplements not saved
FIX: Compatibility with modules without document generation
FIX: Cron load lang
FIX: Error management. Do no try to approve PO if validation fails.
FIX: expenses lines overlapping the frame for total amounts.
FIX: Filter in "billed" of orders was not saved
FIX: infinite fetch object linked loop
FIX: Intervention lose html tags when updating
FIX: JS CRASH - bad usage of moreparam
FIX: lang fr retained warranty
FIX: Look and feel v12: First tab must be name of object
FIX: missing entity check
FIX: missing param for hook
FIX: Missing transaction on PO actions
FIX: MySql Strict mode
FIX: param entity in html form file
FIX: Problems on FEC format
FIX: round stock value on product list
FIX: - Send mail from contact : select mail model
FIX: set sales representatives on create company card
FIX: Setup of stock increase/decrease
FIX: sign of amount with credit note and multicurrencies
FIX: Static property called as non static
FIX: task leftmenu
FIX: title button attribute id empty
FIX: unit price divided by quantity when accepting supplier price proposal
FIX: Update extrafields on line only if it is supported
FIX: Update line of BOM
FIX: using decimal on stock correction
FIX: Visualization rights correction on last modified contacts box
FIX: Wrong redirection
FIX: Yogosha report 4425 (backport)