JSON 3 is **no longer maintained**. Please [drop me a line](mailto:json3@yak.systems) if you'd like to take it over, or if you want to chat about the code or project.
JSON 3 uses Spec for its unit tests.
contains conformance tests for parse
and stringify
. This script can be invoked directly by any supported CommonJS implementation or JavaScript engine, and is loaded by the ExtendScript (test/test_extendscript.jsx
) and browser (test/test_browser.html
) harnesses.
Unless you're adding an environment-specific test (e.g., testing RequireJS or curl.js
support), you'll likely only need to update test/test_json3.js
The tests are randomized before execution to avoid dependencies on global state. If you really need them, you can add order-dependent tests after the testSuite.shuffle()
call in test/test_json3.js
To add a test:
testSuite.addTest("Test Name", function (t) {
t.ok(true, "Tests whether an expression is truthy");
t.notOk(NaN, "Tests whether an expression is falsy");
// Equality assertions.
this.equal(1, "1", "=="); // `this == t`.
t.notEqual("a", "b", "!=");
t.strictEqual(1, 1, "===");
this.notStrictEqual(1, "1", "!==");
// Deep equality.
this.deepEqual([1, 2, NaN, { "hello": "world" }],
[1, 2, NaN, { "hello": "world" }], "Spec.equals(a, b)");
this.notDeepEqual(["1", 2, NaN], [1, "2", NaN],
"!Spec.equals(a, b)");
// Errors.
t.error(function () {
throw new Error("universe has imploded");
}, "Tests whether a function throws an exception");
t.error(function () {
throw new Error("omg, everything is exploding");
}, function (err, test) {
// `test == t`.
return err.message.indexOf("omg") > -1;
}, "Tests whether a function throws a specific exception");
t.noError(function () {
return true;
}, "Ensures a function does not throw an exception");
// Performs a deep comparison of `JSON.parse(src)` and `struct`.
var struct = [1, 2, { a: "b" }];
var src = '[1,2,{"a":"b"}]';
t.parses(struct, src,
"Spec.equals(JSON.parse(src), struct)");
// Ensures `JSON.stringify(struct)` produces the given output.
t.serializes(src, struct,
"JSON.stringify(struct) == src");
// Ensures invalid input is not parsed.
var invalid = '[1,2';
"Ensures `JSON.parse(invalid) throws a syntax error");
// Ensures `JSON.stringify()` does not attempt to serialize
// cyclic structures.
var cycle = {};
cycle.a = cycle;
"Ensures `JSON.stringify(cycle)` throws a `TypeError`");
// Optionally specifies the expected number of assertions.
The builder (build.js
) is a Node script that:
- Regenerates the GitHub project page from
... - Downloads the Closure Compiler if it's not already on your system, and...
- Minifies
You don't need to run the builder before submitting your pull request; we'll do this before each release.